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Oi Armchair

No one thinks Harry is infallible same way no one thinks Mourinho or Fergie are infallible.

What we are looking at is context. Ultimately in three and a half years Harry has done very well. We have had one bad run of games in those three and a half years - yeah it cost us but you know what? even the best teams go on poor runs at the crucial part of the season (Manure this season - they lost the title).

This season we had one poor run but even then we didnt play that badly int he majority of those games (Only Norwich and Arse were poor games) the rest of them we played relatively well but either didnt finish or werent clinical enough. We lacked confidence (which happens) - the problem is our whole team lacked a bit of confidence and not just one or two players (which we could have got away with if that was the case). You need to be pragmatic about this but the majority are just allowing bias to get in the way of good and pragmatic judgement.
Oi Armchair

No one thinks Harry is infallible same way no one thinks Mourinho or Fergie are infallible.

What we are looking at is context. Ultimately in three and a half years Harry has done very well. We have had one bad run of games in those three and a half years - yeah it cost us but you know what? even the best teams go on poor runs at the crucial part of the season (Manure this season - they lost the title).

This season we had one poor run but even then we didnt play that badly int he majority of those games (Only Norwich and Arse were poor games) the rest of them we played relatively well but either didnt finish or werent clinical enough. We lacked confidence (which happens) - the problem is our whole team lacked a bit of confidence and not just one or two players (which we could have got away with if that was the case). You need to be pragmatic about this but the majority are just allowing bias to get in the way of good and pragmatic judgement.

See I disagree there. I think we were shocking for most of that period and didnt look as if we could buy a goal or create a chance. I think it was due to poor management and not playing the right players in the right positions. Its not bias, simply my take on things.

The infallible part was mainly a response to Moonlight's position that Harry is over acheiving and our squad is top six at best, whilst being worse than Arsenal's. I can't see that for the life of me.
Norwich didnt exactly come to the lane and park the bus did they. We were brick and they beat us. The initial point was that Harry should have been able to manage our resources to wins at home over Wolves, Stoke and Norwich.
And finishing fourth wasn't incredible by the way. If you look at our squad a top four challenge is the absolute minimum requirement.

I cant fathom how some people gloss over the absolute blow up post christmas where we didnt win an away game for about 3 months, when Bale was brick and out of position, changing our tactics to overcome the threat of, er, Stevenage in the cup and Harry's complete reluctance to commit to us.

Im sure he is committed now. It's either us or back to lower mid table teams for him.

For me liverpool away was fudging nonsense. A brick Liverpool there for the taking and the manager isn't there because he to busy getting to know the old bailey. That was a brick performance that was totally avoidable if your manager wasn't up for tax charges.

5 - 1 to Chelsea in the Cup. 5 - 2 Arsenal in the league. Blew up in the last two seasons between January and may. Dont look like scoring an away goal for 1/3 of the season. And people bow before him like he's a messiah and we should be grateful he's here and cant do better. Joke.

VdV, Modric, Bale, Adebayor, Sandro, Lennon. Any manager could manage that lot to a decent finish. If they had just been played in their correct positions third was in the bag.

Anyway, I think im just repeating the same points over and over again. Just seems incredible that people think Harry is some kind infallible GHod like being.

The first bolded part completely gets on my nerves. Yes, in a perfect world, where football is decided exactly on who has the best team, and the best team always wins and there is no deviation, we should always beat Wolves, Stoke and Norwich. And Man United and Emirates Marketing Project should always beat us.

But in a world where referees can near enough affect the result of the game, where we have have all the chances and possession and a team can score because the ball flies in just the right way to them with their only chance and make us drop points, or where we simply have an off day because it happens, it i just isn't realistic. Just like it isn't realistic for United and City to beat everyone either. City lose to Swansea, almost fudged it against QPR, United lose to Blackburn, throw away the title against Everton, etc etc. It happens. Luck plays a part. If the expected result doesn't happen it isn't because the only explanation is that the manager is brick for not 'managing our resources' to beat inferior teams.

As for the rest of it, we experimented against Stevenage, no problem with that. Against Liverpool we had the best chance of the game and if Bale had buried his one on one we would have been home and dry.

