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Politics, politics, politics (so long and thanks for all the fish)

Despite what is the current rhetoric life has got better for most, is it good enough for some, no, is the change happening quickly enough, no, but it has undoubtedly got better.
@thfcsteff speaks above about divide and conquer, there are many divisions and the generational one is just another in the play book, and there will never be enough divisions.
The more divided the less chance of proper change, our system in the West is broken, I see no one on the political landscape with a will or a vision to change it.
Why should they, it doesn't affect them.
Trump the darling of the right is fighting legal case after legal case.
The darlings of the left, Merkel, aherne, veradker, sturgeon, trudeau all in "power" at once made not a jot of difference, three of them slunk off when the going got tough and the other has as many court cases as trump.
What's the answer, fudged if I know, what's more worrying is no one in power knows either, or if they do it's so unpalatable to Joe public that they can't sell it to them.
As long as we buy the division tactics none of that will change

I don't know your politics or the kind of altenrative you personally advocate for.

All I can say for me personally as a leftist is we had a once in a lifetime opporunity to elect Jeremy Corbyn - a guy who genunley cared about the people and didn't have any associated egotism and had the right principles.

He was slandered in a coordinated attack by media to make him seem like an incompetent leader and threat to national security.

Despite the very coordinated onslaught to his image by Murdoch and his ilk - Corbyn received 12.8 million votes against May and 10.2 million against Johnson. To put it into context Starmer received 9.8 million in the last election. I don't think Jeremy Corbyn receives anywhere near enough credit for how close he got and how well he did in spite of the vendetta against him.

And after seeing off this man who could not offer "stable leadership", and whom was "a threat to national secuirty", the Tories changed leader 3 times in the space of 3 years, one of their leaders ignored his own legilsation and lyed to parliament, one of them was beaten by a lettuce - and utimately Russia invaded Ukraine (with certain quarters of the Tory party pandering to the invaders).
Despite what is the current rhetoric life has got better for most, is it good enough for some, no, is the change happening quickly enough, no, but it has undoubtedly got better.
@thfcsteff speaks above about divide and conquer, there are many divisions and the generational one is just another in the play book, and there will never be enough divisions.
The more divided the less chance of proper change, our system in the West is broken, I see no one on the political landscape with a will or a vision to change it.
Why should they, it doesn't affect them.
Trump the darling of the right is fighting legal case after legal case.
The darlings of the left, Merkel, aherne, veradker, sturgeon, trudeau all in "power" at once made not a jot of difference, three of them slunk off when the going got tough and the other has as many court cases as trump.
What's the answer, fudged if I know, what's more worrying is no one in power knows either, or if they do it's so unpalatable to Joe public that they can't sell it to them.
As long as we buy the division tactics none of that will change

I like your post and what you are saying. But at the same time (not that I am saying this is ncessarily my opinion) isn't an alternative way of looking at things that ultimately at the electable centre policies/ approaches/ ideologies will repeat themselves - and that lack of fracturing might lead to lack of change?

Like for me I ultimately voted Labour even though I don't like Starmer - just to remove to Tory's.

And I am sure there are many Tory's who disliked Sunak but voted for him despite not regarding him comptent enough or Tory enough.
I don't know your politics or the kind of altenrative you personally advocate for.

All I can say for me personally as a leftist is we had a once in a lifetime opporunity to elect Jeremy Corbyn - a guy who genunley cared about the people and didn't have any associated egotism and had the right principles.

He was slandered in a coordinated attack by media to make him seem like an incompetent leader and threat to national security.

Despite the very coordinated onslaught to his image by Murdoch and his ilk - Corbyn received 12.8 million votes against May and 10.2 million against Johnson. To put it into context Starmer received 9.8 million in the last election. I don't think Jeremy Corbyn receives anywhere near enough credit for how close he got and how well he did in spite of the vendetta against him.

And after seeing off this man who could not offer "stable leadership", and whom was "a threat to national secuirty", the Tories changed leader 3 times in the space of 3 years, one of their leaders ignored his own legilsation and lyed to parliament, one of them was beaten by a lettuce - and utimately Russia invaded Ukraine (with certain quarters of the Tory party pandering to the invaders).
Will try and respond to both replies here if that's OK.

