Steffen Freund
The Times is very centrist, The Mail more UKIP than Tory IMO. The Sun flip-flops between any centre ground parties. The Star doesn't really discuss politics - I remember it being anti-Gordon Brown at one point, but then so was everyone.
BBC is definitely left wing, to even attempt to describe it as anything else is just silly.
I'm not sure why you're including local papers - you left out the Chichester Observer and the Liverpool Echo. I don't suppose you did it to make the Tory list look bigger by any chance did you?
Yeah, including some of those local papers was very London-centric, apologies.
But Milo has responded better than me on this, and perhaps what it would have been better for me to show was the national media outlets who tend to support Labour v those who tend to support the Tories/UKIP and who would almost never support Labour. I think the generally pro-right wing media climate that exists would be much much clearer then, though i'm happy to debate that and be corrected...