And I think this becomes the central issue. Do we want him to become more pragmatic in the traditional sense of a footballing pragmatist, or accept that he won't? And if we accept he won't, is 'his way' good enough, or what someone wants to support? I think those are the central questions, and they entail a blend of hard fact and personal opinion. Personally, I think that has been the way up until Thursday. Until Thursday, I think the debate was fairly open and free-ranging. However there is simply no debate to be had about Thursday -it was awful- and when something as conclusive happens in our biggest game of the season, then I agree with the skeptics that hard questions have to be asked.
I still subscribe to my friend's theory about the energy being sucked out of the room physically and mentally, with replenishment proving impossible, and if that continues to be the case through next Thursday night, and we get knocked out, then I suppose the main question has been answered. If we find our mojo, beat Bournemouth and knock AZ out, then we are back in the 'have we learned our lesson' saloon again. I will say that it feels increasingly hard to see him being the manager when we go to Asia on tour in the summer...