Trying to word this properly, I don't have any politics.
I don't think any one party has the answer, I've voted for all three of the major parties, I vote for who I consider to be the best at the time.
I labour voted in the GE, I voted remain and I voted no to Scottish indy.
I strongly believe that we should always vote, sometimes, well a lot of the times recently, that has meant voting for the least worst rather than the best.
In my opinion people, companies and even corporations should be allowed to make a profit.
The bigger the profit however the bigger your responsibility to society.
I also believe that yes society should help the more unfortunate, but that it is your responsibility to make the very best life for yourself.
Your rights and your responsibilities are a balance, I see way too many wanting their rights but not their responsibilities. That is not just as individuals but goes for companies and corporations, I know it may not read like that so just clarifying.

Disagree on corbyn, but hey we take our pick.
Is his treatment any worse than bojo being hounded for having multiple kids of truss being compared to various vegetables?

I cannot understand how any decent tory out there can remain a party member once either bojo or truss is elected leader.
Just cannot understand that, these are who you are happy representing you?
You are content to say that they speak for you?
Blows my mind tbh.
But in my very honest opinion this sums up perfectly the political situation, too many people will vote for "their" party regardless.
My vote is borrowed, not owned, you are accountable to me, don't do as I want and I will not vote for you.
The colour of the rosette means nothing to me, I vote for you on your words, you keep it with your actions.

The centre ground should be the fertile ground for compromise, that is the only way forward.
Instead we have playground antics of no matter how good an idea is we will oppose it, we will trash it and we discredit it not just the policy but politician.
No party is interested in the welfare of country, they are only interested in retaining power.

For me I don't think it is difficult or too late to fix, but I don't see the leader, the will or the inclination to do it.
Will try and respond to both replies here if that's OK.

Trying to word this properly, I don't have any politics.
I don't think any one party has the answer, I've voted for all three of the major parties, I vote for who I consider to be the best at the time.
I labour voted in the GE, I voted remain and I voted no to Scottish indy.
I strongly believe that we should always vote, sometimes, well a lot of the times recently, that has meant voting for the least worst rather than the best.
In my opinion people, companies and even corporations should be allowed to make a profit.
The bigger the profit however the bigger your responsibility to society.
I also believe that yes society should help the more unfortunate, but that it is your responsibility to make the very best life for yourself.
Your rights and your responsibilities are a balance, I see way too many wanting their rights but not their responsibilities. That is not just as individuals but goes for companies and corporations, I know it may not read like that so just clarifying.

Disagree on corbyn, but hey we take our pick.
Is his treatment any worse than bojo being hounded for having multiple kids of truss being compared to various vegetables?

I cannot understand how any decent tory out there can remain a party member once either bojo or truss is elected leader.
Just cannot understand that, these are who you are happy representing you?
You are content to say that they speak for you?
Blows my mind tbh.
But in my very honest opinion this sums up perfectly the political situation, too many people will vote for "their" party regardless.
My vote is borrowed, not owned, you are accountable to me, don't do as I want and I will not vote for you.
The colour of the rosette means nothing to me, I vote for you on your words, you keep it with your actions.

The centre ground should be the fertile ground for compromise, that is the only way forward.
Instead we have playground antics of no matter how good an idea is we will oppose it, we will trash it and we discredit it not just the policy but politician.
No party is interested in the welfare of country, they are only interested in retaining power.

For me I don't think it is difficult or too late to fix, but I don't see the leader, the will or the inclination to do it.
Yes, his treatment was much worse. Murdoch began by referring to him as a Trot and when that failed to stick they constantly branded him as a Nazi anti semite. This occurred from the start to finish of his leadership and was based on what evidence again. an independent inquiry cleared hi, but what happened to that report in the media? The saddest thing is that the red Tories in central office collaborated with Murdoch against Corbyn.
Yes, his treatment was much worse. Murdoch began by referring to him as a Trot and when that failed to stick they constantly branded him as a Nazi anti semite. This occurred from the start to finish of his leadership and was based on what evidence again. an independent inquiry cleared hi, but what happened to that report in the media? The saddest thing is that the red Tories in central office collaborated with Murdoch against Corbyn.

