But as I've said (now up to three times in this thread and nobody has countered with any factual evidence), it's not grooming if the person is of age. Legally speaking it's sound but no doubt seems iffy morally, we'll just keep on going round in circles.
Appreciate my examples are a leap but I hope you appreciate my point, no disrespect and I am making an assumption but I doubt you are an authority of what constitutes as homophobia, you can deny what I've seen on comments if you like but it doesn't change the fact that people are jumping on it as an excuse to display their prejudice.
When Saville was caught out actually committing crimes, I doubt anyone was saying "ah typical heterosexuals, noncing it up as always" and that's being said of Schofield and the gays despite what he did being not illegal but unwise.
You don't seem to understand what grooming is and are confusing it with the act of sex/*struggle cuddle*/statutory *struggle cuddle* as you keep refering to the age of consent and the fact he reportedly claims they only had sex when the lad was 18 - grooming is manipulating a child/young person that you have power over in order exploit or abuse them - that can very much include building a relationship with a minor over a number of years which ultimately leads to a sexual relationship when the person is of age.
rip rarbg
I usually take zero interest in these stories, but the relentless nature of hearing about it in the background or on the news breaks on the radio for day after day peaked my interest.
From a tabloid angle it's a dream story, and I guess if you were to look at their clicks, views and engagements you're are going to look for every pocket of oxygen to feed the story.
There does appear to be a bit of a pile on regarding others in the media/tv world looking to disown/delete him in a way that suggests there maybe more to come out with this story.
Although it's not good to lie, the first lie is his biggest ie living the life of a heterosexual man when internally he knows he is gay. Many men live with this torment and it is society that has created this 'coming out' anxiety. (footballers being a prime example).
I say this as all of (or most of) his other lies come from this 'mothership' lie.
Needless to say it been a bad week for the Schofield's (jeez, I don't know if their parents are still alive), and Philip has well and truly been sent back to the broom cupboard (or is that groom cupboard)
Yep easy to blame othersPoor Phil it's all just homophobia, never entered his head that a lot of people dont like him or other "celebrities" on TV.
Have you seen the brick that has come out of his mouth today
His BBC interview is a joke, his first line was now I know how Caroline Flack felt
She was hounded by the press into killing herself, she didn't have a relationship with a boy whe she had groomed from the age of 12
The bloke is a fudgewit
Male, Female, Black, White, Yellow or Brown a nonce is a nonceAccording to the article Schofield first met the kid when he was 15 and there was no sexual contact until he was 20. Not sure where you've got the idea of him being twelve from.
As for the second post about playing the gay card rather than the race one, Cheryl Cole met her partner in a professional capacity when he was 14 and now has a kid with him, does that cause you the level of outrage?
Male, Female, Black, White, Yellow or Brown a nonce is a nonce
Do you think it's ok what he has done then ??A reassuringly progressive view but also unrelated to any point I was making or even this subject.
Apologies for interrupting the pile on against any kind of minority with information rather then adding more fuel to the vitriol, how inconvenient.
Mate edit the yellow before the usual suspects start having hissy fits.Male, Female, Black, White, Yellow or Brown a nonce is a nonce
Do you think it's ok what he has done then ??
Using his fame and power to get what he wants
I don't encourage having an affair if you're in a monogamous relationship nor the general secrecy that surrounds it in general or in this specific case, it's unhealthy and people get hurt (emotionally). There are question marks about the age difference and potential of grooming (but given that there wasn't sexual contact until 20 it seems unlikely or at least would be hard to prove).
I'm guessing you assume a devious plot but it is plausible he just wanted to help the kid in the business and developed feelings for him later.
As for use of power and fame to get what he wants, that's tricky. Leonardo DiCaprio uses those things to get with barely legal models, is that wrong? The way Leo does it is legal but Harvey Weinstein obviously was abhorrent and the fact it happened the way it did is horrendous but sadly believable.
The Cheryl Cole comparison is an interesting one, she comes off worse looking at the ages involved but there is no public outcry whatsoever, yet Schofield is being called a nonce and his name is being used in the same sentence as Jimmy Saville.
What you and kdddsoc might not ever understand being in the presumably privileged positions that you inhabit, is that people are persecuted in this country and others for being different and people want to belittle any suggestion of prejudice rather than actively consider it. Hope the word privilege doesn't get you too triggered, I remember when it was just the "snowflakes" who got worked up about stuff.
Thanks for assuming I know nothing about people being persecuted in this country, as usual you spend your time trying to wind people up, it's a shame you're so patronising in your post as sometimes you get it right but your more concerned with having a row.