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Harry Redknapp: The Aftermath

Would you keep Arry after the Season?

  • Yes - He's done well and should be given at least one more season to consolidate our team

    Votes: 25 53.2%
  • No - he's peaked and would hold us back.

    Votes: 22 46.8%

  • Total voters
You're seriously suggesting fudging up our wing play even more than it currently is under the watchful eye of Harry "wingers don't play on the wings" Redknapp?
Its all about having good players first and foremost and then giving them a framework to perform, our problem is that we are too gung-ho, just stop our fullbacks pushing up that would improve us enormously defensively, we just lack a goal scorer to turn our possesion into goals.

Can you name a successful team in the modern game that doesn't get its fullbacks forward?
You're seriously suggesting fudging up our wing play even more than it currently is under the watchful eye of Harry "wingers don't play on the wings" Redknapp?

That's more like it Fuego

Straight to the point, and aggressive

I think you've cracked Glory-Glory
1) I don't think it's fair to compare modern players to the 60s. Back then they were chugging through mud, walking around, chugging through mud, walking around... the game now is about sprinting 70 yards to turn round and sprint 40 back, then 40 back up front, then 70 back... very different types of fitness and strain on joints and muscles.

2) Does anyone have minutes on pitch for Kyle Walker, Lampard, Rooney, Cole - without that it is hard to know what the comparison is. There is a difference between playing 96 minutes and coming off after 70 minutes.
I've mentioned on here before that I used to eat a lot in a restaurant a lot of Portsmouth players ate at.

Harry is not highly regarded amongst them. Two in particular are not fans - one now retired and the other surprisingly came to Spurs, despite having no love at all for Redknapp.

Hahahaha....either name the players (I bet their brick) or don't bother
Let's just take a look at things:

QPR, we scored 0 goals. We conceded 1 goal. The goal came from a free kick a long way out that was given harshly against Sandro in the middle of the pitch. Full backs staying back would not have helped.

Norwich - A fudging disaster, but we only scored 1 goal... We conceded 2, our CBs weren't exactly on form that day. A mix up in the box was one goal, a long range shot not being closed down was another.

Sunderland - 0-0, we scored 0 goals.

Spurs 3 - Swansea 1 - Swansea's goal came from a good strike in the centre of the pitch, our full backs weren't caught upfield. But we scored 3 goals.

Spurs 1 - Man United 3. We scored 1 goal.

So the game we won was the only game we scored more than 1 goal. Your plan to resolve this is to take away a key part of our attacking strategy and improve something that isn't actually hurting us at the moment?

Looking at our best 11, (which we don't actually have right now) you get:

Friedel (GK, obviously not going to get us many goals or create many chances.)

Walker, CB (obviously not going to get us many goals or create many chances), CB (obviously not going to get us many goals or create many chances) , BAE.

Lennon, Parker, Modric, Bale.



Parker is not an attacking player, I know he might be used in the build up but to claim he is one of our major attacking threats would be laughable. (He's great defensively and got a nice assist recently though, so I'm not a Parker hater, just like I'm not a Friedel hater or a CB hater.)

I'm really struggling to make any sense at all out of what you said, we're left with Lennon and Bale as wingers (although Harry likes to fudge with that concept) and we have Modric, VDV and Ade as our central threats through the middle. With our full backs not going past the halfway line, not only are we using attacking full backs defensively (which is worse than using VDV as a defensive midfielder, Parker as an AM or Defoe as a target man), we are taking away our width... We're allowing the opposition to have a wide midfielder and a full back for Bale and Lennon, we're also allowing teams an even bigger numerical advantage in their half and to top it off, we're leaving one of the players that makes the most passes for us back out of the game.

Yes, we would be very solid defensively with 6 players back at all times.... We're playing 3 relegation threatened teams and Fulham at home... Why are we playing for a draw?

A DM allows full backs to go forward without leaving us totally fudged defensively, that's one of their key features.

So in your world, say we have the ball... We have Parker, Friedel and our 4 defenders in our half... We have Ade up top, we have Lennon on one side, Bale on the other and Modric is probably around the centre circle with the balll... What are his options?

