Jimmy Cantrell
The stats take into account those variations in numbers and it goes beyond those % of being a white country. That includes gangs.Nope disagree massively here.
If you look at the stars I'm sure more crimes are committed by whites, you would expect this as for a few more years it is a white majority country.
But just like the police had an institutional racism problem and of course let's do the prefix thing that not all police officers are racist and not all police forces are racist. They had to take measures to counter what was a large problem.
It is clear that gangs, not individuals but gangs so that talks of cooperation were targeting non Muslims. Why did they not race Muslim girls?
It shows it was not a man walking down the street overcome with urges who raped the first girl he saw. Which and I'm not a lawyer but surely that makes it premeditated and when the were groups putting girls into vans then obviously it is more then one so is a gang.
I work with a Muslim lad so here is the bit to get your juices flowing, it is clear they are not all like that. But why when the were hundreds of racists in the MET do we say they have an institutional problem but when we have gangs of them and in different cities as well can people not admit to an institutional problem in Muslim communities. Yes not every one is but the fact that gangs of men in different cities decided to *struggle cuddle* non muslims. You can't admit to it being an institutional problem is just a bizarre and dangerous misguided political correctness.
I'm off out to the gym but look forward to carrying on the debate later.
Just as most online predators in this county taking into account this is a predominantly white British country are......white men.
You think powerful institutions like banks and companies in the square Mile are not breading grounds for it and it also not being reported or followed up with given the poor conviction rate in *struggle cuddle*? Women are not reporting abuse across the country because they are not being heard, its not just this idea that Asian men are doing it and acting in a code of silence.
As i have said before, this country has an appalling track record of child and sexual abuse, so I don't think we clean our souls by just blaming others as a convenience, its an uncomfortable truth people don't want to acknowledge
I'm more interested in getting the crime dealt with than looking for people to blame for it.