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Tennis thread

Federers win was pure Brain beating Brawn, he tried to match Murray shot for shot in the first set and failed, came out in the second set using his brain rather than trying to power his way to victory, Murray had no answer to the deft shots Federer played he could only hit the hard shots back harder.
And for the record, he did not say he wanted "anyone but England" to win the 06 World Cup. He did an interview with Tim Henman before Wimbledon that year. Henman asked if he would be following Scotland in the World Cup (who hadn't qualified obviously), Murray replied with "no I'll just support whoever is playing England" to get back at Henman. But the British press just like the ****s that they are, turned it into a brickstorm and took the quotes completely out of context. Thus, a lot of people hate him because they believe he hates England despite having an English girlfriend, English relatives and his home in London!
So let me ask you - Chelsea v Barca or whatever - we tend to always want a foreign team to win right?

I know I know football is different as some of them teams like Arse and Chelscum are full of ****s but a Brit is a Brit and a British team is a British team

One of the worst analogies I've ever heard.
I think it's only because of the English v Scottish rivalry (which I think is a bit silly anyway) but I suppose it's no different to us not wanting Arsenal or Chelsea to do well in the Champions League. I wanted Murray to win.

Do you have a rival British player you support and want to win instead?

I could almost understand Americans with that attitude as they have other players, or Spain or France. But the Brits are complete brick. Andy IS the team. But no, we want anyone but him to win because? We don't like his face or some other hilarious flimflam. Deary me.
At least there are a handful of use who are reasonable and don't believe the venomous bile spouted by the macarons
I wanted fed to win today, because for me he has been a breath of fresh air in tennis over the past decade...and is a key influence of the likes of nadal, djokovic, Murray et al. I grew up having to endure the workmanlike approach of sampras and federer to me is a beauty to behold on the tennis courts. Murrays nationality was irrelevant for me, but if I am honest, before today I had bought into the media hype of him being arrogant etc. His loss today could have done him the world of good, both in terms of his own professional experience, but also in the public eye...I know I have gained a touch more respect for him today...not just in his admirable, but alas not quite good enough, display but equally with his humble post match interview.

Andy Murray, before today I would have sneered at you when compared to the other top 3 players, but now I salute you, and wish you well in your career...
And for the record, he did not say he wanted "anyone but England" to win the 06 World Cup. He did an interview with Tim Henman before Wimbledon that year. Henman asked if he would be following Scotland in the World Cup (who hadn't qualified obviously), Murray replied with "no I'll just support whoever is playing England" to get back at Henman. But the British press just like the ****s that they are, turned it into a brickstorm and took the quotes completely out of context. Thus, a lot of people hate him because they believe he hates England despite having an English girlfriend, English relatives and his home in London!

He did say it. It was banter, most people understand the context and its their choice whether they like him or not. I personally dont dislike Murray, but the quotes were not really out of context and he did say it. I read the story, the way I read it was exactly how Henman portrayed it in the youtube link, a lot of people realise how the story goes and still dislike him for it.

To me the quotes are irrelevant (almost expected from a Scot) but it was probably a dumb thing to say considering he has so much English support. Henman had a bit of banter but he didnt portray himself as being glad scotland werent there (or that he would want them to lose if they were), even though it was probably just a joke Murray portrayed himself as cheering against England in this joke - some didnt like it, I dont see the problem.

On his tennis ability, Murray is far better than Henman ever was. If Henman was playing now he wouldnt get to the semis like he use to. Murray is a little unlucky but would not surprise me if he did get one or two big wins.
Is it now possible to finally accept Roger (cool trainers) Federer as the greatest ever?

Personally, I think we can
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Is it now possible to finally accept Roger (cool trainers) Roger as the greatest ever?

Personally, I think we can

The only thing against him is his record against Nadal.

When you have been destroyed so many times against another one of your contemporaries, who also has 11 slams to his name and is 6 years younger I can see Nadal overtaking him comfortably.

But for now...yes....the greatest ever.
I don't think Nadal will overtake Fed, a fair bit of Federer's success is down to his fitness and lack of injuries, whereas Nadal's swashbuckling style plays havok with his knee's.

Saying that, who knows, Nadal is that good.