Ade has 2 CBs on him, VDV has a DM on him, Bale and Lennon have a midfielder on each of them and a full back in front of them....

The ball has to go to one of the 6 players we have behind Modric... We just became insanely easy to defend against. Congratulations on your "football is a simple game" tactics, they were simple to defend against.

we just lack a goal scorer to turn our possesion into goals.

You have just oversimplified again.

That back 6 you want to leave back might have possession all game. 100% possession. Ade isn't going to go back there and score a goal from his own box.

Possession gets turned into chances which then get turned into goals.

The middle part of that is key, because the full backs you want to leave back are a vital part of our team's build up play and our team's build up play is the thing that creates these chances for this goal scorer we lack...

The only thing about lacking a goal scorer is Ade has a bunch of goals and a ton of assists. He isn't the most clinical obviously, but how many goals do you expect this goal scorer to get? 13 goals and 11 assists in the league is actually better than scoring a few more goals but getting barely any assists... Still though, let's look...

Van Persie Arsenal 27
Rooney Man Utd 26
Aguero Emirates Marketing Project 22
Ba Saudi Sportswashing Machine 16
Dempsey Fulham 16
Yakubu Blackburn 16
Adebayor Tottenham 13

What kind of upgrade are we looking at here? RVP, Aguero or Rooney?


If football was as simple as you make it sound, Harry would be the new manager of Barca...
1) I don't think it's fair to compare modern players to the 60s. Back then they were chugging through mud, walking around, chugging through mud, walking around... the game now is about sprinting 70 yards to turn round and sprint 40 back, then 40 back up front, then 70 back... very different types of fitness and strain on joints and muscles.

2) Does anyone have minutes on pitch for Kyle Walker, Lampard, Rooney, Cole - without that it is hard to know what the comparison is. There is a difference between playing 96 minutes and coming off after 70 minutes.

Doubt any of those players have been subbed much at all between them. Maybe Lampard a few times under the AVB regime....
2) Does anyone have minutes on pitch for Kyle Walker, Lampard, Rooney, Cole - without that it is hard to know what the comparison is. There is a difference between playing 96 minutes and coming off after 70 minutes.

Doubt any of those players have been subbed much at all between them. Maybe Lampard a few times under the AVB regime....

This is out of date:

Wayne Rooney Manchester United 2, 414 minutes played. 22 goals. 5 assists. (He currently has 26 goals, so it is out of date.)

Frank Lampard Chelsea 2148 minutes played. 11 goals. 5 assists. (This is as out of date as the Rooney one.)

Ashley Cole Chelsea 2683 minutes played. 0 goals. 6 assists. (Also out of date.)

Kyle Walker Tottenham Hotspur 2731 minutes played. 1 goal. 1 assist. (As out of date as the others.)

The thing is, recently Rooney has been subbed a couple of times, Lampard was left out of the Wigan game and the Arsenal game, Cole didn't play against Fulham and only played 20 minutes or so against Arsenal... So Walker will have even more minutes added to this than they'll have.

I used this: http://www.imscouting.com/reports-generator/

I don't use that often, but I couldn't find another way of getting minutes listed.


That should be league minutes btw. Just in case that wasn't clear.
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Originally I agreed with those saying its Redknapps fault for not rotating but I read the full interview in the Evenening Standard, where he spoke about Lampard, Rooney etc and the amount of games they play and how they are never rested etc...

Now don't get me wrong resting Modric etc for the very occassional game might not of hurt(although like Redknapp says the back up we have is nowhere near as good) and like he said Lampard plays 60 games in a season to a high level and he's by no stretch of the imagination the fittest player in the league.

So, could all the suggestions of not rotating enough just be an incorrect assumption from a lot of fans on here? Because lets be honest, had he rotated and it hadn't come off(which is likely with our inferior back up) we would have questioned Redknapps decisions to play Pienaar/Bassong etc instead of our big hitters.....

