Jose Dominguez
Currently there are no checks on goods or people going from Ireland to NI or from NI to anywhere else in the UK. That's because there's free movement of goods and people between the EU and UK and because NI is part of the UK respectively.
One of those three facts would have to change if we were to remove the free movement of goods, people or both. Either there would need to be a border between Ireland and NI (impossible in reality), a border between NI and the rest of the UK (very easy but govt would be defeated as the bigots won't vote for it) or NI would have to leave the UK.
Would the UK gov't itself nix option 2, or is the problem that the DUP alone would block it? Because if it's the latter, surely they would have to come to recognise it as the lesser of three evils from their own point of view?
(forgive my naivety!)