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Refugees & Asylum Seekers Informational

Dude the stuff about Pakistani men being groomers is far right basics. The idea that it's men who are effed is hardly accepted. It's not about white or brown. It's about men (and occasionally women) and power and perversion.

The moment people with tiny brains can see this is when we can start to try and heal society.
Yeah I said it in the other thread about white men and child abuse. Would seem sensible for the police to profile that way, not at the exception of any other evidence.

Read this and then tell me grooming gangs are brown people who come on boats or a men issue?

Birds of feather and all that.
Grooming gangs are not together because they are Muslims, Christians, English, Welsh, Scottish or any other demographic you want to put them in.
They are in grooming gangs because they are groomers, everything else is incidental and of no consequence.
Making it about their religion, ethnicity or any other aspect of their life is click bait and utter nonsense.
Yeah I said it in the other thread about white men and child abuse. Would seem sensible for the police to profile that way, not at the exception of any other evidence.

they should profile on evidence. not skin colour. not even gender. the Marky type thick racists want brown and black groomers locked up or deported but when it is white men they don't mention it, that is them being half witted. ideally all of it is based on evidence.
Im furious that my wife has fibbed to me, though not surprised. Her puddings recently have been a cry for help.

If her most recent attempt at a sticky toffee pudding is anything to go by she is obviously feeling stressed or something.

She does not usually lie about her work stuff though.

Being misinformed is not lying. Someone working in a prison would not necessarily know about procedure in court.
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Birds of feather and all that.
Grooming gangs are not together because they are Muslims, Christians, English, Welsh, Scottish or any other demographic you want to put them in.
They are in grooming gangs because they are groomers, everything else is incidental and of no consequence.
Making it about their religion, ethnicity or any other aspect of their life is click bait and utter nonsense.
It’s also very dangerous to the many victims of white abusers as it puts the focus elsewhere.
I hope that life as an asylum seeker is treating Tommy Robinson well.

Personally I think whatever European country is harbouring him should send him to Rwanda and ensure deterrents are in place to stop other aslyum seeking criminals entering their country.

But do hope that he's enjoying a wide array of benefits and has a house supplied for him right of the bat.
I would like to recommend an excellent book (graphic nobel) by Joe Sacco called 'Journalism' - he travels all over the world and meets with refugees in various situations and tells their stories. It's an excellent (albeit heartbreaking) read. Highly recommend it if you would like to read some personal accounts of what its like to be on the run from your own home.

Fantastic and thank you. Adding it to my list.
I agree a lot in life depends where you are born and we were lucky to be born in England.

But for a harmonious country I think more should be done to vet those claiming asylum.

Oddly David Cameron had a plan to set up un camps round the world where by you could process and bring them in from there. I say oddly because it struck me as a very good idea and I hated him as a prime minister.

I have heard even Nigel Farage say that this country has an obligation to house asylum seekers. So I often think when some trot out the saying that they are all Nazis they are not only wrong but put up right wing people's back(think on purpose) and make for a more disjointed society.

Even the Conservative government would not release figures on the exact amount spent on housing asylum seekers and successive governments who love to record everything do not record crime committed by asylum seekers so this leads to conspiracy theories and often unfair tarnishing of large groups of people committed by just a few.

Rumours are that like on the continent we will soon have a registered Muslim party with candidates standing at elections. Not sure why any of the religions need an actual political party.

* im Catholic but don't believe and would rather all forms of religion were banned in this country. Tottenham is my religion

There is clearly a lot of work to be done with regards to asylum seekers, clearly. Personally, I believe the starting point to that has to be to recognise that the vast, vast majority seeking asylum do so because of unspeakable horrors and displacement in their own countries. If that foundation can be planted for conversation, then it stands a far better chance of being a conversation with positive results.

Sorry to say I heartily disagree with Cameron and the UN camps around the world idea, as for Farage, again I view him as one of the world's greatest dog whistlers who retreats when the going gets tough.

I would not expect a civilised government to collate information about crimes committed on such a basis. Why don't we then suggest that the government collate information about crimes committed based on post codes, or counties? Such de-contextualised information would absolutely lead to greater issues and 'theories'. I think the responsibility lies with the public to not jump to dog whistling, not retreat into shells of fear, and to take holistic views of where society is at. Things are not good, that is for sure, but the 'game' which has been played in history is always to point the finger at 'them'; we've seen how that ends up.

As for the rumours, well, you've said it. They're rumours. There is a genuine threat from fundamentalists trying to forfe their way into power currently taking place (again) in the US. Christian Fundamentalists. Excuse the irony when I say 'GHod help us all' if those tossers get in...
I think some are just anxious because some things get covered up, like the Rotherham grooming gangs and the closed courts around that and allegedly similar incidents.

