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Politics, politics, politics (so long and thanks for all the fish)

All the above, the world seems a mess also across the board. Banks going under, recessions forecast, food insecurity, proverty getting out of hand, Russian war....China looming....all in all a great time to be alive

Printing money is a big cause of the world's problems. Governments love printing cash. In the first year or two, it's party time. Then wages become worth less, and nations' economies are undermined. It used to be a no-no. Then the west invented 'quantitative easing', a digital means of putting more liquidity into an economy. It has uses of course. But then Covid, and all nations boyed by the new method of printing cash, turned on the money taps for a short-term cash fix.

The problem is democratic governments are often only around for a max of 5 years. Everyone wants to give out more money, no one wants to take it away again. Longer term we're all in the brick because of this. Argentina back to 100% inflation rate etc.
It's all about perception and perspective:

More people in the world now die of obesity than starvation.

Less people die or are injured by violence than at any point in human history.

Yes, neo-liberalism is disintegrating/in it's death throws, but I think the post-capitalist future could be really good once we manage the transition.

On obesity I can't believe the NHS are funding those new injection drugs rather than spending the money on education and other policies to promote a healthy lifestyle like community facilities. Makes you think they just want to line the pockets of big pharma, it would be far better for society not to get obese in the first place.
On obesity I can't believe the NHS are funding those new injection drugs rather than spending the money on education and other policies to promote a healthy lifestyle like community facilities. Makes you think they just want to line the pockets of big pharma, it would be far better for society not to get obese in the first place.

Or set limits om the amount of sugar and salt in processed food. Or even just tax processed food versus actual food. But that's neo-liberalism for you
The OBR forecasts that taxes, as a share of GDP, will hit 37.7% in 2027-28. The highest level since world war II

UK is a bit of a mess. Brexit affect? Covid? Shyte wasteful government who've taken their eye off the ball? All of the above, no doubt.
You already have the answer, you just mixed up cause and effect.

Wave after wave of increasingly socialist governments (bar a very brief respite under Truss) have reintroduced the British Disease, reversing all the hard work done in the 80s to inoculate us against it.
On obesity I can't believe the NHS are funding those new injection drugs rather than spending the money on education and other policies to promote a healthy lifestyle like community facilities. Makes you think they just want to line the pockets of big pharma, it would be far better for society not to get obese in the first place.
Or that they've realised some people are beyond hope but the NHS isn't allowed to let them Darwin.
On obesity I can't believe the NHS are funding those new injection drugs rather than spending the money on education and other policies to promote a healthy lifestyle like community facilities. Makes you think they just want to line the pockets of big pharma, it would be far better for society not to get obese in the first place.

Agree, food and over eating is hugely linked to emotion and in many places peoples mental state. Would be so much better for them to help people in that area and get to the core points which also overlap into other areas in life than give a weekly jab to make it go away
You already have the answer, you just mixed up cause and effect.

Wave after wave of increasingly socialist governments (bar a very brief respite under Truss) have reintroduced the British Disease, reversing all the hard work done in the 80s to inoculate us against it.

Are socialist-capitalist-conservative useless terms? I mean you're complaining about a Tory "socialist" government. As though socialism equates to financial ruin, when the last Labour government oversaw a period of economic prosperity. Socialism is not the problem here...
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Absolute clown show unfolding north of the border with the SNP being arm-twisted by leadership candidates into releasing party membership numbers amidst worries of a bit of a stitch-up.
Great quote from an SNP spokesman:
"Responsibility for the leadership election does not rest with any member of staff"
Are socialist-capitalist-conservative useless terms? I mean you're complaining about a Tory "socialist" government. As though socialism equates to financial ruin, when the last Labour government oversaw a period of economic prosperity. Socialism is not the problem here...
The last labour government rode on the wave of the good work done in the 80s. As always they undo the good work and get voted out when the country starts to suffer from it.

The Conservatives are there to fix that damage but this latest lot are not conservatives. They tax far too much, they spend too much and the meddle in our lives too much.
Absolute clown show unfolding north of the border with the SNP being arm-twisted by leadership candidates into releasing party membership numbers amidst worries of a bit of a stitch-up.
Great quote from an SNP spokesman:
"Responsibility for the leadership election does not rest with any member of staff"

10 days ago this was funny, now it's worrying. One of these clams will be in charge.
You already have the answer, you just mixed up cause and effect.

Wave after wave of increasingly socialist governments (bar a very brief respite under Truss) have reintroduced the British Disease, reversing all the hard work done in the 80s to inoculate us against it.
Lol wow the first time I’ve heard the truss government spoken of as a brief respite, at least in positive terms.

a holiday from reality is too right.

13 years on and still blaming labour??? I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again if you can’t take accountability and responsibility what right do the tories have to public office?
Lol wow the first time I’ve heard the truss government spoken of as a brief respite, at least in positive terms.

a holiday from reality is too right.

13 years on and still blaming labour??? I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again if you can’t take accountability and responsibility what right do the tories have to public office?
What you don't understand is if we give the same people ALL the money and free them from accountability then they would have got richer....something something trickle down.....SQUIRREL!!
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Lol wow the first time I’ve heard the truss government spoken of as a brief respite, at least in positive terms.

a holiday from reality is too right.

13 years on and still blaming labour??? I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again if you can’t take accountability and responsibility what right do the tories have to public office?

A brief respite that cost us, the taxpayer, the same amount as it would cost us to fund nurse pay rises for seven years.
Lol wow the first time I’ve heard the truss government spoken of as a brief respite, at least in positive terms.

a holiday from reality is too right.

13 years on and still blaming labour??? I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again if you can’t take accountability and responsibility what right do the tories have to public office?
A brief respite from decades of socialism. Unfortunately it was also a respit from most form of intelligent thought.

Not sure what it is with Conservatives that don't know how to conservative, but half of them want to tax and spend us into Argentina and the other half wanted to cut receipts (solid move) without cutting expenditure to match.
A brief respite from decades of socialism. Unfortunately it was also a respit from most form of intelligent thought.

Not sure what it is with Conservatives that don't know how to conservative, but half of them want to tax and spend us into Argentina and the other half wanted to cut receipts (solid move) without cutting expenditure to match.
Cmon Scara we’ve had 13 years of austerity what is socialist about that? That’s 13 years of cuts.
Cmon Scara we’ve had 13 years of austerity what is socialist about that? That’s 13 years of cuts.
That's what makes for good stories in the press. The reality is that our tax burden is about as high as it's ever been:



That's not to say that the quality of public services hasn't diminished, but it's not because the government is too conservative.
Johnson's had months to come up with something credible over party gate, his argument is basically "but I made the rules, therefore I was above them".
As James o brien said how is it credible that the person with ultimate responsibility for defining the covid rules and guidance and for briefing said rules and guidance out to the uk population did not understand those rules and guidance?

If he gets off it shows how bent our government is, and will give his fellow fringe lunatics plenty of inspiration to keep poisoning British politics.