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Harry Redknapp: The Aftermath

Would you keep Arry after the Season?

  • Yes - He's done well and should be given at least one more season to consolidate our team

    Votes: 25 53.2%
  • No - he's peaked and would hold us back.

    Votes: 22 46.8%

  • Total voters
Hmmmm. If Harry's stock continues to drop, I wonder how many players will be pleased to see a new manager. Information such as that is useful because "everyone loves Harry and they'll all leave if another manager comes in" becomes very easy to prove incorrect.
Hmmmm. If Harry's stock continues to drop, I wonder how many players will be pleased to see a new manager. Information such as that is useful because "everyone loves Harry and they'll all leave if another manager comes in" becomes very easy to prove incorrect.

This is a brilliant point and one I'd not considered.

It almost seems as if the ideal scenario would be for us to get CL. Redknapp to then leave for England, new manager takes over, ALL players return for pre-season and the squad is utilised more affectively.
The collapse began before the fixture congestion (which most teams faced that season) and continued into it. Collapse reasons are irrelevant in the context of this conversation anyway. We're talking about collapses, not their causes.

My point is, this is by no means the worst collapse we've ever had. Rose tinted specs will have us looking back fondly on seasons where we were far worse than now. 90/91 being the main one. Beating the scum in that semi final and winning the FA Cup completely overshadowed just how crap we were in the second half of that season! We were shockingly bad.

No-one faced the fixture congestion we had. I will argue this one to the bitter end as I went to virtually every game home and away that season. We were in the FA Cup and CWC until virtually the end, and no, the "collapse" as you put it started in April. You can call it rose-tinted whatever you wants, the bottom line is if you look at the results, when we won at scum bury on Easter Monday 3-1, the title was still on. It went soon after that (I'm still talking about '81/82) and no, context IS relevant. Harry Redknapp has 6 fudging subs PER MATCH to choose from. In 81/82, when Souness nearly broke Tony Galvin's leg, Galvin had to play on because we had one valuable sub, just one. Galvin himself told me that during that season, many players played through injuries which now would see players take 3 weeks in the treatment room because the "25 man squad" could take care of it. No, IN CONTEXT mate, this season has been a SHOCKING collapse, an absolute ball-breaker, and given where we managed to get to, if we fail to make CL, it will have been one of the greater failures of the last 30 years IMHO.

I see the point you're making with regards to performance (for example, no-one mentions the shocking inconsistency of the 80/81 Cup winning side) but again, given what we have and what we WERE on course to achieve until mid-February, this has been appalling and in line with last season's shocking end. We can but hope to drag some respectability and squeak 4th place before becoming Bayern fans...
No-one faced the fixture congestion we had. I will argue this one to the bitter end as I went to virtually every game home and away that season. We were in the FA Cup and CWC until virtually the end, and no, the "collapse" as you put it started in April. You can call it rose-tinted whatever you wants, the bottom line is if you look at the results, when we won at scum bury on Easter Monday 3-1, the title was still on. It went soon after that (I'm still talking about '81/82) and no, context IS relevant. Harry Redknapp has 6 fudging subs PER MATCH to choose from. In 81/82, when Souness nearly broke Tony Galvin's leg, Galvin had to play on because we had one valuable sub, just one. Galvin himself told me that during that season, many players played through injuries which now would see players take 3 weeks in the treatment room because the "25 man squad" could take care of it. No, IN CONTEXT mate, this season has been a SHOCKING collapse, an absolute ball-breaker, and given where we managed to get to, if we fail to make CL, it will have been one of the greater failures of the last 30 years IMHO.

I see the point you're making with regards to performance (for example, no-one mentions the shocking inconsistency of the 80/81 Cup winning side) but again, given what we have and what we WERE on course to achieve until mid-February, this has been appalling and in line with last season's shocking end. We can but hope to drag some respectability and squeak 4th place before becoming Bayern fans...

Great post. Kudos or whatever...
just kidding mate, i really do love you and your lame attempts at humour. they are fantastically pathetic. even when i've heard them for the second time.
The current form is certainly shocking, but I take a little comfort in knowing it isn't as bad as Liverpool's....
Great post. Kudos or whatever...

Thanks mate...I do agree with Knight that there is a tendency to over-romanticize the past and wear rose-tinted spectacles, and I'm sure we'd all agree that there were some horrible games (I particularly remember some awful bore draws at Luton, a bunch of fudging awful days out at Villa Park and two horrendously brick games at Upton Park, not to mention one of the worst days ever at Anfield!) but equally, we won two FA Cups, a UEFA Cup and pushed for the title twice between 80-86, so somehow, the odd brick game didn't hurt as much.

