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Politics, politics, politics (so long and thanks for all the fish)

I'm voting Labour at the next election, but I am uncomfortable with the adverts saying the government don't want sex offenders going to prison.

It has been Labour for years that have been saying we need to lower the prison population. As you can tell from the Jackson thread I don't like pedophiles. Crime is not a Labour strong point.
I'm voting Labour at the next election, but I am uncomfortable with the adverts saying the government don't want sex offenders going to prison.

It has been Labour for years that have been saying we need to lower the prison population. As you can tell from the Jackson thread I don't like pedophiles. Crime is not a Labour strong point.
I'm also uncomfortable about those adverts could really backfire. It's dirty politics and unnecessary.
I'm also uncomfortable about those adverts could really backfire. It's dirty politics and unnecessary.

Feels far to American to me. We should be above that in this country.

What I like about Labour is they are for the working man. But over the years they have always been pretty weak on law and order. The ads are not on a knockouts blow but I consider them to be wrong.

Considering Starmer was head of the CPS I would have thought he would have a better handle on this.

I view who I will vote for as like scoring in a boxing match, Labour lead the tories 8-1 with 3 rounds a draw. Only thing the tories have won on for me is the gangsters in Brussels.
I'm voting Labour at the next election, but I am uncomfortable with the adverts saying the government don't want sex offenders going to prison.

It has been Labour for years that have been saying we need to lower the prison population. As you can tell from the Jackson thread I don't like pedophiles. Crime is not a Labour strong point.
Not really appropriate to cast such aspersions, for sure.
However, there is a strong argument the govt don't want anyone new in prison - the system is down to 300 available beds (that's frightening btw!!!!) and has been neglected throughout the Tory tenure.

It's an odd split, because the justice secretary also wants powers to decide himself whether certain people (Inc rapists) are let out. That is also absolutely terrifying, and tyranny.

Is this a low hanging fruit move? As someone who was previously overweight slightly I found overeating was more a mental thing than an availability thing, was linked to mood and if you want to eat bad to fulfil you will find ways.

I always felt governments need more focus on mental health than making jabs and taking food off shelves

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Is this a low hanging fruit move? As someone who was previously overweight slightly I found overeating was more a mental thing than an availability thing, was linked to mood and if you want to eat bad to fulfil you will find ways.

I always felt governments need more focus on mental health than making jabs and taking food off shelves

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Better to remove free healthcare for those who are obese. Problem will solve itself pretty quickly.
Tellingly, Brexiters now hate to talk about Brexit. Whenever we Remoaners mention it, the standard Leaver retort is, “Get over it”, as if it were a defeat in a long-ago football match rather than an all-encompassing policy that will harm Britain for decades. I’m concerned here with Brexiters rather than with Brexit, but I should briefly lay out the evidence for its failure. The British economy, suffering the worst fall in living standards on record, will be the worst-performing of the G20 economies except Russia this year and next, forecasts the OECD. Britain’s goods exports are the worst in the G7. Foreign investment has fallen since 2016. Despite the Brexiter promise of more money for the NHS, more than one in 10 Britons is now waiting for hospital treatment, the most since records began. Life expectancy for poorer people has fallen. And Brexiters no longer even promise sunny uplands to come. Having once touted free-trade deals with the US and China, they are now busy achieving free trade within the UK. Liz Truss tested to destruction the hypothesis that tax cuts would unleash Brexit’s potential. Nothing unexpected came along to upset the Brexiters’ plan. There wasn’t a plan, and there couldn’t have been. Brexit was a wrong turn that will continue to distract British governments from serious issues such as climate or artificial intelligence. Some Brexiters have responded by changing their story. Now they say Brexit was never about grubby economics, only about sovereignty, as if voters in 2016 were told, “You’ll be poorer, mind.” It’s also unclear where this whizzo new sovereignty resides. If the UK actually did set its own standards for products and labour, it couldn’t sell the resulting goods to neighbouring countries. It hasn’t yet dared check the vast majority of imports from Europe for fear of even longer border queues and nobody ever seeing a fresh tomato again. As for acting alone in the world, Britain needs France just to stop small boats. In short, “Brexit will benefit Britain” has joined the list of those rare political propositions that were tested and proven false: “Climate change is fake.” “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction.” “Gay marriage will destroy society.” (Some Brexiters, of course, bought the full set of wrong causes.)