Agree the empire was wrong and I would not defend it. But I know people who are concerned when they hear certain religions say that they want their laws to come and they should be subject to those laws and not the general UK ones. I don't have those links but have heard that over the years.

Britain is no where near perfect but our laws have got us to a fairly good place. Homesexuals are not generally persecuted and women have equal rights. It does not seem that way for some sections of our society though. So I can understand the concern some then have that the fabric of our liberal society is changing for the worse. From arranged marriage to the discrimination of gay people etc.

Im fairly relaxed by it all and no where near as political active as I was. But I can say that I feel the vibe is similar to around 2007/8 when UKIP started making inroads.

Think the will be something big in the future that shocks people politically unless more is done to integrate all in our country. Im talking 10 years time and I will almost certainly be dead by then.

Would like to hope the country left behind for my son is still the just and free country it is now, I know some like to talk down Britain but I would hate our freedom's to dissappear.

This piece, a little over a year old, provides some real talk IMO (n.b I just noticed that @LutonSpurs posted a similar piece).

I agree, it seems that way. There are agents of division actively seeking to instill fear and loathing into vulnerable areas of the population, as well as offer them up an easy spacegoat. Southport is yet another example of this.

I don't think there is a single person on this forum who disagrees with your last bolded statement. The question becomes how to preserve that, and IMO, it requires bravery to resist the dog whistling and flimflam rhetoric, an understanding that the true enemy is poverty shoveds from a small percentage of uber-wealthy people onto ALL people, and the courage to go and learn more facts whenever possible as opposed to just settling for the first blasted snippet on social media. I agree, a lot of people are scared but IMO, they're scared of the WRONG people and are being steered to be scared of the wrong people by racists with a clear agenda.
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1. Great thread. This is a civilised place.

2. Great book indeed. The book should be compulsory reading in schools and for politicians and journalists. The Empire has left the Brits with a psychic wound.

COMPLETELY agree and am delighted it is as such.
In the end I think the vast vast majority here want the same things, and safe places to have discussions without judgement are very important.
Im furious that my wife has fibbed to me, though not surprised. Her puddings recently have been a cry for help.

If her most recent attempt at a sticky toffee pudding is anything to go by she is obviously feeling stressed or something.

She does not usually lie about her work stuff though.
Could it be family court hearings your wife is talking about? I think they are often closed hearings. (Not trying to say I know better than her experience, just wondering).
Read a great line today, seemed relevant to this thread. From Empireland by Sathnam Sanghera.

People just want an element of control and vetting which is doesn’t seem like we have at the moment. It’s an issue in many countries in Europe and in America so not just limited to Britain.

One phenomenon I do find particularly strange is the type of person who wants every immigrant to come here and experience the good life but spends half the time slagging off the country about how terrible it is now and how irredeemable we are. The ironic thing is immigrants dont like it when they go to great lengths to get to this country and when they get here they hear nothing but talk about how bad it is.
I just got in and I have 17 notifications. Honestly to much for me to respond to.

I think generally the tone of this debate is good, perhaps some of us disagree on some things. But the is nothing wrong with people having different opinions.

Anyway been a long day and I'm off to bed.
Fantastic and thank you. Adding it to my list.

I should nuance my original write-up and say that he doesn't exclusively speak to refugees - but to people in conflict zones and people under oppression in general. It's an incredible book, as are all of Sacco's books. Highly recommended them all. But they're heavy, detailing some human destinies hard to even imagine for a lot of us living comfy war-free lives in the west.
The internet is a cesspit because the more balanced people (rightly) often just don't bother getting involved. So it always feels like the extremists win.

I'm glad this board is a better reflection of what I believe society is -- balanced and in general sympathetic to the plight of others. It's the reason I'll keep coming back here.
The internet is a cesspit because the more balanced people (rightly) often just don't bother getting involved. So it always feels like the extremists win.

I'm glad this board is a better reflection of what I believe society is -- balanced and in general sympathetic to the plight of others. It's the reason I'll keep coming back here.
I agree. Sometimes you can think there's a lot 'of that' going on or many people with misguided/deranged views but, as you say, enough time has passed for many to just save their time and energy and abstain from going anywhere near it.

Of course, as stated on here, a level of awareness has to exist as we don't want to sleepwalk into something. And even with the point I make in the first paragraph, it's not like I've done a headcount or anything.

And as much of the discussions within the cesspit of SM (and much of MSM,) are polarised and divisive ....it's a turn off, simply because imo most people, a large group are pretty much centrist.
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Could it be family court hearings your wife is talking about? I think they are often closed hearings. (Not trying to say I know better than her experience, just wondering).

Family Court hearings are not usually held in public, but a prison service employee would not usually have anything to do with family court hearings. The general principle is that courts sit openly, absent considerations such as child protection and national security. The grooming cases were not heard in closed courts but there were reporting restrictions to protect the victims and because of ongoing investigations into other cases.
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