actually i was going to give you a holla about that
you know me. i enjoy a good spot of itk bashing as much as the next guy. to a point of illness i might add, but i have to say though that i dont see the need to attack one of ours
Mumorn is about as GG as anyone here...and if he says so. Then we really should take it on face value that he trusts his source
then there is the chance he is telling porkies. might as well laugh it off
i think both you guys have sort of boxed each other into corners somehow and neither of you want to back down
having said that Mumorns position is now heroic in that he is getting hounded by us ITK haters he is already a martyr sticking his neck out.
if it doesnt come good, al people will focus on is him getting attacked. if it does happen!!! I think Mumorn will retire like Micheal jordans last shot against the Jazz in Byron's fudging FACE
If it doesn't come off it does not matter a fig about Mumorn.
But I would be interested to see if KD is willing to lay his balls on the line and state categorically that it WON'T happen.