Vinnie Samways
He voted leave, then purchased a house in Spain?
Then, as in after?
I can’t even...
He voted leave, then purchased a house in Spain?
Then, as in after?
I can’t even...
I know a staunch leaver that voted based on immigrants taking low skilled jobs away from Brits.....just got sacked and is now considering moving to a Spanish island to be a cabby!That's why populism works. People are dumb as brick.
That's why populism works. People are dumb as brick.
Sorry, are we in recession right now? Did a recession happen overnight? No?
Wasn't there a poster on here saying soon after the vote that even with his vote for Brexit, this country was going to the dogs and he was going to go to Spain to setup a bar?
Hey look if the leader of UKIP was suggesting a Norway model (where we have less sovrignity and BINO), and almost no politicians foresaw the problem in Ireland, is it any wonder people didn't fully understand the implications of Brexit? We still don't know what it will be, and how it will shake down in detail. But we know enough about the economics and the broad principles, to know it aint a good idea. That is unless you're entrenched in dogma, have put all your chips on leave, so you can't rationalise what is now obvious.
All credit to those who are big enough to stand up and do something quite difficult - say I called wrong. All credit to them.
By conincidence, as you posted this the TImes ran with a headline about the UK heading into a recession. But that wasn't your point, nor should it be, because as things stand we are still trading and working freely with the EU. Come March that may not be the case; if so that is when the zhit could hit the fan. If our government doesn't seek to extend article 50, then we couldwell see UK degrowth under a no deal exit.
If we don't get a deal with our biggest trading partner - the EU where most of trade come from and goes to - then of course it will affect the UK economy. It's obvious isn't it? The pound would likely fall further and more enterprise would steadily move away from the UK to maintain free access to the single market. Do you agree with that logic? No one as yet has outlined how we would get new trade to replace the lost trade however.
The other point to consider is the jobs and companies that have already gone because of the impending possibility of brexit. Sony moving its HQ from London to Amsterdam won't cause recession, but surely you can appreciate it as writing on the wall? Brexit is a real probalem for a lot of businesses. Dyson has moved its HQ out of the UK. Airbus have said they will up sticks. All car firms would be fudged. A number of banks have moved billions in trasnactions and a number of people into the EU. When Leave campaigners said, 'not one job will be lost due to Brexit' we can say with complete certainty that it was not true. Do you agree? The other thing we know to have been false was that negotiation a deal with the EU would be simple and we'd hold equal cards, someting I remember @parklane1 saying. Care to do the decent thing and hold up ones hands and admit that wasn't the case?
Not building the new Nissan in Sunderland won't cause recessino today. But if the 7,000 working class people who make Nissan cars lose their jobs, there would be a local recession. Who would be to blame for the loss of their livelihoods? I know it might be hard stomach, but could it possibly be Brexit itself? Or would you say it is May not doing a good job, or the EU because they 'punished us'? Anything but hallowed Brexit, which must be upheld, despite no one being able to outline how it should work or what the end goal should look like for the UK.
The sooner people wake up to the reality, the less harm the UK will suffer. One thing is for sure, our current political leaders (may corbyn) are not prepared or able to outline the importance of these issues to people, so somehow, people need to make these realisations themselves.
So are Leave voters! But it makes sense ok. Pre-vote it was a vote for a better UK, now we know it won't deliver that. And the immigration impications of Brexit, that were so central, could well see a less white Britian with immigration just shifting from the EU to further a field, indeed that's what has happened thus far.Fair point, I’m just struggling to tie together the logic of voting leave then moving to remain.
Recession can be is a positive indicator if your population is under control. Growth is just a measure of destruction. That the Ponzi scheme is still functioning
Is the point you're trying to make is that Brexit hasn't / won't had a negative economic impact?@SpurMeUp Germany is reportedly in recession or about that also because of Brexit or because of the natural flows of economic ups and downs?
@SpurMeUp Germany is reportedly in recession or about that also because of Brexit or because of the natural flows of economic ups and downs?
So are Leave voters! But it makes sense ok. Pre-vote it was a vote for a better UK, now we know it won't deliver that. And the immigration impications of Brexit, that were so central, could well see a less white Britian with immigration just shifting from the EU to further a field, indeed that's what has happened thus far.
So the logic for voting leave was there, and there is absolute logic to change to remain if your ego can take it.
I mean moving physical location to stay in the EU.
Oh I see. That's pretty funnyBut a symptom of people not understanding it. And when the political classes who's jobs were to campaign for in/out didn't fully understand all the implications, is it any wonder peope who have a life to live, didn't fully understand it either?
I have not been in here for a good spell, sad to say its become a rehash from the same folks who repeat the same old brick from two years ago, Project fear and it is the same old same old. Its happening and all the crap that project fear have uttered ' (and you know who you are) will not stop it.
Hollande was exactly the same. I love how Five Star are trolling Macron.
Trudeau and Ardern seem pretty real deal though.
But in general I'd say the opposite. The twentieth century idea of western democracy is breaking down. People are more complex - their issues are dynamic and not captured by traditional 'born into them' catch-all parties. And vanilla robots are the last thing people relate to. The world needs some radical ideas to guide us through the end of capitalism. We just need to make sure the radicals are good guys.