My two pence worth is that when the boat is being steadied the last thing you do is mutiny and give the helm to people who have spent the best part of the last 4 years simply trying to divide the country. To drag the country down, to replace optimism with pessimism, to perpetuate greed, to remind people constantly to look elsewhere other than at themselves, to covet the success of others. A credible opposition is valuable but a more credible opposition has come from within the coalition than it has the Labour Party. The Labour Party has no leadership, few ideas and will undo all that has been done. They are desperate. They are in such bad shape that they didn't even have the guts to get rid of Milliband even though the daggers are well sharpened and many wait in the wings to stick the blade in at the first opportunity.
Business don't want them. (Yes Business that dirves our economy, making everything possible). We are far from immune but better insulated now than we were against the inevitability of future downturns. Even Education are getting their teeth into what they have in front of them and don't want further change. Of course you can always find a negative example, you will always find someone to moan. Immigration of course needs to be properly managed and in a world of increasing populations, an aging British population, dwindling resources, we need to manage our borders efficiently to bring in the resources we need and ensure that we do not burden ourselves unnecessarily. Immigration is a positive, only when it is properly managed. Just like anything else is life. Of course we are driven by the media these days and they have no interest in it being anything other than good drama and good for tv. Weeks before the Scottish referendum 10 polls were taken, every single one showed the results we eventually got. One of course did not, it showed a slight edge to the Yes campaign. Did we get to hear about the 9 in the mainstream or the 1? Obvious isn't it.
It is fun listening to Milliband's latest attempts at sewing despair and misery. The NHS is dying! No, it really isn't. Certainly over the last few years we have seen only improvements. Of course there will always be cuts, there have to be. We are fortunate where we are but the service and care we have received has been excellent. On a couple of times I found myself waiting in casualty for one reason or another it was painfully clear what the problem was. It was lazy and uneducated who used the casualty department as if it was a walk-in Doctors surgery. It appeared every other person was there with a cold or a sore throat?? Many of the same people only happy to then rundown the NHS because they got politely told to go and see their GP or were made to wait until all of the clearly higher priority cases were seen to.
You hear about him 'blacklisting' countries who are tax havens for businesses. Read between the soundbites

You'll see he is threatening only to 'suggest' they are blacklisted. They have mostly told him to fudge off and most Intl bodies would too.
I remember how New Labour started playing their little game of division, when just before they were removed from power they raised the top level of tax to 50%

Just a few weeks before they were gone. They knew the state of what they were handing over, we didn't because we'd been fed brick for years. They knew that to stimulate growth in the economy we needed people to invest skills and capital in Britain. They knew that the coalition would reduce the top rate back to 45% allowing them a platform from which to begin their opposition. How pathetic.