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The Blue & Yellow ITK Bonanza Thread

If there was any chance at all that the Goonies would deal with us I would love to have Vermaelen here, him and superJan would be a great combo, tho would mean one of Daws, Kaboom or Caulker would be moved on- less likely Caulker given his age.
The fans don't like each other but I know a few people who work at the scum and at boardroom level the clubs are apparently very friendly.

Well we did issue a joint letter with arse, Man U & Liverpool to the FA asking them to apply FFP to the premiership
Yidio on SC:

Leandro Damiao is not signing for us, that ship has sailed. There's more chance of Bale leaving than Leandro joining, let's move on even if the press won't.

I'd converted from poster to observer for the last couple of years, but I'd had enough of the Leandro talk! I'm not sure the ITK forum has the same value it used to, so wasn't going to post this in there. But yes, unless DL is taking the tinkle out of those close to him, Spurs will not be doing deals that involve either of those players this transfer window. There's lots on our plate though!

Not for one second saying the bloke's ability has decreased over the last couple of years, or that Baldini doesn't rate him. Just saying our interest in completing this ridiculously complicated deal has dwindled, and the player won't be at WHL come September. That certainly isn't 'balls'.
All the noise in the press seems to be coming from Inter or some agent. Doesn't mean there's any negotiating going on. Unless they come back to us on our terms I don't see it happening.
Very true! When I worked for the club we were helping Arsenal out with some problems they were having with IT systems. Also, Spurs are very close with the staff at Liverpool too. Rivalries don't really come in to it off the field.

Hope we weren't helping them out with an online ticketing system....Good grief!
If there was any chance at all that the Goonies would deal with us I would love to have Vermaelen here, him and superJan would be a great combo, tho would mean one of Daws, Kaboom or Caulker would be moved on- less likely Caulker given his age.

A great combo? I don't think so, both are pretty much the same player, both left sided centre backs who like to push forward. Fortunately it seems like Vertonghen can actually defend unlike Vermaelen whose defensive ability(or lack of) has been masked by scoring a few goals. If Kaboul comes back and performs to his previous level then he's still our #1 CB.
All the noise in the press seems to be coming from Inter or some agent. Doesn't mean there's any negotiating going on. Unless they come back to us on our terms I don't see it happening.

Levy drove himself mad trying to tie up the Moutinho deal last window (?) and Monaco got the benefit. Maybe he wants Inter to tidy it up like Porto before he talks.
Or maybe he is on holiday like everybody else.
Levy drove himself mad trying to tie up the Moutinho deal last window (?) and Monaco got the benefit. Maybe he wants Inter to tidy it up like Porto before he talks.
Or maybe he is on holiday like everybody else.

Tim Vickery was saying on talksport that this is the biggest problem with the Leandro deal. He is owned by loads of people, inter actually own a small percentage of him, the rest is owned by various 3rd parties. Getting them all round a table and talking is apparently a nightmare in the first place and even when we've managed it getting them all to agree to a deal they're all happy with is even worse.

I think his only route to England will be if Inter buy out the tp ownership to tidy the deal up as above - otherwise I think he'll need to mov to a country that allows tp ownership (English FA doesn't since the Tevez/Mascerano saga)
There seems to be a real dearth of ITK on us at the moment.

Anyone agree?

A few thoughts:

i) All the leaks from Redknapp and his staff have terminally dried up.

ii) AVB is more a quality over quantity guy, so I think we'll be less active in general

iii) We're just about to appoint a new DoF, so it would seem odd to do any significant business till he's in place
The Journalist:

IF Daniel Levy doesn't mess around with the fee or how its paid; then the brazilian to Tottenham looks good.

Problem is he's buggered offline now and everyone's wondering whether he's on about Damiao or Bernard.