Vinnie Samways
Food bank usage has risen closely in line with food bank awareness.
Yes, food bank awareness has increased closely in line with number of food banks opening, which in turn is related to the number required.
Food bank usage has risen closely in line with food bank awareness.
Yes, food bank awareness has increased closely in line with number of food banks opening, which in turn is related to the number required.
Or inline with people using them as their food overdraft instead spending their money on Sky TV or fags
It's at least as relevant that the charities running food banks have done a better job of making people aware of them.Yes, food bank awareness has increased closely in line with number of food banks opening, which in turn is related to the number required.
Are you rehearsing these for your turn in the Question Time audience?
It's at least as relevant that the charities running food banks have done a better job of making people aware of them.
It's also helpful that they're a useful stick to beat Conservative govts with for student activists.
I think much of the awareness of them has been created by those from that end of the political spectrum.are you accusing me of being a student, thats a new low
Have you got numbers for that or just throwing it out there?Or inline with people using them as their food overdraft instead spending their money on Sky TV or fags
Have you got numbers for that or just throwing it out there?
Have you got numbers for that or just throwing it out there?
I wouldn't engage with this one. Apparently only smokers, crack heads and those who watch telly make use of food banks.
edit - that was a bit rude of me -let me remove that commentDeluded-ville, population Rorschach
Ha ha. Go do your homework.
Ahhh the old if you cant debate with them lie about them, typical. I clearly said some not all, but carry on as you were if you like.
You are not very smart or as smart as you obviously think you are.
You should direct him to the part where you clearly said ‘some’. That’ll show him.
Fags, Weed, Big TV, Sky, latest Phone, Booze, Tattoo's don't forget all those things tooOr inline with people using them as their food overdraft instead spending their money on Sky TV or fags
If you believe in a society where no one abuses the benefits system then there is no help or you. There is no wonder that despite how smart the left think they are they lose more than anyone in life.
Fags, Weed, Big TV, Sky, latest Phone, Booze, Tattoo's don't forget all those things too