Tony Galvin
It's actually, on reflection, amazing what Wenger has NOT done with the new stadium, the income, Ozil, Sanchez, consistent CL placement, etc. The ONE time we were in the Cl, we went to the QF and IMO, were it not for a ludicrously strict referee booking a 6ft 7 striker for a couple of spangly tackles and one hyperactive diver, we might well have survived that and gone further. Fifteen seasons is it and ONE appearance in the final? Hip-hip hoo****ingray! I hope they stick with him. It's a blind-spot of theirs. In essence they are actually perennial failures, nearly men. Their silverware haul is the same as ours over the last 9 years. Pathetic!
They flatter to deceive time and time and time again. Long may it continue. ****ers!
They flatter to deceive time and time and time again. Long may it continue. ****ers!