Finney Is Back
Colin Calderwood
It didn't. The only mentions of the equity injection in the last set of financials were as follows:It said so in the last financials. Didn't read it myself but spurstalkshow mentioned it.
1. (Page2): 'In addition the group had net cash inflow from financing activities of £96m driven by the equity raise'
2. (Page 8): 'During the year ENIC Sports Inc. subscribed for 100,000,000 £1 'A' ordinary shares. These do not hold voting rights, ENIC is able to convert the 'A' shares into ordinary shares at any time. Upon subscription of the 'A' shares ENIC were issued with warrants by the Group. At the balance sheet date the 'A' shares had not been converted to ordinary shares, however the process to convert them had commenced. The warrants are held as financial liabilities at fair value through profit of loss ("FVTPL").'
3. (pages 30 & 48): ''During the year the Club agreed a capital increase of us to £150,000,000 from the majority shareholder, ENIC Sports Inc ("ENIC"), via the issue of convertible 'A' ordinary Shares and accompanying warrants. The investment represents permanent capital, with no ongoing interest to the Club. Pursuant to the agreement, ENIC subscribed for £100,000,000 'A' ordinary shares in May 2022.
The 'A' ordinary shares are convertible into ordinary shares with fair value of £100,000,000 at any time at the option of ENIC subject to a number of variables. The 'A' ordinary shares are an obligation to deliver a variable amount of the Company's own equity instruments and so are a financial liability within the scope of IFRS 9. A notice to convert the 'A' ordinary shares was received in June 2022. The conversion will conclude subsequent to the year end and will result in the issuance of ordinary share capital with will become part of the Club's permanent share capital and treated as equity, increasing ENIC's holding to 86.58% The investment is shown in the balance sheet net of £1,636,000 of arrangement fees.'