The Last Man Standing 17/18
Two points on this:
1. Aren't you arguing against yourself by saying that it is evident that we are spending more time practicing corners in training, in that we have a lower return from them this season than last. If you are right about our training, then the conclusion must be that practicing corners is ineffective.
2. I don't agree that there is any evidence that we are spending more time practicing corners. I think that this is a classic case of confirmation bias.
Then all I can say is that you are denying the evidence of your eyes ( call it confirmation bias, if you will).
I have been entirely consistent. Since we started varying our corners, about five or so games ago, we have looked a lot more threatening from them - and even scored a couple of goals. Now we are showing the results of more practice, and I fully expect that if this continues, our conversion rate will improve. Let's see shall we.
I know you argue it is all down to luck, but as Gary Player once said, "it's funny, the more I practice, the luckier I get"!