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OT: What next for Harry?

I think he's honest there - he's an old pro who's been in this game longer than my parents have been alive, I think you take a philosophical outlook at this stage in your life and career and accept the lows as well as the highs. I am mainly annoyed at the media for constantly asking loaded questions and attempting to stoke some sort of grudge between HR and AVB/Levy/Spurs when it's clear that each part is just focusing on his own job.
Just seen the Guardian article. I'm not a Redknapp fan due to how I have found him personally when I have met him outside of football but beyond the spin the author is trying to put on this article I actually thought Harry came across fairly well.

What did he do when you met him? I'd be interested to know what he's like when not on camera.
Harry Redknapp has 'no problem' with Tottenham successor Andre Villas-Boas

QPR manager Harry Redknapp has said he bears no grudge towards Tottenham counterpart Andre Villas-Boas as the rivals prepare to meet in tomorrow's Barclays Premier League clash at Loftus Road.

Villas-Boas succeeded Redknapp at White Hart Lane after the 65-year-old had been unexpectedly sacked last June and has since guided Spurs to third in the table.

Redknapp insists the suggestion of animosity between the pair is inaccurate and that he will share a drink with his Portuguese rival after tomorrow's London derby.

"I don't have a relationship with Villas-Boas but then I don't have a relationship with any other manager in the Premier League," he said.

"I don't socialise with him, he's gone to Tottenham and done a great job. What's the problem? I've got no problem with him at all.

"Good luck to him, he's doing a fantastic job there. Long may it continue for him.

"I'll shake his hand after the game and invite him in for a drink, whatever the result. I don't have any problems with him. He seems a nice guy."

Former Chelsea manager Villas-Boas, who lasted only eight months at Stamford Bridge, responded to Redknapp's suggestion that only a "dope" could fail at the European champions by stating: "Only if you manage the club can you find out. It's a different type of club."

Redknapp today stressed that his comments were being used in the wrong context after making a general observation before QPR's 1-0 victory over Chelsea two weeks ago.

"I was asked a question about (Chelsea manager) Rafa Benitez and I said he's gone in there and done very well, but you'd have to be a dope to mess up with that squad of players," he said.

"I said Rafa Benitez is not a dope, he's a top manager who will do very well there.

"I never mentioned anyone else, so why people have started relating it to the manager at Tottenham I don't know.

"He hasn't taken my job, he's got a job. When he took over I didn't have the job, I was out of work.

"Good luck to him, someone had to manage Tottenham - he's doing excellently, good luck to him.

"I don't spend my life worrying about what he or Tottenham are doing. My life doesn't work like that."

QPR also confirmed that former Nottingham Forest manager Steve Cotterill has joined QPR's backroom staff on a short-term deal.


I don't see anything wrong with what either manager said

Harry has no choice, but to be sensible about AVB atm. AVB has just won MOTM and we are 3rd, the match has come at a good time for AVB.

Harry has bigged up our squad so implying we should be 3rd or 4th. That suits Harry. Harry can be very reasonable and generous when he tlaks, other times he make a discreet dig. All managers are like that a bit.

He is right about AVB not taking his job. That is not something Mark Hughes can say about Harry. Harry was never going to take the UKraine job IMO and from what I have heard. IMO he put pressure on QPR to get rid of Hughes and appoint him. He did not want them to win a couple of games , Hughes to get a stay or reprieve and the job slip away from him.

QPR was the best most realistic job for Harry. West London. Logistically other job he could have wanted were West Ham , Pompey or Sottm. Nothing else really suited him.

Harry wanted the QPR one - so the warm words about Mark Hughes run a litle hollow IMO
I've always held the opinion that it was mainly the contract demands (and Stretford) that got 'Arry the sack. Demanding a multi-year contract (four according to the Guardian) just after an embarrassing late season collapse was never a wise move, but I suspect Levy would have been content with a one-year rolling contract arrangement, which is not unreasonable for a 65 year old manager who has had recent health problems. I'm sure that they had their tensions, but continuing the status quo would probably have suited Levy, especially with the stadium stuff to worry about. That said, I doubt Levy would have been upset at the parting and the excuse provided.