No one thinks he is infallible, just that they are realistic and happy that Harry has brought us our most successful era in the PL. He could manage exactly the same way next season, get amazing luck and we could be in with a shout of the title on the last day. Or he could manage exactly the same way and have brick luck and we end up scraping into 6th. Anything can happen. As we have seen this season football isn't exactly fair and a hell of a lot can be decided on the bounce of a ball or a decision of a man wearing black. The manager can prepare the team and send them out there, and he can even shout instructions to them while the match is going on - but after that his powers are actually fairly limited to a ridiculous amount of other circumstances.
<snip of large tedious repetition of a repetition (and repeat) of a post or collection of posts>

Anyway, I think im just repeating the same points over and over again. (ah - a confession)

Just seems incredible that people think Harry is some kind infallible GHod like being.

Do you think I'm one of those people as well, as a matter of interest?
you call the tirades that you deliver, debating do you?

its just relentless slagging

and hey, look at your nom de plume!

That does seem somewhat ironic, coming from someone who called another forum member a c**t just a few posts ago.

Insulting people hardly seems like the cornerstone of a good chin wag does it?
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must EVERY thread turn into a private slanging match??

Come on people, stick together... just 'cos everyone outside the club seems to hate Spurs, doesn't mean WE have to argue and squabble between us to prove their point...

Just shake the man's hand and move on! Please... Pretty please with a cherry on top!

That does seem somewhat ironic, coming from someone who called another forum member a c**t just a few posts ago.

Insulting people hardly seems like the cornerstone of a good chin wag does it?

Oh but it was totally deserved. I said something non flattering about some statements he made on random, and he has taken it really badly, so he keeps chipping away with these one liners - without ever saying anything of value, or attempting to deal with or address issues.

You do actually say something, I don't particularly agree with it (on any of the occasions you have recited it) but I'm happy to discuss things with you, because you are prepared to put up a POV and defend it.

I actually put c*** which could be a large amount of things

chicken (male variety, 4 letters)
A member of the Cambridge University Netball Team

so you need to get things straight before accusing me of anything!

And to be honest, I hate resorting to insults, as I am really good at speaking my mind, and telling people what I think of them, without resorting to insulting them personally.

But as we are well aware, there are some right c***s out there, who don't respond to being talked to like adults.

And I stand by what I said, you have developed into a repetitious poster delivering the same point over and over again, as if constant repetition will make the points either more credible, or persuade people to believe in them out of sheer exhaustion.

Your assertion that people who are prepared to stand by HR are somehow beguiled by him, or find him GHod like are nothing short of nonsense. I doubt that any of us actually feel that way. But I'm pretty sure of one thing, if another manager had been at the reins for the same period, had achieved identical results and performances, the abuse and slating would have been orders of magnitude less.

Too many people were convinced that he was a mistake (I was astonished too) and lambasted the guy before the first ball was kicked. Every twist of fate, less than perfect result and any cessation of reletless winning runs, and the same old names come out of hiding to deliver a metaphorical kick in the gonads for the poor guy.

The constant searching for fault and complaints about his failure to achieve are nothing short of tiresome, and yet Spurs fans take the tinkle out of disgruntled gooners - who actually have a wealth of silverware to remember, to justify their dismay at the prolonged lack of cups and trophies.

Lets just accept whatever comes, we can't change things, and look forward to an influx of new blood and some steel and guile. Hopefully hanging on to Bale and Modric etc

and getting a fit Thudd back.
must EVERY thread turn into a private slanging match??

Come on people, stick together... just 'cos everyone outside the club seems to hate Spurs, doesn't mean WE have to argue and squabble between us to prove their point...

Just shake the man's hand and move on! Please... Pretty please with a cherry on top!


It's like Godwin's Law, but with slagging off instead of hitler.

As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a slagging match occurring approaches 1
Dont take it personally AE. MC has a habit of not understanding reasoned debate. He confuses reasons with facts - especially if they dont suit his argument.

He wont give any credence to the views of DMac (excellent post, full of undisputed facts), BoL's very sensible reasoning, Arc's valid points or your own, perfectly rational point of view.

As you point out, he descends into namecalling abuse. For a self confessed technical expert, with supposedly a degree in electronics, it hardly demonstrates an open and balanced intellect and the ability analyse and support a particular point of view. He does himself no credit whatsoever in attempting to shut down alternative views.
That does seem somewhat ironic, coming from someone who called another forum member a c**t just a few posts ago.

