Steffen Freund
The government have to borrow still, something I do not agree with because frankly I am of the opinion we never had the full cuts the country needed or deserved. Pensioners got off very lightly and unfairly so. Who ever had won the last election would have had to borrow, but I bet if Labour had got in it would have been more.
The conservatives do not speak for me, because they are not making the cuts this country need. I posted a few pages back a link from the telegraph about a woman on £60,000 a year getting child tax credits. It is madness, I do not mind low wage earners, shop workers, factory workers etc getting top ups so they can afford to live, but someone on 60 grand a year.
I guess I have to much pride because I could never do it, something inside me would stop me from doing it, self esteem and pride and belief in how an able bodied person who can earn money should behave.
Wish Labour had won in 2008, the country would have been destroyed but maybe a few people would have woken up, also all these tw*ts paying £4.00 for a coffee at train stations could learn to make a brew and take a flask in the mornings.
What do you wish Labour had won in 2008, btw?