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Ryan Mason

Possibly. And I'm mot saying it's all Importent, but I don't see the the work rste as good enough. I want to see someone who offers more, if he's our more attacking cm, why doesn't he get more goals, or more assists? Why's he not really splitting defences apart if he's going for these high risk passes?

I just think POCH seems to have this ability to instil this incredible work ethic in players, so imagine someone with that, but much more technical ability. I just think it's an easy upgrade.
He's not really an attacking midfielder though, I'm not sure you really understand Pochettino's system do you?
I'm not in danger of anything, I have my opinion based on what I see. What more can I do? And not only is that map a mess, I do t really care what you think it says. And I don't care about Ramsey.

I'm talking about our player. And for me he's not technically good enough. Simple as that.

Why dont you go and support somebody else ?

You never have a positive word to say about anybody it seems, your type of negativity is frankly the sort of issue that the club has had for the last 2 1/2 seasons and thankfully its disappearing and fast

We've just absolutely smashed our hated rivals yet all you can do is slate off players who gave everything yesterday, its fudging boring and not needed and is frankly ridiculous
Why dont you go and support somebody else ?

You never have a positive word to say about anybody it seems, your type of negativity is frankly the sort of issue that the club has had for the last 2 1/2 seasons and thankfully its disappearing and fast

We've just absolutely smashed our hated rivals yet all you can do is slate off players who gave everything yesterday, its fudgeing boring and not needed and is frankly ridiculous

Well said well said.
Grimsby, you were big enough to admit you got it totally wrong with Kane, well done for that. Clearly however Mason has to do a lot more before you finally acknowledge you got it totally wrong with him also. But that's all good because it means we'll also see a vast improvement on what the rest of us already accept is an excellent player before you eventually come round.

Take your time, it'll come. ;)
Were you at the game yesterday? Mason was incredible, yes he gave a few passes away (but never really in dangerous positions) but his energy was fantastic, as well as winning more tackles than any other player on the pitch his wok rate off the ball when we were in possession was noticeable, he always made angles to receive the ball. He outshone every single Ar5ena1 midfielder - Carzola and Ramsey couldn't get a look in.

I just finished watching the game again and couldn't agree more, he was immense and second only to Kane in terms of performance. His energy levels were superb even in to the last few mins, he was still closing down and he was fearless. As you say, he was always available for a pass and that was crucial in keeping sustained pressure and maintaining our system. As one of our own, I'd have thought people would be less critical, and for a few misplaced passes??? If you want a quick tempo and players to pass quickly of course there will be a few misunderstandings here and there. I'll take that any day over AVB's style of play.
Agreed. But do you think it's down to a lack of ability or more just him still adjusting to life as a regular PL starter?

Hard to say - but personally I think a bit of both.

Still like him though, and hope he continues to start for the rest of the season.
For me at least he has been giving the ball away a bit too often in the easier less pressure situations. Particularly after coming back from his injury. Not talking about his creative passes, I agree that we have to accept the risks of the style we play.

I think he will get that ironed out though.

But my point was that his give-aways in low pressure situations were down to him being on the ball so much. Otherwise, I agree with you: he'll probably get that ironed out.
I like the kid and seeing how much he scored in youth football I expect the goals to come. Lamela I am still not sure on but seeing how Poch has turned round Dembele who I had given up on, if Poch sees something in Lamela I am prepared to keep giving him time.
I like the kid and seeing how much he scored in youth football I expect the goals to come. Lamela I am still not sure on but seeing how Poch has turned round Dembele who I had given up on, if Poch sees something in Lamela I am prepared to keep giving him time.
He is the player who shows the least quality in the whole team now I think. Has a brilliant work rate, but our attacks seem to often break down when he receives it. He is very important to our pressing game however so should retain his place. I just hope he can up his quality when we have the ball.
He is one of the most technically proficient young players to come out of our academy in years. Since injury he seems to be lacking consistency in this respect but it will come. It is down to consistency not technique. He was a complete luxury player up until recently so not sure why some fans seems to have a party line that he's some sort of work horse kicker who is in the side for his work rate. Sure e has added this side to his game ( to his credit) but his class on the ball should return in time

I think people forget what an impact he made to our midfield after the dross of the season before.
Modric got hardly any goals or assists, but everyone loved him. Mason is better defensively than Modric imo (he certainly clatters people a lot more!), and I think he is a player that our other players enjoy having in the team. Some things aren't quantifiable, but we are developing a good chemistry in the team with a group of academy products (Mason, Bentaleb, Kane, Rose) and we should keep that going imo.