I don't think he's an anti semite, I do think he is too close to one side in a conflict that neither side have any moral high ground.
If ever there is a example of divide and conquer it is the middle East.
I agree and disagree with many parts of this.

I agree that the NHS needs a complete overhaul and whether people like it or not, allowing hundreds of thousands of people in to the country is never going to help. Yes, immigration is a good thing, just like having a social drink or two, but as always, too much of good thing, never turns out good. And it is not just numbers of people either, the types of medicines and treatments has also grown exponentially, many being very expensive indeed, many of which where never dreamed of when the NHS was first started has also had a huge impact on the cost of running the NHS.

But it is laughable you think that biggest source of stimulation are large corporate. This is the biggest load of waffle I have ever read. For starters when big corporate companies set up in the UK, nearly all of the jobs created are minimum wage, with people barely earning enough to feed their families, and pay their rent. The profits they make are then siphoned out of the country into offshore bank accounts for them and their investors. It is an undeniable fact that the best form economic growth is through family run local businesses, as the money they make gets spent and stays in the local economy. Corporations providing minimum wage does nothing to the local economy as no one can afford to do anything, especially if they have families. The biggest lie that ever gets told is that we need corporations, we don't. What we don't we need actual mechanisms that allow local companies to thrive, and remove big chains and corporations from they high street, as they are the single biggest cause of money being taken out of local economies.

I don't want no investment from any person or company who's intention are suck as much as they can from us, as cheaply as possible, then claim they are doing us a favor.
It's largely smaller family businesses that pay people minimum wage: because they often close to the viability line, don't have the capital reserves to absorb large pay rises and inflationary costs and don't compete for staff in the same manner that large companies do. Nor do they have capital to invest in the manner large corporates do, in their property, staff (e.g. private medical insurance etc) and local communities. A healthy economy needs both. Large companies provide an anchor in terms of employment and investment. Smaller businesses provide plentiful local employment opportunities, innovation and a greater sense of community/purpose.

The largest private sector employers in the UK are:
- Compass Group
- Tesco
- Associated British Foods
- Unilever
- Sainsbury's
- Shell
- Vodafone
- BT
- Barclays
- Standard Chartered
- Astrazenica
- Kingfisher
- International Airlines
- BP
- Linde
- Lloyds Banking Group
- Marks & Spemcer
- Rentokill/Initial
- NatWest Group

Now there will be some low paid jobs in there but a lot of highly paid and skilled jobs. A lot of small family businesses will be based around servicing those larger companies also. If a smaller food supplier gets a contract from Tesco, the security that brings in, in terms of longer term guaranteed income is priceless.

As to investment by foreign multi nationals. Are you saying that, for example, when Goldman Sachs opened a new office in Birmingham as part of their UK expansion in 2023 that all of those jobs are going to be minimum wage and result in money being siphoned out of the country?
Out of that list, only Ahern could accurately be described as being on the left.
Weird coincedence just happened. I am watching the Crokes/Cuala match and just as I read this post I looked up and the lesser spotted Ahern was on the screen (in the crowd). I'm not even sure I would class Ahern as left. He was centre right and is now centre clam.
Weird coincedence just happened. I am watching the Crokes/Cuala match and just as I read this post I looked up and the lesser spotted Ahern was on the screen (in the crowd). I'm not even sure I would class Ahern as left. He was centre right and is now centre clam.

