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*** Official Film Thread ***

Nope, the last Superman film was in 2006 and starred Brandon Routh. There have though been lots of proposed Superman movies in the past, including suggestion of a Batman v Superman movie that never lived to see light.

I think there's going to be a Justice League film which will have both Superman and Batman so, if that happens, that could be interesting. There has been strong suggestion already of who will portray Batman if this film goes ahead and it won't be Christian Bale.
Nope, the last Superman film was in 2006 and starred Brandon Routh. There have though been lots of proposed Superman movies in the past, including suggestion of a Batman v Superman movie that never lived to see light.

I think there's going to be a Justice League film which will have both Superman and Batman so, if that happens, that could be interesting. There has been strong suggestion already of who will portray Batman if this film goes ahead and it won't be Christian Bale.

Oh brick sorry I was thinking of spiderman - fudges sakes - they all look the same these superheroes.

Is there an iron man 3? Its the only superhero movie I really love... although Batman is great too.

They really need to put a movie together where all superheroes battle it out. Incredible Hulk, Batman, Superman, Spiderman, Cat woman, Iron Man, The Green whotsitsface, etc etc etc

Would be great to see who would win - oh man - give me 500m and I would do that movie. Greatest movie ever.
You would need at least 500m, you know that Avengers is made up of characters from Marvel comics and Justice League from characters in the DC comics, right? So could be a little tricky to pull off contractually.

Otherwise yup, could be good!
You would need at least 500m, you know that Avengers is made up of characters from Marvel comics and Justice League from characters in the DC comics, right? So could be a little tricky to pull off contractually.

Otherwise yup, could be good!

I dont know the political stuff or know owns what rights or the contractual stuff etc but what i do know is it would be brilliant and im sure it would bring in a tonne of cash

Good about iron man - maybe its just that I like Robert Downey Jr more than anything else.
Would be akin to having James Bond & Jason Bourne in the same movie, a great idea in principle but hard to make it happen.

I think it's definitely Robert Downey Jr, his charisma and the dialogue of the character that makes Iron Man as good as it is.

Interesting that both he and Batman, your other favourite, are not true 'Super' heroes in as much as they have each built their Super Hero skills rather than acquired them by birth or an accident. In many ways Batman is no different from James Bond, he just wears his gadgets in his suit.
From what I read, the Justice League movie won't have Batman or Superman in it. Just the smaller lesser known characters.
An American Crime. Worth watching this. from 2007, i think. stars Catherine Keener & Ellen Page. based on a true story.
Would be akin to having James Bond & Jason Bourne in the same movie, a great idea in principle but hard to make it happen.

I think it's definitely Robert Downey Jr, his charisma and the dialogue of the character that makes Iron Man as good as it is.

Interesting that both he and Batman, your other favourite, are not true 'Super' heroes in as much as they have each built their Super Hero skills rather than acquired them by birth or an accident. In many ways Batman is no different from James Bond, he just wears his gadgets in his suit.

Yeah, but both Iron Man and Batman have one superpower they had from birth.
