Simon Davies
Ha, ha, so Cameron is into bestial necrophilia. What is it with Tories and odd sexual practises? Can you imagine what the media reaction would have been had this been Corbyn?
Worse than Diane Abbott?!Ha, ha, so Cameron is into bestial necrophilia. What is it with Tories and odd sexual practises? Can you imagine what the media reaction would have been had this been Corbyn?
Charlie Brooker knows everything
As long as Hameron was singing the national anthem at the time, it's fine though.
As long as Hameron was singing the national anthem at the time, it's fine though.
It'd be nice if Jezza and Dave and all their mates could agree to not give a sh1t about personal slurs getting slung through the media and just debate issues and policies. Since Corbyn got elected as Labour leader, the press in this country has gone into faux-outrage overdrive, it's been pathetic. Now Cameron has got a taste, but who cares? "Oh, he didn't sing an anthem....oh, he has his nob in a pig's head." As long as it's not some n0nce sh1t, then I don't care. I might just stop reading any of them and stop watching the news, it's just utter crap.
It's like when it comes to Spurs, I'd rather read the opinions of people on here than some qunt from the Guardian or the Telegraph. I think politics has gone the same now, who needs these phucking people?
There's a difference though - Cobyn's lack of singing the anthem is part of a character that describes the likes of Hamas as friends and employs an IRA sympathiser as his shadow chancellor. He wants to be leader of a country that he makes very clear he has no love for. To my knowledge (and I'm relying on a fairly poor memory here) Corbyn's had a lot of brick slung at him but it's all political - he has no personality to attack.It'd be nice if Jezza and Dave and all their mates could agree to not give a sh1t about personal slurs getting slung through the media and just debate issues and policies. Since Corbyn got elected as Labour leader, the press in this country has gone into faux-outrage overdrive, it's been pathetic. Now Cameron has got a taste, but who cares? "Oh, he didn't sing an anthem....oh, he has his nob in a pig's head." As long as it's not some n0nce sh1t, then I don't care. I might just stop reading any of them and stop watching the news, it's just utter crap.
The sooner all the papers go out of business, the better. Then we can just watch videos of people talking about stuff that matters and make our own mind's up.
It's like when it comes to Spurs, I'd rather read the opinions of people on here than some qunt from the Guardian or the Telegraph. I think politics has gone the same now, who needs these phucking people?
It's hyperbole and bullsh1t Scara, Corbyn must care about the country enough to go through all this b0ll0cks and want to try and make it better for people. The only extreme thing about him is the bias of his media coverage.
The media needs to talk about what politicians want to do, how they want to do it, and if it can be done. Then, if the odd pig-phucking story comes out, so be it. Instead, hyperbole and bullsh1t makes up 90% of what they churn out, and when it's scratched away, all you are left with is a bloke who wants railways and energy companies to be publicly owned and doesn't think Trident is worthwhile. All positions that can be argued for or against, but it's not anything mental.
The dirty tricks phalanx are out for Corbyn and that is all we are seeing at the moment. Its no surprise to me once Corbyn won the leadership race it was obvious that Cameron and his flunkys in the media would attack Corbyn. They have too hide what a mess they are making and they do not want a leader who has ideals ( rightly or wrongly) to show how shallow they are.
Like I said, I stuck my dingdong in a Geordie once - that's much worse and it hasn't affected my ability to lead (albeit on a smaller scale).Yeah but he allegedly stuck his thing in a dead pig. While that doesn't affect his policies it does make him unworthy of being in charge of this country. That is the world we live in. As a leader you are accountable beyond your ability to rule.
There are no dirty tricks and there are no personal attacks here.
Yeah but he allegedly stuck his thing in a dead pig. While that doesn't affect his policies it does make him unworthy of being in charge of this country. That is the world we live in. As a leader you are accountable beyond your ability to rule.