Simon Davies
I genuinely don't think that voting based on hatred is reciprocated.
I know a lot of Conservative voters. They all vote that way because they believe one of two things - that a Conservative government is better for the country or that a Conservative government is better for them. I genuinely couldn't tell you how many Conservative voters I know but it's certainly enough to be a good sample size and not one votes the way they do out of hatred for Labour.
That's not to say that they don't hate individual members of the Labour party, but that's usually the likes of Tony Benn or George Galloway - people who are irrelevant to almost everyone's voting habits.
I'd say a good half (at least) of those I know who vote Labour would never even consider voting Conservative no matter what. If Labour dropped union involvement, reduced taxes, reduced spending and showed any kind of economic competence whatsoever I'd happily consider voting for them and so would most people I know.
What, you mean, turned into the Tory Party? Yep, if the Tories decided to re-nationalise utilities, spent more on the NHS and adopted a more independent foreign policy, I would vote for them.