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Mauricio Pochettino - Sacked

Part of the goal when pressing high is to force opponents into long balls that you should then win most of the time, thus winning possession. If you can do that with 1-2 players you do it with two players, no need to commit 4. If they're just going to launch it forward from the goalie regardless of what you do you obviously don't push your team up to their box with 3 players in offside. Pretty basic stuff, I'm sure Poch gets it.

About parking the bus it was mention in the interview with Schneiderlin in one of the new new manager threads how Southampton had to adjust to doing just that.

Chelsea playing against a possession side will surrender possession, try and force errors and then hit a team on the break. Mourinho did use long balls last season, most notably in the Champions League but I do not think that it would be his tactic from the off against us.
Sorry to break our vow, but I have to here…did you? Really? When? I'd appreciate a refresher, because what I DO remember, is that you said very recently he 'wasn't coming' and that people 'shouldn't believe' the ITK.

I mean look, at the end of the day it's not important, we're ALL Spurs supporters who want the best for our beloved, but I know you have high standards on these things thus I feel compelled to ask.

I agree.
Anyone who knows anything about sporting statistics knows that player value, or transfer fee spend, has almost zero statistical relevance to how a team performs, or even should perform. The one stat that is constant and can be directly linked to league position is wages spent. Its the only stat that is consistent with where football clubs finish. It takes a herculean effort by a club and/or manager to get a club to finish where its wage bill shouldn't be. History shows that without fail, the league almost always finishes according to wages spent.

So the stat isn't misleading. The £s per point is directly comparale to Martinez's and Rodgers and you also have to take into account that Premier League spending on wages increases every year.

Southampton had the 18th highest wage bill in the Premier League. To finish 8th defies all logic and statistical analysis.

Yeah except the way that plays out negates the results of their fantastic acadamy from being a point of comparison. Producing top players who also happen to be on comparitively low wages because their home grown is a major advantage pouch had over the other two.
Ok so I got home from a nice holiday in the Maldives late last night and found out we got ourselves a new gaffer.

Ill be honest, he wasn't my 1st choice. I'd much rather we gave it to a proven winner Benitez, or the more talented young manager Frank de Boer. Don't get me wrong, I don't not rate Pochettino, but his job performance at Southampton has been wildly overrated. They finished 8th with the 8th best team, big deal. Maybe I'm being unrealistically optimistic but I'd have liked to see more ambition from us. I can see why Levy he's done it however, he'll be desperately hoping Pochettino can mirror what people like Rodgers and Martinez have done when faced with more pressure at a young age.

Despite my lack of belief I will 100% give Poch the chance to prove his worth. I hope he doesnt spend all summer raiding Southampton for players, the only two worth signing are Shaw and Lallana and both are probably out of our reach.

The difference here is that Barcelona have a team packed full of World class players to carry off that system. Now play that same system using players one or two notches down from Barca's and suddenly you'll probably find that Laudrup's tactics will start getting results.

We've already seen how a single shape/tactic manager has fared (failed) under AVB. I for one hope that our new man isn't the charlatan that AVB was.

The problem with AVB was precisely that he WASN'T a single shape/tactic man in practice, even though if you read up on him and all his inteviews, in principle he claimed to be.

If AVB had just stuck to his guns rather than changing from 4-2-3-1, to 4-4-2, to 4-3-3, dropping the high line v Man U and then randomly reimplementing it against Liverpool when he didn't have a fit centre-back then maybe he'd still be here.
Well, shyte players tend to become good managers. Pochettino used to be a shyte player, so hope he will become a good manager with us. I am sure all the Argentina fans remember Pochettino as the player who conceded that stupid penalty to Michael Owen when England beat Argentina 1-0 in the 2002 World Cup. Hope he does better as the manager.

To be fair, the fact he was playing for Argentina in a world cup game against England suggests he wasn't a shyte player. Unless your definition of shyte is an international for one of the top 10 ranked countries in the world.
Ok so I got home from a nice holiday in the Maldives late last night and found out we got ourselves a new gaffer.

Ill be honest, he wasn't my 1st choice. I'd much rather we gave it to a proven winner Benitez, or the more talented young manager Frank de Boer. Don't get me wrong, I don't not rate Pochettino, but his job performance at Southampton has been wildly overrated. They finished 8th with the 8th best team, big deal. Maybe I'm being unrealistically optimistic but I'd have liked to see more ambition from us. I can see why Levy he's done it however, he'll be desperately hoping Pochettino can mirror what people like Rodgers and Martinez have done when faced with more pressure at a young age.

