Socialism became a sullied word thanks to the careful, studious propagandist crude of the Thatcherites. The implication is that socialism cannot accommodate any degree of capitalism, but this is (of course) total cobblers is evidenced in countries such as Norway where a 'socialist' mentality has provided quality services for all of society without disallowing those who wish to be millionaires/billionaires the chance to do so. It's a simple premise, but does require those who tread the path of riches to chip in a proportionate amount. Funnily enough, you never hear of people in such countries complaining, whatever end of the economic spectrum they are. Anyway, to continue...
...Milliband might not be, er, charismatic, but I would hardly call David Cameron the Steve McQueen of politics. More like a consistently damp and slightly mildewed dish-cloth which always seems to carry the faint whiff of a failed attempt at some spectacular 'creamed fish' dish. I mean look, I think he's probably a 'nice enough chap' and I feel certain he is a loyal patron of the Marks & Spencer Collection range, but their Autograph brand might be a little toooo 'hip' for him, right? Let's face it Scara, neither Ed or Dave are going to be wearing Ermenegildo Zegna on the campaign trail! But with Damp Fishy Dishtowel Man now looking to flog off the NHS another few stations at a time to some low-rent, undercutting 'value' sub-contractors who will likely recycle old bandages in order to look like 'top cost-cutters', I think I'd take my chances with ol' Uncle Ed!
The biggest joke is how many 'conservative' voters genuinely believe that Damp Fishy Dishtowel Man is actually going to lead them to the degrees of extreme prosperity they desire whilst stamping out the 'oi-polloi'...truth is, DFDM has overseen an era of British politics so poorly that a complete idiot such as Nigel Farage (who you might genuinely believe was a Barry Humphries creation) has gained a national platform. On that basis alone, he and his are worthy of contempt. Sorry. On a person-by-person basis I get on with most people (other than kkunts who obviously, are precisely that) regardless of their party politics, because most people are just that. People. But it must be said that I think most people vote the way their instincts/families work. 'Hatred'? No. They simply think that DFDM and 'his' are not working in their best interests. Easy to believe if you're north of the Watford Gap (I've left you an avenue of retort but honestly, perhaps you'd best not take it

Truth be told, national (and international) politics has increasingly become about preservation of the few and IF that happens to include some upswing for the masses, marvelous. But generally-speaking, most of the major modern political decisions of the last 40 years have been to serve an Industrial Military Complex. I don't sit around faffing about it, and I don't sit around conspiracizing (sp) either, but every so often the facts scream out. And they are that there ain't be a Ghandi or Mother Theresa in office ANYWHERE in my lifetime.
In the spirit of discussion/debate as always mate.