Now Brexit is passing from active controversy to past disaster, like Britain’s participation in the Iraq war. But, unlike the Brexiters, the Labour politicians who took Britain into Iraq have achievements to set against their blunder. They bequeathed a country that was richer, longer-lived, with a minimum wage and a properly funded NHS. Anyway, Britain’s choice on Iraq wasn’t hugely consequential. The US would have fought the war and broken the Middle East without Britain. As the Tory party and its newspapers continue their remorseless slide, Brexiters will fade from the stage into noises off. They may become like communists after 1989: not quite defending their old ideology, but delivering often valid critiques of the EU, like ex-communists dissecting capitalism.
Tellingly, Brexiters now hate to talk about Brexit. Whenever we Remoaners mention it, the standard Leaver retort is, “Get over it”, as if it were a defeat in a long-ago football match rather than an all-encompassing policy that will harm Britain for decades. I’m concerned here with Brexiters rather than with Brexit, but I should briefly lay out the evidence for its failure. The British economy, suffering the worst fall in living standards on record, will be the worst-performing of the G20 economies except Russia this year and next, forecasts the OECD. Britain’s goods exports are the worst in the G7. Foreign investment has fallen since 2016. Despite the Brexiter promise of more money for the NHS, more than one in 10 Britons is now waiting for hospital treatment, the most since records began. Life expectancy for poorer people has fallen. And Brexiters no longer even promise sunny uplands to come. Having once touted free-trade deals with the US and China, they are now busy achieving free trade within the UK. Liz Truss tested to destruction the hypothesis that tax cuts would unleash Brexit’s potential. Nothing unexpected came along to upset the Brexiters’ plan. There wasn’t a plan, and there couldn’t have been. Brexit was a wrong turn that will continue to distract British governments from serious issues such as climate or artificial intelligence. Some Brexiters have responded by changing their story. Now they say Brexit was never about grubby economics, only about sovereignty, as if voters in 2016 were told, “You’ll be poorer, mind.” It’s also unclear where this whizzo new sovereignty resides. If the UK actually did set its own standards for products and labour, it couldn’t sell the resulting goods to neighbouring countries. It hasn’t yet dared check the vast majority of imports from Europe for fear of even longer border queues and nobody ever seeing a fresh tomato again. As for acting alone in the world, Britain needs France just to stop small boats. In short, “Brexit will benefit Britain” has joined the list of those rare political propositions that were tested and proven false: “Climate change is fake.” “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction.” “Gay marriage will destroy society.” (Some Brexiters, of course, bought the full set of wrong causes.)

Now Brexit is passing from active controversy to past disaster, like Britain’s participation in the Iraq war. But, unlike the Brexiters, the Labour politicians who took Britain into Iraq have achievements to set against their blunder. They bequeathed a country that was richer, longer-lived, with a minimum wage and a properly funded NHS. Anyway, Britain’s choice on Iraq wasn’t hugely consequential. The US would have fought the war and broken the Middle East without Britain. As the Tory party and its newspapers continue their remorseless slide, Brexiters will fade from the stage into noises off. They may become like communists after 1989: not quite defending their old ideology, but delivering often valid critiques of the EU, like ex-communists dissecting capitalism.

So in your hatred of democracy (leaving the EU) you are now trying to justify the Iraq war. That is very sad.

Also wrong, because most people agree it had an impact on the security of this country and lead to an increase in terrorism, including a soldier being beheaded on the streets.
So in your hatred of democracy (leaving the EU) you are now trying to justify the Iraq war. That is very sad.

Also wrong, because most people agree it had an impact on the security of this country and lead to an increase in terrorism, including a soldier being beheaded on the streets.

It is pretty damning tho. The worst fall in living standards on record. Worst performing G20 economy. Worst goods exports in the G7. Huge drop-off in investment into the UK since Brexit. People were not promised they'd be worse off, they were promised more investment in the NHS. The vision was less immigration and more for Brits. The reality could not be less similar to the vision.
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So in your hatred of democracy (leaving the EU) you are now trying to justify the Iraq war. That is very sad.

Also wrong, because most people agree it had an impact on the security of this country and lead to an increase in terrorism, including a soldier being beheaded on the streets.

He is like a dog with a bone when it comes to Brexit.
He is like a dog with a bone when it comes to Brexit.

More of a zealot then any leaver.

Also trying to justify the Iraq war is poor.

Most of the leavers I know are happy with how it's gone. As am I, could have been better. But the actions of the EU in negotiations proved what I have always thought of them, their continued treatment of the continent of Africa, from fishing to mining of uranium also proves what I think of them.

The immigration that a lot were against has gone down and the working class who were most effected by wage stagnation have seen their wages rise, though inflation has eaten into that to be fair. Illegal immigration is still high but it is noticeable that everything that our democratically elected government try to do to limit people taking dangerous crossings is upended by civil servants, charities bringing court cases(usually charities tax payer funded) and even our inept Navy. Though I note it is pleasing we will continue to settle asylum seekers here and support them, even while long serving British tax payers wait for accommodation, but they are usually poor and working class so I don't really care about them.

Our government are useless and the things I would like to see for this country going forward can not be implemented by the current lot of tories. Labour are massively needed in my view. I don't hate Conservatism and if they go back to their roots and focus on the economy I might consider them again.

Leaving the EU and ever closer union was a good thing in my view, linking up with the fast growing Asian economies and forging better links with the Commonwealth is about future prospects, demographic charts will tell you where to be, but also for the future safety of free speech we are better off linking with Japan, Malaysia, Australia, Canada etc then we are a EU headed by a French man who still sucks up to Putin, which really is indefensible.

We were right to leave the EU and the treatment of Ukraine and Africa reinforces that belief in me.
Has immigration fallen @Danishfurniturelover I thought it was up to around 330k from non-EU nations on the last figures. Which is more than we had from the EU (around 200k I thought). I am genuinely pleased it has been a success from people's perspective. Seems like a low bar though!