I'd rather be described as a champagne socialist, than a two bob capitalist. There are plenty of the latter around here. Your attempts at humour by sending up the name of the Labour Party are infantile by the way. Not addressing the rest, as it was a typical meandering rant, which made little sense.
It appears you are clearly mistaken as subsequent posts have clearly shown. You may want everyone to share your views but you will find that they don't. You haven't shared your 'ideologies' but I'd hazard a guess that they won't benefit the country moving forward as you are backing a party that have a track record of taking the country backwards. I'm not an A typical right wing voter by any stretch of the imagination but I know that you don't spend money unless you make it. I care about the environment, the arts, I care about the welfare system, the NHS, I know the value of properly managed immigration and I want more support to allow more people who want to work to be able to better themselves. I'd like more and better affordable housing, control of the rate at which property is released to the market, work done on reducing 'empties', funding to improve areas that have lacked love and investment. If I changed education in any shape or form it would be to offer more skills based training, to equip those are not academic to learn trades but also more 'Life Management' skills, to teach about the benefits of good diet, health and money management.
I don't see the current coalition as a perfect solution but they are certainly a far better bet than Milliband and co. The same bunch that brought us to our knees, the same bunch that kept tax rates at 40% throughout their time in Government and have tried to con the stupid into thinking this is only the realm of the coalition. It beggars belief. They are a backward thinking, divisional party looking to further their own interests rather than those of the country. The coalition have to clean up their mess. They run the country while Milliband peddle's confusion trying to trick people into thinking their mismanagement of their own finances, their inability to leave the sofa, their decisions are somehow the responsibility of someone else.
I am not a high earner and I see the downside of rampant capitalism but I know that for the country to move forward we need a work ethic that mirrors other nations in the World, we need to take ownership of our own problems, we need to make more, export more, we need to produce more energy with jobs going to British workers, we need to manage our borders, we need to be tough on crime, we need to continue to reach out to the wider world to improve our educational system, we have to maintain our health system and find greater funding to keep it at pace with our growing needs. We need fairer taxation, we need to stop rewarding 'celebrity' through the media and selling a 'something for nothing' culture to our children.
I want us to stop trying to somehow malign the successful, the employers, the inventors, those who have worked hard to earn a good living simply as some crass way to feed the blame culture among those who don't want to work. I know loads of tradesmen who might fall into people's segmented view of Britain as 'working class' who earn fantastic money and graft 6 days a week. These are people who are earning because people have saved, people have worked hard, people have disposable income and that money is trickling down. I know others who employ gardeners, window cleaners, cleaners, maintenance people and yet someone would look at them and try to brand them in a negative way. Opportunity is coming back, jobs are being created and we have an opposition party who want to kick those who have enabled it and continue to do so.
Many wont' share my views but they are born out of a desire for Britain in its entirety to do better. I don't care about red or blue in politics, I'm not shackled by being brought up to think in a certain way, I've not been brainwashed or carry pointless historical baggage. I just look at today and tomorrow.