Frank Lampard = winner with experience. Wayne Rooney = winner with experience. Lampard, this season, has been a sub for a lot of games. No, the fact is we were on the cusp of greatness with a great squad. They needed corralling , a little cajoling and to absurd the experience of enduring being a front runner. That, for me, is the job of management. Earlier in his career, under Ranieri and specifically under Mourinho, Lampard learnt how to do what he does and be what he is. Rooney learnt from Ferguson. Both managers have been both supportive and critical of their "stars". Harry had the right tools at his disposal, yet sorely under-utilized and under-prepared them.

He blooded a whole set of youngsters in Europe, yet none of them featured inn the second-half of the season; Townshend in particular could've offered at the very least a boost of energy.

He absolutely could've got away with playing Charlie instead of Walker in a few away games, no doubt in my mind. Ditto Livermore for Parker. Further, an important way of keeping players onside when the think part of the season is on, is to keep it simple and play players where they play. Perhaps also instruct your wide men to predominantly stay wide. Perhaps develop another system which utilizes the fit personnel you have available.

I'm not looking for the earth and I'm not looking for Mourinho, I'm just looking for more than "let 'em get on win' it" because the difference between "they should be 'appy win' top 5" and winning the title or pushing hard for it and finishing second or third, is having a clue how to get through the business end of the season.
Yes, Harry did it once. But EVERYONE has forgotten how important the much MUCH maligned (and under-supported by Harry) Gomes SAVED us with stupendous saves against the filth and chelski during those two home wins that April. Indeed, Gomes was excellent for most of that season. Anyhow, I digress (slightly)...

I think Charlie is right.
"Most of the players have played about 30 games. I didn't play any of them in the Europa League, most of them didn't play in the FA Cup until the later rounds.

"I don't ever remember Bobby Moore getting rotated or Geoff Hurst or Martin Peters, playing ankle-deep in mud every week.

"I don't think 30 games a season is too many for a player to play, and it's my decision anyway.

He's said some incredibly stupid things recently, but he's bang on here! I simply don't buy the excuse of players being tired. Barca players don't seem to get tired despite playing 38 league games, getting to the semi finals or better in the champions league every season and getting to the latter stages of international tournaments for Spain every two years.

Y'see, NOW we get into how good our fitness and exercise regimen really is...
Hahahaha....either name the players (I bet their brick) or don't bother

Not a chance.

How would you feel if one of your (ex)colleagues had been slagging you off and someone told you.

Would also be unfair on the person letting a few frustrations slip when drunk.
1) I don't think it's fair to compare modern players to the 60s. Back then they were chugging through mud, walking around, chugging through mud, walking around... the game now is about sprinting 70 yards to turn round and sprint 40 back, then 40 back up front, then 70 back... very different types of fitness and strain on joints and muscles.

2) Does anyone have minutes on pitch for Kyle Walker, Lampard, Rooney, Cole - without that it is hard to know what the comparison is. There is a difference between playing 96 minutes and coming off after 70 minutes.

All comps
Walker 3708
Cole 3925
Lampard 3213
Rooney 3383

Only players in England that have played more minutes this season than Walker
Hangeland 4500
Walters 4028
Shawcross 3978
Evra 3845
RVP 3825
Dempsey 3823
Song 3805
Mata 3741

All have played load of games in Europe.

stats from http://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/en/tottenham-hotspur/leistungsdaten/verein_148.html
Ok. I have some real ITK.

Not many people on here know, but I used to be in football.

Anyway, I was out last week, with some football people.

One of them told me something that I shouldn't say, but it is very important. Makes our manager look like a c*nt I tell you.

I also got a text, from somebody, who is also important, although I can't say what it said. Very bad for our manager though. Believe me.

Some on here would not like it. But there you go. I'm important. They're important. It was important.

Anyway, I can't say much (because I'm a c*nt), but I just thought I'd share it.
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Harry really, really isn't doing himself any favours here.

People say Corluka and Modric are mates. Completely alienating Charlie is hardly the way to start the efforts to keep Modric put.