Terry Naylor
As I've said previously the best defender in the best team we have seen in the premier league did a lot of similar things... Rio Ferdinand
It never held him back as great managers can se beyond some foolish mishaps
Personally I know that w shave had a few players caught in camera doing "hippy crack"
I also know that there have been plenty of you do players doing stupid and dangerous things like drunk driving. Hell Vidal just stacked his Ferrari in a similar incident and we would take him in a. Heart beat
It never held him back as great managers can se beyond some foolish mishaps
Personally I know that w shave had a few players caught in camera doing "hippy crack"
I also know that there have been plenty of you do players doing stupid and dangerous things like drunk driving. Hell Vidal just stacked his Ferrari in a similar incident and we would take him in a. Heart beat