My fault, I misread the post and thought it was Adern, the former Labour PM of NZ.
Yes, his treatment was much worse. Murdoch began by referring to him as a Trot and when that failed to stick they constantly branded him as a Nazi anti semite. This occurred from the start to finish of his leadership and was based on what evidence again. an independent inquiry cleared hi, but what happened to that report in the media? The saddest thing is that the red Tories in central office collaborated with Murdoch against Corbyn.
Corbyn got standard treatment by the press in this country. The press feed on ammunition. The problem with Corbyn and his media treatment was that Corbyn spent his entire political career feeling like it was improbable that he got anywhere near power. He was a hard left-wing activist politician and with that there was an almost endless stockpile of quotes, interviews and other evidence of Corbyn saying or doing things that were allergic to the vast majority of the British public.

it isnt a smear to find and report on a video of Corbyn telling an audience that "Hezbollah are our friends", is it? It's just what journalists do and it's in the public interest to have those things highlighted to them in respect of a person that is asking them to become PM.

When he was a nobody backbench MP, he could do what he wanted and nobody cared. That shows it was nothing personal and his treatment was very fair.
Corbyn got standard treatment by the press in this country. The press feed on ammunition. The problem with Corbyn and his media treatment was that Corbyn spent his entire political career feeling like it was improbable that he got anywhere near power. He was a hard left-wing activist politician and with that there was an almost endless stockpile of quotes, interviews and other evidence of Corbyn saying or doing things that were allergic to the vast majority of the British public.

it isnt a smear to find and report on a video of Corbyn telling an audience that "Hezbollah are our friends", is it? It's just what journalists do and it's in the public interest to have those things highlighted to them in respect of a person that is asking them to become PM.

When he was a nobody backbench MP, he could do what he wanted and nobody cared. That shows it was nothing personal and his treatment was very fair.
I would have to disagree with this. Rhe majority of the mainstream media are I. The hands of a very small group of very rich individuals who are naturally right wing biased and that bias feed into the publications they own.

Left wing politicians face much greater challenge and outright lies from the msm compared to right wing politicians like Johnson, sunak, farage, tice and truss.

The rich billionaires behind the msm didn’t like corbyns socialist agenda nor the popularity of his movement so did everything they could to cut him down
I would have to disagree with this. Rhe majority of the mainstream media are I. The hands of a very small group of very rich individuals who are naturally right wing biased and that bias feed into the publications they own.

Left wing politicians face much greater challenge and outright lies from the msm compared to right wing politicians like Johnson, sunak, farage, tice and truss.

The rich billionaires behind the msm didn’t like corbyns socialist agenda nor the popularity of his movement so did everything they could to cut him down

A lot of the MSM are very pro-Israel (or at least happy to go along with the Israeli viewpoint on the long-term Middle Eastern issues) and i think were very scared that views that could normally be airbrushed away/dismissed as being "fringe" would now get a bit more legitimacy and certainly create more broader debate/open discussion rather than be labelled as being from said 'lunatic fringes'.
That's before you get to his more socialist/left-leaning viewpoints (which i think again, were threats to what would be classed as the 'accepted orthodoxy')

I think that led to some of the most organised smear campaigns that i have seen a single politician have to face in the last 3 decades in the UK
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Housing costs, cost of living, the disgraceful sabotage of a living wage, the near-destruction of public services via terrible/questionable investment? Absolutely agree 100%.

History tell us that migrants/immigrants are used and abused by everybody as it suits their agenda. The greatest abuse of cheaper labour in this country has come as a consequence of aggressive capitalism (as launched by Thatcher) which has suckered most people. Convenience AND cheap; they want it all!!! And as long as someone will work for less, then they'll get it (the soft erosion of workers rights have added to this). I suspect we are in agreement here.

Yet there is a massive, massive problem with our indigenous population simply not being prepared to do many of 'those' jobs. Add to that a total disregard for funding public education, and we have serious issues which are not going to be cured by simply cutting out migrants/immigration. Divide and conquer remains the single greatest tool 'they' have as it keeps us from recognizing the massive class divide which (if the disaffected united) could bring the overpaid and overpowerful to their knees.

I would agree that nations should always be reviewing their immigration policies, but the notion that putting serious curbs/restrictions on migrants as a first action is seriously, seriously flawed IMO. It will always be an easy touchstone for angry, disaffected people, and IMO it remains a dangerous and self-defeating place to come from.

