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Politics, politics, politics (so long and thanks for all the fish)

I'll bump you to the top of the list comrade. Some are more equal than others.
That system's already in place. My spec got my into the top 3rd or so of delivery schedules - if you want a base model then the waiting time is another 18 months.

I know someone who just bought the new Kia EV (6 I think?) and everything comes as standard, 6 month waiting list.

Porsche are pricks.
Conservatism is performing exactly as intended. The Leopard's Diner party is just moving its way up the hierarchies, collecting tribute as it goes, and is now just getting to eat the faces of people who thought they were part of the in-group. If you are not in the 1% that's not you. If you want to see how successful they have been just look at the growing income inequality and falling living standards. They are now in the process of stripping rights so as entrench their position. As I say, all working as intended.
If it fails, it justifies, nee authorizes, outright lying and misleading of Parliament - to the point where Parliament becomes irrelevant.
Jokes aside - that is democracy in name only and is basically a banana republic. We let happen with Johnson, we have to learn from that and guard against any repeat. If it isn't stopped now, there will be no turning back.
Everyone lies about something. Telling your kids that Santa exists, telling your wife that she has to take antibiotics for your ear infection, etc.

It's only a problem when it's about something that matters. He should never have had to answer such ridiculous questions in the first place, so I don't care what he tells them.
Conservatism is performing exactly as intended. The Leopard's Diner party is just moving its way up the hierarchies, collecting tribute as it goes, and is now just getting to eat the faces of people who thought they were part of the in-group. If you are not in the 1% that's not you. If you want to see how successful they have been just look at the growing income inequality and falling living standards. They are now in the process of stripping rights so as entrench their position. As I say, all working as intended.
Income inequality is the least relevant of all measures.

Ensuring those at the bottom have the minimum required to live by is all that matters. What anyone else earns is of no value to anyone else.
And that is exactly why this is nothing like socialism and has greater echoes of Communism. The money is being taken; it's not being used of public services.
Especially the past 12 years. And a bit under New Labour if I remember correctly - although I was far less engaged then.
If not on public services, then where is it going? Ignore any immature comments about handouts to friends, etc. That's not even a molecule in a drop of water in the ocean.

The real problem is the inefficiency of those public services. With no competition there is no need to improve.
Whilst a real conservative govt might not be within your memory, there has been one in your lifetime - that's the good bit on the graph.

The lot since then have been a shambles - hence my comment about decades of socialism.

10.4% inflation with the eurozone and US seeing lower inflation rates than us.

Would a ‘real’ Conservative government have pushed through a damaging experimental policy to make trade with our neighbours more expensive? To increase the cost and decrease the ease of hiring? On the basis of an advisory vote *facepalm* As someone who backed Brexit yourself (tho voted against it) were you part of the problem?
10.4% inflation with the eurozone and US seeing lower inflation rates than us.

Would a ‘real’ Conservative government have pushed through a damaging experimental policy to make trade with our neighbours more expensive? To increase the cost and decrease the ease of hiring? On the basis of an advisory vote *facepalm* As someone who backed Brexit yourself (tho voted against it) were you part of the problem?
Yes they would. Then they would have attracted business by offering CT rates that are better than those on the continent.
Yes they would. Then they would have attracted business by offering CT rates that are better than those on the continent.

It is a naive fantasy though isn't it? If that was possible, why hasn't this pro-business government done just that? I can give you the answer as to why they haven't, but maybe you know?
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Everyone lies about something. Telling your kids that Santa exists, telling your wife that she has to take antibiotics for your ear infection, etc.

It's only a problem when it's about something that matters. He should never have had to answer such ridiculous questions in the first place, so I don't care what he tells them.

Which is why it's a problem that needs removing from Parliament.
Lying about Santa is a useful tool for formative years. Lying about the running of the country is a dereliction of duty and shouldn't be tolerated.

I'll leave lying to your wife on medical grounds. Just, erm, don't forget to apply the cream ;)
If not on public services, then where is it going? Ignore any immature comments about handouts to friends, etc. That's not even a molecule in a drop of water in the ocean.

The real problem is the inefficiency of those public services. With no competition there is no need to improve.

I. Nothing immature about any comments about £ being filtered out to friends etc - it is true and significant. It should be £0. It is more than £0. That is an issue.