I think it was clear how Importent Modric was, the space he created, the assist-assist, the movement with the ball. I dont see what mason offers other than a great work ethic.
I'm not sure why you bother posting about him if you are not interested in discussing why you think what you do and why others might disagree.

I'm happy to explain why I think what I do. I think I've explained it numerous times. No one seems to have explained what he does offer other than random abstractions like 'work ethic' 'engine' 'chemistry'. I'd love to watch a match with you so you can tell/show what you see.
I'm happy to explain why I think what I do. I think I've explained it numerous times. No one seems to have explained what he does offer other than random abstractions like 'work ethic' 'engine' 'chemistry'. I'd love to watch a match with you so you can tell/show what you see.
I'd love you to actually celebrate a win and not just any win, a win in which we smashed our more bitter rivals
He was a complete luxury player up until recently so not sure why some fans seems to have a party line that he's some sort of work horse kicker

Luxury is the last word I'd use to describe mason. I think people are saying it because it's his only visible attribute. I think his technique is pretty low standard.

I genuinely think if he didn't come from our academy people would be ripping him.
Luxury is the last word I'd use to describe mason. I think people are saying it because it's his only visible attribute. I think his technique is pretty low standard.

I genuinely think if he didn't come from our academy people would be ripping him.
Not a chance mate.
I'd love you to actually celebrate a win and not just any win, a win in which we smashed our more bitter rivals

I did. So just because I think one of our players isn't very good, does that mean I wouldn't celebrate. What a bizarre thought.

Do you love all our players or have you critisised any?
He's not really an attacking midfielder though, I'm not sure you really understand Pochettino's system do you?

Classic. People resorting to trying to insult to prove a point. I know exactly what his system is thanks, it may be hard to believe, it clearly is. But I just don't think he's very good, think it's an area we can improve dramatically, and an area we WILL improve dramatically.
People clearly want this to be a mason love in thread and not a discussion thread so I won't bother posting. I'll keep popping in to read, maybe someone will axtually attempt to explain why he's so good rather than attack any dissent and just keep saying himegrown, academy, work rate and passion
I think it was clear how Importent Modric was, the space he created, the assist-assist, the movement with the ball. I dont see what mason offers other than a great work ethic.

What you really mean is I've backed myself into a corner here and now have to try and stick to my guns!

Truth is, everyone believes that what they say themselves is true! And because these players came though our youth system, the perception was: they can't be good enough. It can't be that easy. They are decent, but will be found out.

But it wasn't that easy, they have been training for a decade. Huge amounts of effort have gone in, and you have to credit Poch too - making them into better players. Mason still has lots to improve upon. But what you can not deny is that he played his heart out on Saturday and the home grown midfield was crucial to our win.

As mentioned above Mason does have a good shot on him as well as the other attributes that we saw. So take a step back, judge him on his talents not preconceptions, all good players develop and break into the first team somewhere, why not here?
I think Mason is just putting himself under too much pressure.

Kane can have a bad game but if he scores thats that.
Its not the same thing if you are in midfield.
Having seen whats happening to Kane and coming through at moreorless the same time i just think the guy is absolutely desperate to cement a first team place and experience the same kind of wave.

The difference between having a regular first team berth as a Tottenham midfielder or being flogged off to Hull is extremely fine, for a striker its basically a question of goals.

How many strikers has Kane see come and go over the last 5-10yrs at Spurs?
How many midfielders has Mason seen over the same period?
Even allowing for the greater numbers of midfield positions we have burned through some players there since Jol.