Levy had to be looking at new managers the previous year, due to Capello's England contract expiring after the Euros and 'Arry's court case. AVB was probably on the list but would have been expensive. When Capello quit, Levy would be drawing up a contingency plan and AVB would again have been near the top of the list (willing to work in a structure, suitable for long-term plan, no compensation). So while I believe Levy would have continued with 'Arry short-term, the hiring Stretford and demand for a long-term contract made it an easy choice for him.
QPR was the best most realistic job for Harry. West London. Logistically other job he could have wanted were West Ham , Pompey or Sottm. Nothing else really suited him.

I think Harry thought he had a shot at the Chelsea job before it was given to the Benetiz, as soon as it was filled the following week he was chosen as QPR boss.
I think he's honest there - he's an old pro who's been in this game longer than my parents have been alive, I think you take a philosophical outlook at this stage in your life and career and accept the lows as well as the highs. I am mainly annoyed at the media for constantly asking loaded questions and attempting to stoke some sort of grudge between HR and AVB/Levy/Spurs when it's clear that each part is just focusing on his own job.

but why would you be annoyed at the media? that is their job to do this.

the problem lies with Harry being an active and willing participant to whatever agenda the mediA have, which is to sell papers. He could refuse to comment or keep his comments to a minimum. both of which he is incapable of doing...and which serves his own purpose of popularity and income. if you notice...its ONLY the clubs that he has managed where the fans have any sort of issue about him,,,,....everyone else is either nuetral about him or in favour of him.

this doesnt take away from the FACT that this man is a VERY good manager, its just that even though he technically doesnt do anything wrong...he should try to keep avenues that give access to character assassination to a minimum
At the same stage last year Tottenham were third, as they are now under André Villas-Boas, though seven points better off and travelling to Emirates Marketing Project very much involved in the title race. Matters unravelled thereafter, but the former manager recognises them as contenders these days. "I think they can win the league," he says. "They've got a stronger squad than Arsenal, and they're not far off Chelsea. They're a club who can keep improving and they'll go for it.

"I wouldn't have done any better than [Villas-Boas] has done. He's done a fantastic job, getting the best out of a great squad. Good luck to them – I hope they win the league one day. I'm not a jealous, bitter, twisted person about anybody.

Kind words and hopefully true.
I so wanted the victory today. If only to be able to say......"enough" and shut this thread down once and for all.

That result just keeps the "fors" and "againsts" sniping at each other.

Can I close it anyway?...........please?

We really need to accept HR is not our manager anymore and move on.
I so wanted the victory today. If only to be able to say......"enough" and shut this thread down once and for all.

That result just keeps the "fors" and "againsts" sniping at each other.

Can I close it anyway?...........please?

We really need to accept HR is not our manager anymore and move on.

Why close it? It is all good natured discussion and is one of the most popular threads.

So after today Harry still needs just 2 wins but the relegation battle is very interesting. QPR were lucky against Chelsea but they well earned their draw today so they are on the up (metaphorically)
Who will go down? I don't think anyone up to West Ham can be ruled out but I think Wigan and Soton will beat the drop.
getting back to qpr, it'll be a miracle if they stay up, they carry no goal threat at all, they'll battle hard and grind out plenty of nil-alls but they ain't gonna score enough to get the wins they need
getting back to qpr, it'll be a miracle if they stay up, they carry no goal threat at all, they'll battle hard and grind out plenty of nil-alls but they ain't gonna score enough to get the wins they need

Good point. Wins need goals but goalscorers are hard to find. Maybe old 'Arry could do with young 'Arry?
I so wanted the victory today. If only to be able to say......"enough" and shut this thread down once and for all.

That result just keeps the "fors" and "againsts" sniping at each other.

Can I close it anyway?...........please?

We really need to accept HR is not our manager anymore and move on.

I'd love to see this, the AVB and Lloris threads locked. I don't think that there is anything worth saying, that hasn't already been said, on these topics. Most posters on the board have given up on the threads and the only people who are left are so locked into a position that they are unlikely to ever change their mind.
I'd love to see this, the AVB and Lloris threads locked. I don't think that there is anything worth saying, that hasn't already been said, on these topics. Most posters on the board have given up on the threads and the only people who are left are so locked into a position that they are unlikely to ever change their mind.

I disagree.

Mostly because there are new things that would occur so people would just open a new AVB/Lloris thread and people will just end up arguing about the same old things in them.

It would not work.
Good to see our past and present manager refusing to let the press create brick where nothing exists.

More than a brush off handshake at the end of game today will put aside a lot of that.

QPR certainly playing better now, but may depend more on other teams fudging up than them digging themselves out.