Insulting people hardly seems like the cornerstone of a good chin wag does it?

Water off a ducks back mate, insulting people is the lowest form of debate or intelligence ( i can not remember which:D)
Dont take it personally AE. MC has a habit of not understanding reasoned debate. He confuses reasons with facts - especially if they dont suit his argument.

He wont give any credence to the views of DMac (excellent post, full of undisputed facts), BoL's very sensible reasoning, Arc's valid points or your own, perfectly rational point of view.

As you point out, he descends into namecalling abuse. For a self confessed technical expert, with supposedly a degree in electronics, it hardly demonstrates an open and balanced intellect and the ability analyse and support a particular point of view. He does himself no credit whatsoever in attempting to shut down alternative views.

Actually thats not true

I just took you to task over you trying to pass off your opinions as facts

I can deal with facts all day long, what I cant accept is the principle of looking at a set of facts, and then interpreting them in a way that suits your argument

For example.

Between the time that Capello resigned, and Hodgson was announced as his replacement the results were (fill in the details yourself, as I can't be bothered to dig them out) - and this is all down to the fact that HR was too busy showing his arse to the FA to get them to employ him, and that he lost interest in managing the club.

The results in the period are facts - the interpretation that follows is speculation and in my opinion a load of gonads. I have explained why I believe it happened ad nauseum and am not going to fall into the trap that I upbraided Mr Expert over.

I can deal with any amount of reasoned debate, and some of the negativity I actually agree with, but not the hysteria and dreamworld criticisms of someone who has produced the best set of consistent football, results and end of season finishes of any manager of the club since the early sixties. If in the intervening 50 years we had been producing dynamic football of the sort we saw at the beginning of this last season, or the fantastic stuff we were producing in the CL last season, coupled with table topping finishes, then I might even accept some of the unwarranted tosh that has been levelled at the man.

To a plastic fan like yourself, who supported another team for years, and then decided to support Spurs a few years ago, I realise that you probably know sod all about the history of Spurs, but I do - certainly back to the late 60s, when I started supporting the club. And the one thing that Spurs have done, is to prepare me for the highs and lows of football club support, and as lofty as the ideals are of people like yourself, who are newcomers, I know how to manage my expectations, and not fly off the handle when things don't go right.

One option is to cry for a change of manager/board or chairman, or the other is to do the one thing that this club has been crying out for - for over 30 years, and that is stability in club management. We have changed managers every 2-3 years for that period, and we have never achieved a fudging thing.

We now have had a manager for 3 years who has got us to the top end of the table, and kept us there - and now we have a cacophony of people who want shot of him, and have started touting all kinds of names from Mourinho (like we could afford him, or that he would want to come) to totally untried managers who have achieved a a season or 2 of getting clubs up and keeping them there.

Have your opinions, I don't agree, but I will never knock you for having them. But I will not sit idly by if you try to justify sacking the man who has produced the most exciting Spurs teams that I have had the privilege of watching - by adding facts up on one hand, and then speculating wildly on the other as to how those facts came about.

You criticise me for name calling, then you effectively call me a liar over my education, and produce a straw man to set fire t,o by claiming that I said I was a technical expert, something that I don't think I have ever done. I may be in comparison to some people, but its not a claim I have made here. I hardly demonstrate a balanced intellect eh? Okayyyy.

I don't recall shutting down opposing views to my own at all, I have only ever done a couple of things that I stand by. I have only ever plugged HRs achievements as a manager of this club, in terms of what he has achieved in his term, and I have only ever spoken out against peoples speculation and rumour mongering, slanderous insults about the guy - and self opinionated reasoning about his tenure as a manager. Facts I don't dispute, but when people seek to justify his sacking, which I fundamentally disagree with, by using little more than their uneducated an often ignorant opinions to substantiate their POV, then surely I have a right to point it out, or disagree.

You are one of the people I had a go at, and you have taken it badly and now you are trying, in a sadly childish way, to gang up on me.
Water off a ducks back mate, insulting people is the lowest form of debate or intelligence ( i can not remember which:D)

I said you were divisive. Which you are.

