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Mitt Romney the next new leader of the free world!!!

Yeah I agree mate.......thick ****s from school talking brick!

That said, they do they same about UK politics.......just spoat soundbites without having a fudging clue!

Just to add.......it's not OUR country but the whole world has a massive interest in the USA.

When they close their militray bases in 150 countries and stop fighting wars on our behalf i'll 'fudge off'

Untill then i'll have my opinion.
Most of the suburbs of the larges towns and cities are Tory......not even rural areas.

The suburbs tend to be where the elections are decided, neither fully urban or rural. You can see the size of the Labour red areas expand when they win. In landslides by either Labour or Conservative, the suburbs of London and Birmingham tend to swing one way (except for the richest ones). This pattern is not quite as strong in the US due to gerrymandering.
Same in Leeds.

I'm in the Elmet constituency, there is also Harewood and Leeds North East/West....all marginals.
Just to add.......it's not OUR country but the whole world has a massive interest in the USA.

When they close their militray bases in 150 countries and stop fighting wars on our behalf i'll 'fudge off'

Untill then i'll have my opinion.

Yeah of course, having an interest in it is healthy, I was all over the coverage of the last election, nowt wrong with that, it's just the bellends sounding out their brick opinions on social networking to attempt to make themselves look like a cool guy that annoys me
Yeah I know the ones.......the ones who usually slate me for being boring when I drone on about obscure US election issues!! :)
The deficit was projected to be 1.3 tn dollars by the end of this term without intervention in the economy. Due to Obama's policies, it is down to 1.1 bn. With decreased spending on wars, tax changes etc I can only see it going down. Obama inherited a country that had effectively been run ny loonies for the previous 8 years and encountered a disgraceful house who blocked almost everything he tried to do and he is chastised for not making everything rosy in 4 years.

I wish it was 1.1 billion. Donald Trump should have been forced to pay it for being such an ass-clown. Republicans like to throw out the $450billion number as the deficit when Bush left office, but that means that all spending for FY09 is attributed to Obama, which is ludicrous considering FY09 starts in October.

This is Rove's prediction:

I can't guess how many people don't know brick about politics, but it's easily the majority. The media does suck, without a doubt. They never give enough attention to the important issues, especially Fox News, which should be renamed to Benghazi-gate Channel. But the blame does ultimately lie at the feet of every uninformed citizen that does not understand how our world works, and the internet has proved that it can be a double-edged sword when it comes to "facts."
It's annoying to have to argue with people on both sides when they re-post opinions from other sites without doing any sort of fact-checking.

But what's more annoying is trying to have a discussion with people and they get butt-hurt when the facts don't align with their version of "reality." So, instead they just resort to name-calling and shouting you down in an effort to prove their point.
So I ask how can we expect our politicians to work together when we as citizens can't even have a truthful discussion about our current state of affairs? I know all the Republicans arguments by heart now because I've spent so much time debunking them. For Republicans to claim that Obama needs to reach across the aisle is simply the cherry on top of flimflam cake. I DON'T want four more years of this. It's time to start getting things done and that won't happen until REPUBLICANS cease their negative tactics. The conservative posters here probably don't read my arguments, because they never actually address them but come back and yammer on about the same old brick that they always do.

Now that the election is over, I don't care. You can believe in whatever reality you choose to believe in. Just don't get upset when your version of events and actual reality clash.
:ross: I'm dying watching Fox news here. This is too funny.

Five stages of grief:

I purposely switched over to Fox when I saw MSNBC called Obama getting re-elected. I knew it would be too good to miss. It was especially funny because they probably kept giving their viewers a faint glimmer of hope with Rove claiming that somehow, there was still a chance that Romney could still win. That just proves that he doesn't know brick about how elections work, again.

But onto more important things: pot's been "legalized" in Colorado and Washington state. Colorado even allows you to have a few plants... so, you guys know where I'll be in a couple of years. Actually, it's a very big business and now it will be booming.
It's still illegal federally, but I sincerely hope that Obama ends the fudging war on drugs. Too many lives are lost, but I haven't the slightest on the best approach to ending the drug war. It will put a lot of criminals out of business so I know it's not a simple solution. But tens of thousands in Mexico have died, I think 50,000 total now. On that basis alone, the war on drugs has been a failure.
Rove is a qunt. Yesterday's man with yesterday's tactics and yesterday's policies. fudge off you pig looking qunt!!
Not the presidential election but Americans also vote for a brickload of other stuff when they go to vote for the POTUS. Seems Colorado and Washington have voted to legalise Marijuana in their states. California seems to have stuck with the death penalty though.

I have no doubt the federal government will overrule the legalisation of drugs.
The deficit was projected to be 1.3 tn dollars by the end of this term without intervention in the economy. Due to Obama's policies, it is down to 1.1 bn. With decreased spending on wars, tax changes etc I can only see it going down. Obama inherited a country that had effectively been run ny loonies for the previous 8 years and encountered a disgraceful house who blocked almost everything he tried to do and he is chastised for not making everything rosy in 4 years.

