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Politics, politics, politics (so long and thanks for all the fish)

Er because then the government won't have that £8k to spend on other kids in a less privileged position than yourself.

Are you publicly calling for such a concession beyond the great public forum of GG?.
Perhaps you can have a word in dear old Gillian's shell next time she's hosting her local ask your MP session (I doubt she actually does this tbh).
She's always good for making the right decisions :rolleyes:
If I didn't send my kids to an independent school then they wouldn't have it anyway. They'd be spending it on my kids.

I save them £8k each, they should reduce my taxes accordingly. I'm not suggesting they give me the full proportion of my taxes that go to education, just the £8k I'm saving them.
But the people providing those services may well have been through the public education system (for example) so you are still benefitting from the taxation-funding.
See my post above. I'm happy to contribute and should.

But I'm essentially giving the govt £16k per year on top of my taxes in savings. Why should I pay that in tax and save the govt?
It's been a couple of years since I've been able to bring myself to watch anything by Lee - a fully grown adult with his political opinions is just too cringey to watch.

The NHS is not a publicly funded insurance system, it's publicly funded and provided healthcare - the worst of both worlds. A far better system is one where the healthcare is provided privately, and those who cannot afford the insurance have it paid by the rest of us. That way we ensure everyone has access to healthcare whilst taking advantage of all the benefits of a private system.


And I don't have a lot of money - far from it. I have enough to be targeted by No 11 whilst still having little enough that doing so makes a significant difference to me and my family.

I'd say you're missing out on his recent shows Snowflake and Tornado but no doubt most of the content would go over your head. Probably more fulfilling to jack off to old Thatcher speeches than watch anything outside of the echo chamber.

And right, that's why I said essentially, not literally. It serves as a safety net for when people need it, like the idea of insurance. Didn't realize I'd have to explain the comparison to that level.

And sure, you don't have much money. You're only talking about getting private healthcare on a trip to the USA and finding "collections of dessert wine", sounds like a real down and outer, if not monetarily, then at least in terms of self awareness :D
I'd say you're missing out on his recent shows Snowflake and Tornado but no doubt most of the content would go over your head. Probably more fulfilling to jack off to old Thatcher speeches than watch anything outside of the echo chamber.

And right, that's why I said essentially, not literally. It serves as a safety net for when people need it, like the idea of insurance. Didn't realize I'd have to explain the comparison to that level.

And sure, you don't have much money. You're only talking about getting private healthcare on a trip to the USA and finding "collections of dessert wine", sounds like a real down and outer, if not monetarily, then at least in terms of self awareness :D
My insurance comes free* with my bank account, along with a few other perks.

It's not a real collection, it's only about 25 bottles and they're mostly half size, as dessert wine tends to be.

* I know this isn't really free and I pay for it with reduced interest, but seeing as nobody gets interest on their current accounts, it seems like it's free.
If I didn't send my kids to an independent school then they wouldn't have it anyway. They'd be spending it on my kids.

I save them £8k each, they should reduce my taxes accordingly. I'm not suggesting they give me the full proportion of my taxes that go to education, just the £8k I'm saving them.

So all the people who send their kids private want a rebate. Ok. Issued overnight. What happens to state education the next day?. Of course, I know your answer.

Let me condense your ivory tower policies down....
It sounds like you're willing to contribute a little to keep the have nots alive....but for goodness sake, don't educate the fudgers.
So all the people who send their kids private want a rebate. Ok. Issued overnight. What happens to state education the next day?. Of course, I know your answer.

Let me condense your ivory tower policies down....
It sounds like you're willing to contribute a little to keep the have nots alive....but for goodness sake, don't educate the fudgers.
If I get a rebate for what my kids don't cost the state, I'm still contributing. Still contributing at a high rate - more so than many.

It's a zero sum calculation for the govt. For every child that would have been state educated who is not privately educated, the govt would save £8k and receive £8k less.
If I get a rebate for what my kids don't cost the state, I'm still contributing. Still contributing at a high rate - more so than many.

It's a zero sum calculation for the govt. For every child that would have been state educated who is not privately educated, the govt would save £8k and receive £8k less.
That is some VERY concerning accounting and business planning!

It's not a straight 8k swap - you have to subtract the standing costs. You also have to budget and resource plan a cycle or two in advance - so would need to know which kids won't be entering the state system a few years in advance.

What happens if your circumstances dramatically change and you can't afford to fund the private education? Suddenly your kid has nowhere to go. And the state can't absorb the place because the system has been defunded by the people choosing a different path.
That is some VERY concerning accounting and business planning!

It's not a straight 8k swap - you have to subtract the standing costs. You also have to budget and resource plan a cycle or two in advance - so would need to know which kids won't be entering the state system a few years in advance.

What happens if your circumstances dramatically change and you can't afford to fund the private education? Suddenly your kid has nowhere to go. And the state can't absorb the place because the system has been defunded by the people choosing a different path.
There are huge variations in year groups as it stands. People move between cities, change their school preference, etc. all the time. Schools have very little idea of their numbers until the applications go in - I know this as a friend was a governor for a while and asked me to interpret the accounts for them.
as the Tories have literally nothing to show after 13 years in power except a wasteland of brick behind them, sad to see them moving even further right and pandering to bigots, xenophones and racists with their rhetoric, led chiefly by 3 people of colour in Braverman, Sunak and Badenoch. fudging puppets.
as the Tories have literally nothing to show after 13 years in power except a wasteland of brick behind them, sad to see them moving even further right and pandering to bigots, xenophones and racists with their rhetoric, led chiefly by 3 people of colour in Braverman, Sunak and Badenoch. fudging puppets.
This really troubles me. Of course people of colour can legitimately hold right wing views and have concerns around uncontrolled immigration just the same as someone from a white English ethnic group can hold the opposite views. But people of colour have an even greater responsibility to be careful with their language as their ethnicity can be used to legitimise bigotry and racism and effectively normalize it in a way that racists of white ethnicity couldn't do on their own. They are a gift.

So yeah I reserve my greatest contempt for these people who are systematically shifting the Overton window towards the unacceptable.
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This really troubles me. Of course people of colour can hold right wing views and have concerns around uncontrolled immigration just the same as someone from a white English ethnic group can hold the opposite views. But people of colour have an even greater responsibility to be careful with their language as their ethnicity can be used to legitimise bigotry and racism and effectively normalize it in a way that racists of white ethnicity couldn't do on their own. They are a gift.

So yeah I reserve my greatest contempt for these people who are systematically shifting the Overton window towards the unacceptable.
I've heard it described as the 'illusion of diversity'. I read an interesting article from Hardeep Matharu (great name!) exploring a similar topic a bit back.

Edit: Here it is...
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