I realised that you must have been joking a second after pressing the post button. The igijedi character is rather different from the run-of-the mill flimflamters, to be fair.
There are no youngsters on message boards any more. Anonymous posting is for pre-digital generations; the youngsters are on Twitter and Snapchat. No, SC posters are just like us, really.
So why do they put up with this nonsense, and pay for it? They donate because they are told that the site costs a fortune to run. It's just about possible that Rob really does have a fantastically, eye-wateringly bad deal from his hosting provider, and that his accounts of the accounts are honest. Either he is being taken for a mug, or the donors are, though.
They don't mock the ITKs, because if they do they will be cast into the outer darkness. And if they want to post somewhere with the same volume of traffic, they have no option but the lunatic-run asylum of The Fighting rooster, where they will be sworn at by strange, angry, spittle-frothing posters who they were quite relieved to see banned from SC.
It's a difficult situation and one has to feel sorry for them.