I said you were a c***

if you filled in the asterisks and made an insult, then you did that for yourself

I'm quite comfortable with who I am, and the ground I stand on. I am also more than happy to discuss any of the things I believe in, in a rational and reasoned manner. I will articulate my points, deal with objections, and do my best to handle counter-arguments to my points of view.

You however, have done nothing in any thread to do that, beyond a constant stream of chippy little sentences, constantly needling and digging away. You promote division, and antagonise people with your trivial attempts at point scoring.

If its a reflection of how you behave in real life, and the way you conduct yourself in a face to face manner, I have to be brutally honest and wonder whether anyone has any respect for you. From my experience any discussions that are punctuated by an endless stream of chippy little divisive statements like yours, usually end up with everyone telling the source to STFU.

People like that usually get punched a lot as well. But that might just be because I keep the company of people with short fuses. And no, it doesn't happen to me.
There arent many Managers who will get us into the top four. Harry has been tried and tested with us and has had a good track record for the past three n a bit years. He is much lower risk than the other candidates. Unless it is someone who has established himself such as Ancelotti, Mourinho etc then im sticking with Harry even if it is just another year.

The thing is, if we'd replaced Jol directly with Redknapp, lets say in the summer of 2007 after his 2nd 5th place finish, I think most of our support would have gone apebrick. And all the same arguments would be made as you make there. I don't really buy the 'stability' argument. You really need people capable of hitting the ground running. In that respect, I think we give previous managers and coaches too long, if anything.

Redknapp though, was someone who hit the ground running. He has standout achievements. Those writing off him do so at their peril IMO. It has happened to Wenger over recent years and on a lesser scale, David Moyes. Yet they keep coming back. I think Redknapp is in the same mould. He has had his wobbles where he has been written off but it is always turned around. You know with him we'll at the very least be in no danger of finishing outside the top 6 and certainly we'll never be down in the bottom half again IMO.
this here is the problem. People thinking that teams will come and lie down for us and not fight with everyhing they have.

Its an arrogance that comes with having a good team, no humility whatsoever.

QPR had upsets at their ground yet it ws us that should've gotten a point there.....and this is supposed to be fact.

its almost like people are too used to being on top of the food chain without ever being on top of that food chain in the first place.

African...it's not that at all. It's about attention to detail and doing the simple things which we were doing so well for the first half of the season. It is very easy for a manager to instruct his side to keep their shape. it is easy for a manager to tell a player to keep his position for 80%-90% of the match, and it is very easy to play the right players in the right positions at the right times. We lost at QPR because the players were in no specific shape, some were wandering all over the place and we did not remain patient because of that. There was genuine bewilderment on the faces of some of our players during that game, and I'm sorry, there's no managerial/coaching excuse for that...at no point during that game did I think we'd win, and it didn't seem the players did either.
Oi Armchair

No one thinks Harry is infallible same way no one thinks Mourinho or Fergie are infallible.

What we are looking at is context. Ultimately in three and a half years Harry has done very well. We have had one bad run of games in those three and a half years - yeah it cost us but you know what? even the best teams go on poor runs at the crucial part of the season (Manure this season - they lost the title).

This season we had one poor run but even then we didnt play that badly int he majority of those games (Only Norwich and Arse were poor games) the rest of them we played relatively well but either didnt finish or werent clinical enough. We lacked confidence (which happens) - the problem is our whole team lacked a bit of confidence and not just one or two players (which we could have got away with if that was the case). You need to be pragmatic about this but the majority are just allowing bias to get in the way of good and pragmatic judgement.

And confidence is one of the things he is able to drum up when he's focussed!
It's impossible to apply the word "context" without considering the nucleus that's been here for 3 or 4 years mate...look, Harry was fantastic in the first season and a half, we got CL, etc, but that was when focussing on ONE thing. I think perspective is very important. I think Harry could be an excellent manager for us if he loved us/loved the job as much as he loves himself, but the truth is, we have, in patches, come a distant second to Harry, Harry's needs and Harry's life. It's clear for all to see. The big questions is whether Harry is now finally ready to give us his full, undivided attention and focus, or whether he will always be sniffing the wind for something more lucrative in one sense or another. I have no idea. The only people who do are in the boardroom I suspect. One thing; if, by some twist of fate, he stays, I sincerely hope he listens to the clamor of people begging him to stop referring to us in the third person...Harry, it's "US" and "WE"...