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New Stadium and Training Ground - Pg 104 Northumberland Park master plan

I don't think that "should" comes into it. So long as the teams at various age groups have access to top quality training facilities, it doesn't really matter whether or not the club owns its training ground.

After all, Spurs searched unsuccessfully for a site for the new training ground for a number of years before settling on leasing the Bulls Cross site - pretty much the only viable option. Far better to lease the land for this fantastic new facility than, say, to own an inferior, smaller facility.

Chigwell was sold to sugars company and he now makes money from us annually on land we should own. There's no positive spin IMO.
Chigwell was sold to sugars company and he now makes money from us annually on land we should own. There's no positive spin IMO.

We haven't had to stump up the money to buy the site, leaving us with a window with no transfer budget?

Seems like a pretty positive spin :lol:
Chigwell was sold to sugars company and he now makes money from us annually on land we should own. There's no positive spin IMO.

Okay, I'll take your word for it. Maybe Spurs needed the money at the time?

But I'm quite certain that the rent has been professionally calculated, on an arm's length basis, and that Spurs are paying no more or less than the proper market rate.
White Hart Lane or The Aurasma Arena?

Heard Graham Roberts on TalkSport today, he was suggesting that his "sources" think something might be going down regarding naming rights and possibly a buy out. Anyway, I'd expected this to be relevant to the new stadium but it did seem to be about the prospect of renaming White Hart Lane. Now, this is clearly just speculation, and I might well have not understood what Roberts was going on about. But it did get me thinking: it's not just the new stadiums that have been renamed, you do have others - SportsDirect.com Stadium springs to mind.

So my question is, what would you think about a renaming of White Hart Lane?

Let's keep it simple and consider a scenario for the current ground alone, so a two-year deal.
I'm sure all would agree it would be a shame, but how big a shame?
Would it have a price? £5m no, £50m yes?
Would it depend on the sponsor and their choice of name?
61,000 seater stadium with no debt, guaranteed? Possibly

Thinking just of cash gained from a sponsorship if the current ground, and I don't think we'll bag anywhere near £400m for that!

Let's say say Beko offer us £40m for two years to rename WHL as the Beko Arena, would you go for that, as an investment towards the news ground?
Thinking just of cash gained from a sponsorship if the current ground, and I don't think we'll bag anywhere near £400m for that!

Let's say say Beko offer us £40m for two years to rename WHL as the Beko Arena, would you go for that, as an investment towards the news ground?

No, 61,00 seater debt free is the minimum! ;)
Naming rights is going to happen, forget about it. As an unscrupulous Irish caaant once pointed out, people will crawl naked over broken glass for a discount... Levy would Get into a rimming session with Arsene Wenger and a bacon flavoured turkey rasher sandwich if our new Qatari friends offered enough cash
ITK: Akqayid

'As an FYi there supposedly IS a press embargo on something. Brazil and Talksport got gonad*ed by press office/club.

Brazil's claiming he only meant it AbV, acting all innocent now.

As Sherlock would say, something is a foot'

Supposedly something to do with 'investment'..

Lol i heard the morning breakfast show where he sort of backtracked on the "blow your socks off" comment saying something like "well i dunno really thats what i was told?" could tell he'd been scalded
Lol i heard the morning breakfast show where he sort of backtracked on the "blow your socks off" comment saying something like "well i dunno really thats what i was told?" could tell he'd been scalded

Exactly. Something big is happening.

New Stadium getting a Starbucks? :)