What hurts me the most about this season is how fantastic we were for two months, and how Harry undid that by simply fudging about, tinkering if you will, with both the squad and the starting 11 unnecessarily...that, for me, is why this is a slide of epic proportions...
Also a team can improve BUT fall down the pecking order if those around them improve more....

See, that's why you need to keep improving. To not fall beneath the pecking order.

And that's not impossible. It's just tough, meticulous (sp) and a long haul.

For me it's all about the performances. Ours are declining and have been so most of the season by now. Any team gets blips. It's about how the manager handles it. Redknapp isn't handling anything at all right now and hasn't done so since we started declining.

The players who have hinted (Parker) and ranted (Corluka) are spot on.
Get a log and a axe, hit it down the middle and you have the definition of split, and there are articles out there if you look hard enough.

Care to point me in the right direction? I can't find any talking about massive dressing room splits. There are a few from disgruntled players that weren't being picked but certainly no more than any other Manager gets?
Harry Redknapp and Spurs; an unravelling season
April 24, 2012
As I type this, Tottenham Hotspur are fifth in the Premier League. With four games to go before the end of the season, there is a good chance that they will finish outside of the Champions League places. Indeed, it’s not impossible that Spurs will finish sixth, behind Manchester United, Emirates Marketing Project, Arsenal, Saudi Sportswashing Machine and Chelsea. For a team that has spent most of this season in third place, and that was close to topping the table at times, this would a very disappointing end to the campaign. Whether Spurs finish third or sixth; whether the season is a triumph or a failure, only one man is really responsible: Harry Redknapp.

I’ve always liked Harry. Before he came to Spurs, I always admired the way his teams played football and the way he handled players, getting the most out of them. I wasn’t always fond of his wheeler-dealer schtick, but I liked his enthusiasm and irreverence. Since he’s been Spurs manager I’ve managed to take a closer look at him, and some of the shine has worn off. I still think he’s a good manager, although the last few games of this season will determine just how good.

Before I go any further, I’d like to clarify how I see the role of a football manager. It’s different overseas, where there is more of a director of football/coach set-up, but in England, as far as I am concerned, the manager is GHod. The whole identity of a club is determined by the manager. Obviously, a manager is limited by the finances at his disposal, but beyond that, he has complete control. The manager should be in charge of selecting which players to buy and sell, training the team (alongside coaches), selecting the tactics for each game, developing the players – both mentally and physically, man-managing each player so that they are used to their full potential, picking the team on the match-day and making tactical changes and substitutions when necessary. The manager should have a plan for the long-term, understanding their objectives for the season and how they will use their squad to realise those objectives. If that sounds like a lot of work, that’s because it is. The manager has to take control. When Roberto Mancini was criticized for his handling of the Carlos Tevez affair, he found an unlikely ally in Sir Alex Ferguson, who backed the Italian and reiterated his belief that the manager remains the most important figure at a football club. Sir Alex Ferguson is a good example of how a football team is moulded in the identity of a manager. Players (and owners) come and go but every Manchester United team remains defiantly Ferguson. Even when the players aren’t great, the team still reflects Ferguson’s identity and embodies his desire for victory. Mediocre Man Utd teams regularly beat the best Spurs teams.

Harry Redknapp has been in charge of Tottenham Hotspur since October 2008. He has been in control of the team for nearly four years and has done a lot for the club. As he is fond of telling the press, when he joined Spurs they had 2 points after 8 games and were propping up the table. He has done well with the players at his disposal and has been backed in the transfer market when needed. The current Spurs squad is very much a Harry squad, composed of players he has brought into the club (Friedel, Parker, Defoe, Gallas, Adebayor, Saha) and players who were already at Spurs, but who who he has moulded into his style of play (Bale, Lennon, King, Assou-Ekotto). There remain a handful of players who Redknapp clearly doesn’t rate but who he can’t get rid of (Dos Santos, Bentley). But it is very much Harry’s team. When the team plays well, as it has done regularly over the last few years, it is due to good management by Harry, and when the team plays badly, it is because of bad management by Harry. That is how football works. Win, lose or draw, it is because of Harry.

