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So called travellers

Ha, yeah you don't care, that's why you have posted half a dozen responses. :confused: Yeah you and wiziwig... what a pair!

I tend to reply to people who quote me. Plus, I cant deny you offer a degree of entertainment (unintentionally of course).

I dont think either suggests I actually care for your opinion at all.

Feel free to continue categorising and judging people, its you who looks the fool when they step up on their soap box to shout down everyone else about it...
I tend to reply to people who quote me. Plus, I cant deny you offer a degree of entertainment (unintentionally of course).

I dont think either suggests I actually care for your opinion at all.

Feel free to continue categorising and judging people, its you who looks the fool when they step up on their soap box to shout down everyone else about it...

Quit the hyperbole. it's not everyone. Just you and your little mate wiziwig. :rolleyes:
Highly ironic that you personally categorise people, seemingly into easily labelled groups like "fudgewit" and "tool", mere moments after grandstanding about - and I quote -

"I draw the line at dismissing a whole category of people as 'vermin.'"

"I'm a socialist and I do not approve of fascist labels to any group"

"I have zero tolerance for fascist rhetoric"

You really are of limited intellect. How do any of my comments contradict the quoted statements? fudge wits and fools addressed individuals, not whole groups. Oh dear!
Didn't the Irish government make some new laws a while back where the ’caravan dwelling community’ were no long allowed to ’park up’ as previously and apparently tens of thousands have moved to the UK?
I think this sums them up perfectly:

Disease-carrying rodents and insects are the usual case, but the term is also applied to larger animals—especially small predators—typically because they consume resources which humans consider theirs, such as livestock and crops. Birds which eat cereal crops and fruit are an example. The American crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos), is widely hated by farmers because of crop depredation. Pigeons, which have been widely introduced in urban environments, are also sometimes considered vermin. Some varieties of snakes and arachnids may also be referred to as vermin. Vermin is also used as a term for vile people, an enemy of a state or nation, or certain ethnic groups that are considered subhuman.[1
I accept your explanation, but I fail to see why you bought race into it. How are they non white? Earlier on we made the distinction between this group, who are ethnically Irish and Romani Gypsies.
Actually in that post grays1980 was implying that travellers ARE white.

He mentioned that local multicultural communities don’t have many problems and then a few posts later he compared travellers to the local white community. Presumably to take race out of it and compare travellers to “””locals”””.

It was you that saw some sort of racial slur and jumped out at him. Shortly thereafter people are labelled “Nazis” because they think communities should be law abiding.

He was comparing local whites to non-local whites.
Actually in that post grays1980 was implying that travellers ARE white.

He mentioned that local multicultural communities don’t have many problems and then a few posts later he compared travellers to the local white community. Presumably to take race out of it and compare travellers to “””locals”””.

It was you that saw some sort of racial slur and jumped out at him. Shortly thereafter people are labelled “Nazis” because they think communities should be law abiding.

He was comparing local whites to non-local whites.

Despite the vermin slurs I was not making a racial one I was merely trying to compare numbers versus number or issues caused. I used terrible terminology which will of course be used as a whipping stick but it was not a racial.

Ultimately never have a met a group of more lawless do what you want nomads than travellers
Didn't the Irish government make some new laws a while back where the ’caravan dwelling community’ were no long allowed to ’park up’ as previously and apparently tens of thousands have moved to the UK?

Yep our lot (uk) are meant to have similar rules but even the police are you left leaning to implement them. Now you have a lot of ultra liberal sorts telling councils they need to provide pitches for them, this when most councils are struggling to get bins emptied.
Yep our lot (uk) are meant to have similar rules but even the police are you left leaning to implement them. Now you have a lot of ultra liberal sorts telling councils they need to provide pitches for them, this when most councils are struggling to get bins emptied.

You wanna live in Croydon where they never empty them.

The thing is the law and order comparison in the UK is mental. Travellers get free reign on anything like stealing and anything they wish to do whilst the average man will get a fine for dropping a fag but.
So in summary, we’re all just agreeing to get along then, yes?....


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