II. Re: efficiency. I agree. There is a lack of efficiency. However, you need to understand (and I've explained it at length numerous times), that the inefficiencies are created by a mixture of rules and policies created at political level that restrict proper and well managed investment.
It is also highly influenced by political contract management - ie, giving contracts to friends etc.

I see it everyday.
Competition is really good and useful in a competitive market and the fluctuations they bring can be very beneficial. But, by their very nature, volatile.
Govt services need stability and reliability. Not the risk associated with market forces and market shocks.

Lack of competition isn't the reason for inefficiency.
It also isn't the solution.
The solution is clearer and cleaner governance from those elected to govern, instead of politicking.
It is a naive fantasy though isn't it? If that was possible, why hasn't this pro-business government done just that? I can give you the answer as to why they haven't, but maybe you know?
They're not pro business. They're tax and spend.
Which is why it's a problem that needs removing from Parliament.
Lying about Santa is a useful tool for formative years. Lying about the running of the country is a dereliction of duty and shouldn't be tolerated.

I'll leave lying to your wife on medical grounds. Just, erm, don't forget to apply the cream ;)
The people he was lying to matter. The fact that he treated an inquiry into whether or not he attended a party with contempt is to be commended.
I. Nothing immature about any comments about £ being filtered out to friends etc - it is true and significant. It should be £0. It is more than £0. That is an issue.
I absolutely agree. Which is why governments shouldn't be allowed to pick winners.

Bit it's got nothing to do with why services are so poor. You could put every penny given out on friendly contracts back into the public purse and notice no difference to public services.

II. Re: efficiency. I agree. There is a lack of efficiency. However, you need to understand (and I've explained it at length numerous times), that the inefficiencies are created by a mixture of rules and policies created at political level that restrict proper and well managed investment.
It is also highly influenced by political contract management - ie, giving contracts to friends etc.

I see it everyday.
Competition is really good and useful in a competitive market and the fluctuations they bring can be very beneficial. But, by their very nature, volatile.
Govt services need stability and reliability. Not the risk associated with market forces and market shocks.

Lack of competition isn't the reason for inefficiency.
It also isn't the solution.
The solution is clearer and cleaner governance from those elected to govern, instead of politicking.
Yet every private service I can think of is better than its public equivalent.

Healthcare, schools, housing, they're all better than the govt provision.

If politicisation is part of the problem, then why not just remove that from the equation? Allow experts to provide those services completely free of govt control and let the consumer choose the most suitable option. Of course no politician threatening to replace the NHS with a better system will survive a single election - too many people in this country would prefer a brick but nostalgic service instead.
They're not pro business. They're tax and spend.

They are 'make ends meet'. Anyone who is anti-free trade and puts up barriers is not pro-business. You told us Brexit would free us of red tape, and leave us able to lower taxes blah blah... the reality could not be more different. Increased red tape and higher taxes!

Corporation Tax has not been lowered to attract business!!! It has been increased! Not because Torys are any less Tory, but because impediments to free trade, free movement of goods, and not having access to the worlds largest free market, has a price. Less money for the nation, and a need to raise taxes. It was predicted. Even our government predicted it. You labeled that project fear. Hehe. Can we now conclude it was project reality, and call Brexit and its proponents deluded?
They are 'make ends meet'. Anyone who is anti-free trade and puts up barriers is not pro-business. You told us Brexit would free us of red tape, and leave us able to lower taxes blah blah... the reality could not be more different. Increased red tape and higher taxes!

Corporation Tax has not been lowered to attract business!!! It has been increased! Not because Torys are any less Tory, but because impediments to free trade, free movement of goods, and not having access to the worlds largest free market, has a price. Less money for the nation, and a need to raise taxes. It was predicted. Even our government predicted it. You labeled that project fear. Hehe. Can we now conclude it was project reality, and call Brexit and its proponents deluded?
I don't recall claiming Brexit does any of that by itself because it doesn't.

It creates a framework that allows any govt with the will to do so. We haven't had that govt yet as they have been too busy locking us up and spending our money.
I don't recall claiming Brexit does any of that by itself because it doesn't.

It creates a framework that allows any govt with the will to do so. We haven't had that govt yet as they have been too busy locking us up and spending our money.

Same difference. So Brexit is fine, it is just the Torys are incompetent?
If not on public services, then where is it going? Ignore any immature comments about handouts to friends, etc. That's not even a molecule in a drop of water in the ocean.

The real problem is the inefficiency of those public services. With no competition there is no need to improve.

Like the utility companies?