Despite my lack of belief I will 100% give Poch the chance to prove his worth. I hope he doesnt spend all summer raiding Southampton for players, the only two worth signing are Shaw and Lallana and both are probably out of our reach.


I think this line has to be slapped down before it takes on even more of a life of its own.

Who exactly was predicting Saints as 8th before the season started? And how highly rated were the likes of Lambert, Lallana etc before Poch turned up? Good hands for the team, sure. £25M target of the CL clubs? No way.
I'd like to ask those who have followed Pochettino at Soton (and even at Espanoyl), what is generally his Plan A, Plan B (and Plan C if relevant)?

I hear a lot about the pressing game; just wondered if there were other methods he employed. I worry a bit that the pressing game is not balanced to save us from burn-out at the latter stages of a season; kinda like what I saw with Bielsa's lovely Bilboa team two season's ago.

Also will Pochettio ever play with two strikers, perhaps in front of a midfield diamond a la Rodgers at Liverpool?

Bump...anyone care to discuss my question?
I think this line has to be slapped down before it takes on even more of a life of its own.

Who exactly was predicting Saints as 8th before the season started? And how highly rated were the likes of Lambert, Lallana etc before Poch turned up? Good hands for the team, sure. £25M target of the CL clubs? No way.

Indeed. The revisionism is laughable. I invite any of those who spout such to prove how Soton were expected at the start of the 2013/14 season to be the 8th best team. Especially considering what was expected of them at the point from which Poch took over in Jan 2013.
Well, shyte players tend to become good managers. Pochettino used to be a shyte player, so hope he will become a good manager with us. I am sure all the Argentina fans remember Pochettino as the player who conceded that stupid penalty to Michael Owen when England beat Argentina 1-0 in the 2002 World Cup. Hope he does better as the manager.

You mean the penalty that Owen cheated for? Might as well write off Shiltob as being a crap keeper then, should have anticipated Maradona volleyballing that goal in
I think this line has to be slapped down before it takes on even more of a life of its own.

Who exactly was predicting Saints as 8th before the season started? And how highly rated were the likes of Lambert, Lallana etc before Poch turned up? Good hands for the team, sure. £25M target of the CL clubs? No way.

I had a look wen discussing Poch in one of the new new managers thread. In general the experts and pundits were all predicting Southampton somewhere "mid table". I did find quite a few predictions with them in 8th, but they varied from 8th-12th iirc. I didn't find a single prediction that had them higher than 8th. In essence he had them finishing at the higher end of their ambitions.

You're right about Lambert and Lallana. The interesting thing is the sheer number of players that have seemed to get so much better under Poch. It's not just one or two players, as people might have argued under AVB and Sherwood for us, but a large number of players. That's impressive.
Ok so I got home from a nice holiday in the Maldives late last night and found out we got ourselves a new gaffer.

Ill be honest, he wasn't my 1st choice. I'd much rather we gave it to a proven winner Benitez, or the more talented young manager Frank de Boer. Don't get me wrong, I don't not rate Pochettino, but his job performance at Southampton has been wildly overrated. They finished 8th with the 8th best team, big deal. Maybe I'm being unrealistically optimistic but I'd have liked to see more ambition from us. I can see why Levy he's done it however, he'll be desperately hoping Pochettino can mirror what people like Rodgers and Martinez have done when faced with more pressure at a young age.

Despite my lack of belief I will 100% give Poch the chance to prove his worth. I hope he doesnt spend all summer raiding Southampton for players, the only two worth signing are Shaw and Lallana and both are probably out of our reach.


This is what winds me up about the people that say stuff like this.

Southampton were the 8th best team in HINDSIGHT - at the start of the season who was predicting they would finish 8th? Oh, that's right, hardly anyone. Who would ahve wanted us to sign Lallana, Rodriguez, Lambert, Schneiderlin, Ward-Prowse etc last summer? Absolutely nobody on here I bet. Its absolutely ridiculous that people keep reciting this stupid line about how quality southampton were and that basically i could have rocked up with that amazing squad of young internationals and got them 8th without even trying.

Total rubbish. Lallana is 26, Rodriguez is 24, Lambert 32, Schneiderlin is no spring chicken, Fonte neither. Clyne has been around for a good few years in the lower leagues. Where have they all been hiding? Under a rock? Southampton were in league 1 about 4 seasons ago. They have the 18th highest wage bill in the country. These players were lower league players for a good many seasons before being transformed into this 'quality squad of internationals', THIS season BY Pochettino.