...right now, Trump is pulling the Mein Kampf playbook. It is scary brick. Farage did it too but with a goofy grin and gentler words.

I have thought a lot about your posts, simply because I found your seering rage and deep indigence to be signs of someone who had either been wronged or felt wronged by current society. In many ways I think many of us feel that frustration, if not to your seeming-levels of expression. I've concluded we are a lot closer in agreement in several things than it might have appeared. In fact for me, it is your stand on migrants which is the biggest difference. I am not down wit that...

Offered in the spirit of discussion.
The bit in bold, I complete agree with, we do have a problem with people not wanting to do certain jobs, but then their is another flip to that coin. We are constantly told that the English are lazy, no one wants work as you have pointed out, but the truth is, as a % the white British are the group lest likely to be out of work.
Percentage of economically active people who were unemployed, by ethnicity.png

And here as well


Now of course, there could be many reasons for this, but decades, we have been constantly told that white people are lazy and that migrants are harder workers, this is simple not true. People have used but the Polish work two jobs, look at how hardworking they are... What they fail to tell you is that most of them are snorting coke to keep going, and I know this as I have worked in places where this happens, and after 5 years they are burned out and go home with a pot of money, and good to them, they worked hard for it. What it does though is create unrealistic work expectancies by employers that British don't want to work as hard too. And the British, they can't, they can't go home after 5 years, they have families to provide for and can't be snorting coke for decades to work at an insane level work.

Of course, I am not saying this is everywhere, but it is a still a huge factor in things and needs to be added to the conversation and debate.

Some of the laziest people I have ever worked with have been migrant workers.

So the truth is migrant workers are just like us, you get ya nice ones, ya bad one, you're hard working ones, you're lazy one, smart and thick, and everything in between and a combination of everything.

So yeah, their are a lazy bunch of people who need a kick up the ass, but the answer is not to rely on migration to solve the problem and the problem is not as big as you make it out to be, there has been a great manipulation going on by government that does stack up with figures.

Then there is argument they bringing wealth to the country? Well no, not really, as we have seen they are more likely to be unemployed, but this wealth figure is massively skewed by a tiny minority that bring billions with them. Just as they way they spin deals with companies etc, this deal will make everyone on average £3000 richer.... No most people will get 10p, the top 1% will get millions each.

As for the trump comments, the guy is wigged w**k gibbon. And he is going to win, because the democrats haven't got a clue what they are doing. How cr*p do you have to be to lose to Trump.

And you are making the same mistake about Farage a lot of the time, you hear what you want to hear, and you only ever listen to what been reported, cut to Cherry pick to create a label to attack the person. I hate Farage, especially when it comes to science and climate change, the guy is a blithering idiot, but I like to watch whole videos to understand the context of what is being said, and he doesn't anything near what people think he says the vast majority of the time, most of it is being being twisted by the media that you watch to portray him as something he is not.

Then every cries and throws their teddies out the pram when he gets the third highest number of votes in general elect and the EU referendum and wonder why lost, then come out with outlandish claim that people where this, people where that.

No, the problem was a political elite so arrogant that they new best, that they never listened to the concerns of the people, just insulted them, called them racist, bigots and any other ist and phobe under sun.

And this is why exactly why Trump will win, because the otherside ain't listening.

Jonathon Pie highlights some of the issues here.

You also need to stop assuming, I don't have a seering rage over immigration, I have concerns. I have a seering rage that the only argument from the people I debate with is to label me a racist, bigot, Nazi, and Facist as their first line of debate... Completely ignoring actual evidence from actual studies, to be labelled cherry picking... Well no, studies are studies, I don't get to choose what they say.

I just want balanced and sustainable immigration, and for me 200,000 a year is in no way sustainable as we are already over populated as we already can't grow enough food to feed ourrselves, which has been the case for decades long before we entered the EU most probably. I want criminals to be deported, just as british people when abroad and they commit crime they are deported. I don't want people coming to country who have nothing to offer us at all, in the same way I can't move to any country I want if I have nothing to offer them.