And on that note, the GOP are a disgrace. the reason he was unable to work with the Republicans was because they blocked everything single thing he put forward, even if it was policies that they previously agreed with.


Care more about their political ambitions than the country itself.

Romney has nothing. Absolutely nothing. His economic plan is complete flimflam.

Congrats Barry. You deserve a second term more far more than out of touch wooden, flip flapping Romney does. Minorities, women, gays, people with pre-existing conditions, the lower and middle classes and the whole world can breathe easy that the lunatics aren't back in charge of the asylum.

Obama held the house for 2 years and did nothing to tackle the deficit. That was half his term, and that is why I don't think he has any intention of really sorting it out. I believe the deficit will stay over $1tn over the next 4 years,sending the US further down a dark road.
This is Rove's prediction:

Without twelve toss up states (MN, NV, CO, IA, WI, MI, OH, PA, NH, VA, NC, AND FL), Mitt Romney and Barack Obama are tied at 191 each. I predict Mr. Romney will win FL (29), NC (15), VA (13), NH (4), OH (18), IA (6), CO (9) and Mr. Obama will get MN (10), NV (6), WI (10), MI (16), PA (20). This brings Mr. Romney to 285 Electoral College votes and Mr. Obama to 253. These are just my base predictions and I still think several of these states are too close to call. For example, while I put them in Mr. Obama's column, I still believe NV, WI, and PA are in play and very winnable for Mr. Romney. If crowds at his recent stops in these states are any indication of his supporters' enthusiasm, Mr. Romney will likely be able to claim victory in these states as well.

Its disturbing how some of the polling has become so overtly political. This was always hopefully optimistic according to polls. Michigan, Pennsylvania and Minnesota weren't really toss-ups this time. Only NC, VA, FL and CO seemed good chances for Romney. Yet Rove and other partisans are free to promote their misleading predictions as if it were neutral information.

Given the argument for the biased liberal mainstream media, its worth noting that there were no polls that overestimated Obama's win in the same way they Republicans overestimated Romney's. The mainstream media predictions were either around 300 or closer. Now Rove is no fool, so this has to be deliberate misinformation to try and enthuse the voters and increase turnout. The media should not be facilitating this.
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Right. Have/express no opinion about anywhere else. The Middle East? Darfur? Apartheid? Northern Ireland? Kosovo? China? Just fudge right off if it's not your own country.

In fact...abortion? fudge right off if you're not a woman. Child labor? fudge right off if you're over 16. Slave trade? fudge right off if you've never been forced into it, you know nowt about it.
Obama held the house for 2 years and did nothing to tackle the deficit. That was half his term, and that is why I don't think he has any intention of really sorting it out. I believe the deficit will stay over $1tn over the next 4 years,sending the US further down a dark road.

Richie, let me ask you something: Obama wanted to let the Bush tax cuts expire for those that made over $250k. Would that extra revenue not reduce the deficit?
But even with a majority in the House, you still need 60 votes in the Senate to get anything passed. No comments on the filibustering and cloture in the Senate?

The deficit has been getting lower, although we are still paying for that stimulus bill every year until 2017.
Afghanistan is the bricktiest of situations. We really had no business being there in the first place because a full-scale invasion was not the solution necessary to root out Al Qaeda. Once we leave in 2014, that will obviously reduce our spending so I can see the deficit go to under 1 trillion.

And no mention of the recession of '08. Generally when there's a problem, you need to pay money to fix it. I've said this before, our spending is high, but it's not the most pressing short-term issue. Once we get our economy back on track, then we can truly and effectively start to lower our deficit since it's more a long-term problem than a short-term one, IMO. I just think that it's difficult to fix a deficit in a depressed economy. Instead, we need to invest in our economy, which the 2009 stimulus sort of did, but many economists argue that it wasn't large enough.

I also happen to care about the environment. Drill, baby, drill is the mantra of the neocons, but I've already laid down my thoughts on why I think it's selfish of them to only think about the present, never mind all the environmental disasters caused by oil spills in the open waters.
When glaciers melt, it exposes more land that the oil companies can drill into. Don't you think that maybe they have a stake in this whole climate-change thing? And the assholes that run those companies don't care about what happens 100 years from now. They're only interested in making a dollar now. This is the mentality that is crippling our country: the failure to see our long-term course, mistaking the trees for the forest.
Obama made government smaller. You might dispute this fact (look it up), but there are fewer government employees per citizen now than what we normally have.
Right. Have/express no opinion about anywhere else. The Middle East? Darfur? Apartheid? Northern Ireland? Kosovo? China? Just fudge right off if it's not your own country.

In fact...abortion? fudge right off if you're not a woman. Child labor? fudge right off if you're over 16. Slave trade? fudge right off if you've never been forced into it, you know nowt about it.

Well said. It's my world and ill have an opinion. On anything.
60 percent of voters in the US blame Bush for the current economy. Shame we aren't as clear eyed in this country.