I would put my house on these players going nowhere if Adkins were still in charge. Southampton might have finished around 15th (which is where they were when Adkins left) and that would have been classed as a good season for them having just got promotion, but they'd have plodded along in all likelihood at that level. Shaw would have left as he is an amazing talent who was talked about at youth level before he even broke into the Saints team. All of the rest of them, they'd not have got near the England or French squads I'd bet.

Incredible hindsight by some people. Saudi Sportswashing Machine on paper, have a FAR FAR FAR MASSIVELY superior squad to Southampton. At the start of this season there would not have been any comparison. Cabaye, Collocini, Santon, Debuchy, Sissoko, Ben Arfa, Cisse, Remy, I mean these are all massive reputation player that play for Italy, Argentina, France and you are saying Southampton should have finished 8th because they had a better squad than Saudi Sportswashing Machine on paper? Absolute rubbish. Can't believe i am constantly hearing this rubbish along with "well he doesn't even speak English does he?" rubbish. Its like its an 'in joke' to just constantly wind me up.

Also this idea that you can say "well what has Pochettino done, he just got Southampton to finish 8th, what about De Boer, i mean he got Ajax to win the dutch league 4 times in a row." Well its not as if Ajax have had an established system of constant youth development for decades and constantly churn out quality young players and constantly play 4-3-3 at every youth level and constantly are one of the biggest, richest clubs in Holland and that if you had to speak to any football fan in the street and said "name the team that is going to win the Dutch title this season", about 99.9% of football fans would say "Ajax" and would have done at any poitn they'd been asked this question in the last 40 years (that is unless you are like Gutterboy and spend your entire spare time watching British Eurosport and analysis form and performances of every player in teh world ever.

What has De Boer REALLY achieved that is actually worth anything to what we want him to do at Spurs? He's basically been in an 'ajax family' nursery environment where basically he rocks up says, "i'm frank de boer, i want to play 4-3-3 and bring through all the youth players and play possession football and win the league" and everyone says "great, that's what every Ajax manager since Cruyff has said and done". Yes, they went 7 years without winning the league or whatever anyone said, but they were always going to arrest that cycle, they are Ajax, they had an amazing crop of young players coming through and still do.

I'm not taking anything away from De Boer, but its ridiculous to brand him less of a gamble than Pochettino who knows what is required to manage in England, has transformed a style of play at a club in England and successfully implemented ideas in England with English players, under the scrutiny of the English media, and this after also successfully doing this in Spain with Espanyol, where he is still popular to this day.

What winds me up isn't that people point out potential downfalls in Pochettino, or point out why they'd preferred other candidates, its that they constantly peddle the same tired rubbish that does not have any basis in any fact whatsoever and its just really sad.
Yeah except the way that plays out negates the results of their fantastic acadamy from being a point of comparison. Producing top players who also happen to be on comparitively low wages because their home grown is a major advantage pouch had over the other two.

Forgive me if i'm wrong, but only Ward-Prowse and Shaw were academy graduates to the regular first team under Pochettino. That's comparable to Swansea and Wigan. Lallana came through their youth system, but was in the team many years before Poch took over and was a first teamer under Adkins, therefore his wages would have been adjusted to that of a first team regular already.
Erm, I know loads of geezers who had them down to finish 8th or 9th. Not sure why people are kicking up such a fuss at that comment. Getting on the defensive already FFS. BoL mate it's hard to take you too seriously when you overrated AVB so much, AND thought Sherwood was a talented manager.

Nigel Adkins was doing a good job there, IIRC in around November or December they started to look comfortable in this league under him and began playing the pressing game and picking up some great results under him. Whos to say he wouldn't have continued that if not unfairly sacked? Poch merely developed it rather than revolutionised it as some would have you believe.
Erm, I know loads of geezers who had them down to finish 8th or 9th. Not sure why people are kicking up such a fuss at that comment. Getting on the defensive already FFS. BoL mate it's hard to take you too seriously when you overrated AVB so much, AND thought Sherwood was a talented manager.

Nigel Adkins was doing a good job there, IIRC in around November or December they started to look comfortable in this league under him and began playing the pressing game and picking up some great results under him. Whos to say he wouldn't have continued that if not unfairly sacked? Poch merely developed it rather than revolutionised it as some would have you believe.


If we had a manager that "merely" developed our squad to see well over 5 first teamers take solid steps forward over the last season and a half and merly got us the highest league position tipped for by pundits, experts and geezers we would have been delighted.

I agree he didn't revolutionize Southampton, he didn't have to. We don't really need a manager that comes in to revolutionize us either, we need someone to do what Poch did at Southampton. Make good players play good football in a functioning system and develop good players into better players.