I also want a govenment that has ability to come up with ideas and sell a future vision of the UK and not use migration as a fix all for every problem in the UK, that will never end well. Lowing the bar so low that anyone without a skill can enter, it's just pure lazy government that has sown the seeds of discord. And no, I am not blaming immigrants, I am blaming decades of incompetent governement.

I don't want people arriving by boat, 99% of which, are young working age men and in no way are refugee's, some, a tiny minority, maybe Dr's that media can cherry pick to sell a lie to the people, whilst crime and sexual assaults increase in these area...

Britian has long history of helping refugees and rightly so, but what we are seeing now is not refugees and people are buring their hands pretending that everything is fine and it is not.

It is not just happening here, it's across the whole of Europe, Sweden, Denmark, France, Italy, Germany are all having the same problems with the same reasons and it is they left just bury their head in the sand ignoring the reasons why. And they all don;t understand why.

And I don't want the far right in in charge, but they will, because the left are full on ignoring everything they don't like in the hopes if they lie enough the problem will go away and it want.
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I would have to disagree with this. Rhe majority of the mainstream media are I. The hands of a very small group of very rich individuals who are naturally right wing biased and that bias feed into the publications they own.

Left wing politicians face much greater challenge and outright lies from the msm compared to right wing politicians like Johnson, sunak, farage, tice and truss.

The rich billionaires behind the msm didn’t like corbyns socialist agenda nor the popularity of his movement so did everything they could to cut him down
Who owns the bbc?

The papers are pretty even on either side.
I discount the star as I doubt it's readers vote, doubt half the 🌞 readers vote or can spell vote.
It's largely smaller family businesses that pay people minimum wage: because they often close to the viability line, don't have the capital reserves to absorb large pay rises and inflationary costs and don't compete for staff in the same manner that large companies do. Nor do they have capital to invest in the manner large corporates do, in their property, staff (e.g. private medical insurance etc) and local communities. A healthy economy needs both. Large companies provide an anchor in terms of employment and investment. Smaller businesses provide plentiful local employment opportunities, innovation and a greater sense of community/purpose.

The largest private sector employers in the UK are:
- Compass Group
- Tesco
- Associated British Foods
- Unilever
- Sainsbury's
- Shell
- Vodafone
- BT
- Barclays
- Standard Chartered
- Astrazenica
- Kingfisher
- International Airlines
- BP
- Linde
- Lloyds Banking Group
- Marks & Spencer
- Rentokill/Initial
- NatWest Group

Now there will be some low paid jobs in there but a lot of highly paid and skilled jobs. A lot of small family businesses will be based around servicing those larger companies also. If a smaller food supplier gets a contract from Tesco, the security that brings in, in terms of longer term guaranteed income is priceless.

As to investment by foreign multi nationals. Are you saying that, for example, when Goldman Sachs opened a new office in Birmingham as part of their UK expansion in 2023 that all of those jobs are going to be minimum wage and result in money being siphoned out of the country?
And nearly of all them companies have run this country in the ground...
Who owns the bbc?

The papers are pretty even on either side.
I discount the star as I doubt it's readers vote, doubt half the 🌞 readers vote or can spell vote.

Only 2 of 8 national papers claim to be left of centre, with 6 to the right.

Of the two, the Guardian are massive Osbornities - real hardcore neo-libs.

And the Mirror was setup by Northcliffe (founder of the Mail) and is now owned by the Express.

So there's no genuine authentic left or centre-left voice.
Only 2 of 8 national papers claim to be left of centre, with 6 to the right.

Of the two, the Guardian are massive Osbornities - real hardcore neo-libs.

And the Mirror was setup by Northcliffe (founder of the Mail) and is now owned by the Express.

So there's no genuine authentic left or centre-left voice.
The mirror, guardian and observer are left.

Telegraph (tiny readership) times, mail and express are right.

I discount the sun etc. When I was labouring in the 80s, the sun was read by lots of the guys who all were labour, despite a massive tory government. Don't think the sun is that important.

Don't think the newspapers actually have as much sway as people think.