They'll give him 10 max and he'll do half the sentence and be out on good behavior. Rapists and especially child molesters deserve to die imo.
They'll give him 10 max and he'll do half the sentence and be out on good behavior. Rapists and especially child molesters deserve to die imo.
Was reading today that his laptop got sent to a specialist to break the password and it turned out to be 'If***kids'
Hearing things like that puts me off reading any more about the case.
I guess im more of a innocent until proven guilty type of guy but of course he has been proven guilty and BEYOND ALL reasonable doubt - seeing as he pleaded his guilt. It is disgusting.
Its just ****ed up for the band as that legacy has been ruined really - they HAD to split. No one will be playing their music in future and any revenue has been wiped out in terms of royalties etc because of it. Basically theyre tainted.
Considering they knew what he was into and what he what he got up, **** them. They never reported him because of their financial connection to him.
They'll give him 10 max and he'll do half the sentence and be out on good behavior. Rapists and especially child molesters deserve to die imo.
thats a very interesting point
do we know that they knew? i mean, actually know - not make an assumption based on the fact they were in a band together?
You have to ask yourself what are the drivers in our society that produces monsters like Watkins and Savile. Is it our warped environment? Simply locking them up and throwing away the key doesn't get to the root cause of deviant destructive behaviour because we see the same things happen time after time again. It's certainly not human nature to harm other beings.
Thing is, your usual rock spider is so demented and sick that they fail to function properly in society so generally aren't given much opportunity to feed their sick desires.
However, give him a bit of singing talent and make him a celeb and the world will be his oyster. It was all handed to this monster on a platter. Same with pricks like Saville. Death penalty is too good for them. Castration via a blunt, rusty hacksaw is a good start.
Interested in what you mean by this mate. It sounds a little generalized to me, but I suspect I'm misunderstanding you…Watkins is not typical; he is a perverse, and loathesome, extreme who has disgusted his peerage.
Think the term 'rock spider' is Australian for paedophile.