I was for many years, an absolute music enthusiast and collector. I started out a a Motown collector buying my first piece of vinyl aged 10 in 1974 and rapidly progressed to collecting all and any kind of soul, jazz, Jazz funk, disco etc. I've also always had a passion for the singer songwriter genre, Neil Young, Dylan, Cat Stevens as well as liking some rock and new wave and general pop. Long story short. I sold my vinyl collection ( some 12000 discs) when my son was born and we emigrated 15 years ago and am only now getting the time to listen to music again. I'm really struggling with finding new music that I enjoy. I don't like a lot of what I hear, yet I find myself craving new music. The only band that I have come across that I remotely like is The Killers who I think are absolutely terrific. So suggestions please. I could use some help here after being out of the loop so long. The only genres that I don't really like are Thrash metal and Punk.