When a team is playing badly and losing games, one of the mantras repeated by football fans and pundits is that the players have to take responsibility – that the manager can’t go out there on the pitch and play the game for them. This is a fundamentally flawed statement. Of course the players have some responsibility, but the ultimate responsibility always lies with the manager. It is his responsibility to pick the right team over the course of the season to ensure that players remain fresh, to ensure all the players understand their roles on the pitch, to motivate players and protect them from pressure, to inspire and lead them. If the players are nervous or tired or flat, this is a failure on behalf of the management.

Which brings us back to Harry Redknapp. One of the reasons I like Harry less now than when he first took over at Spurs is because I understand what motivates him. What motivates him is doing the best thing for Harry Redknapp. In many ways that is understandable, but it is an unedifying sight. I’ve watched countless post-match interviews with Harry and have come to marvel at how he deflects attention away from his own failings. When Spurs play against Emirates Marketing Project or Chelsea Harry is quick to highlight how much money these clubs have and how Spurs can’t compete. When Spurs lose to Stoke or Norwich, Harry isn’t quite so keen to dwell on the financial disparity. When a player he brought to Spurs has done well, he will highlight how he had to persuade the chairman Daniel Levy to buy him (see Scott Parker). He ensures that when things are going well, credit goes to Harry and when things are going badly he manages to shift responsibility onto players or other figures at the club – he throws up his hands and claims that he is helpless. He has given almost no credit to Daniel Levy for ensuring that Luka Modric remained at Tottenham after the Croatian attempted to jump ship to Chelsea. In the recent slump Harry has often talked about the failings in the squad, whether it is tiredness or lack or height, as though he’s not directly responsible for those failings. He is the manager. He has been the manager for 4 years. If the players are tired or playing badly it is because he hasn’t managed them properly. If the squad is lacking depth in certain positions, it’s no one’s fault but Harry’s.

In some ways I don’t entirely blame Harry for the way he deals with the press – you don’t survive that long in football management by giving the media and fans enough rope to hang you with.

And despite Harry’s attitude irritating me, it hasn’t really upset me too much because over the last four years, what has been good for Harry Redknapp has nearly always coincided with what was good for Spurs. That all changed in February 2012. A day after Harry was cleared of two counts of cheating the public revenue, England manager Fabio Capello quit his post. Harry was instantly installed as favourite to replace him and a media campaign to appoint Redknapp as England manager sprung into action.

Of course, Harry himself refused to commit himself either way, because being Harry he wants to keep him options open. He could have issued a “come-and-get-me” plea and stated that he wanted the England position. He could have stated that he wanted to stay with Spurs. He did neither. He left as many doors open as possible. And almost immediately, Tottenham’s season turned to brick. Of course, according to Harry, the dip in Tottenham’s form has nothing to do him being linked to the England job. Because, according to Harry, none of his decisions ever have any negative impact on the team. Over and over he has stated that the players aren’t affected by the uncertainty hanging over the club, as though not knowing who the manager will be next season or whether your manager will even last until the end of the season won’t get into a player’s head. A lot of football is mental. The difference between a great player (Fernando Torres for Liverpool) and a poor player (Fernando Torres for Chelsea) is rarely physical. It’s an accumulation of doubts, fears, lack of self-belief and self-confidence. Players are affected by what goes on around them. Of course they are.

I’m not suggesting that Spurs’ recent slump is entirely down to Harry flirting with the FA. There are plenty more issues. But what unites all these issues is that as manager, Harry is responsible for all of them. As I’ve said before: this is Harry’s team.

Earlier in the season, when Spurs were 3rd and making an almost-credible push for the Premier League title, Harry Redknapp repeatedly stated that it was possible for Spurs to win the league – that the club had the players and resources to do it. I suspect, because I’ve heard it so many times before, that if Spurs do finish fifth or sixth, that Harry will swiftly rewrite history and claim that “we can’t compete with the Arsenals and Chelseas of the world” and that finishing sixth is a wonderful achievement. Because that’s what Harry does: he always paints a picture in which he is blameless. [cont...]
I was thinking recently that Spurs need a leader: not a leader on the pitch, but a leader in the dug-out. Because no matter how good a manager Harry is, he isn’t a leader. Being a leader involves a certain degree of self-sacrifice. It means standing tall and taking responsibility for your actions. It’s not about being liked by the press or players. It’s not about jumping ship when an opportunity arises. It’s about committing to a cause and leading by example.

This article isn’t an attack on Harry. I still like him. I think he’s a good manager. Over the last couple of years Spurs have played some extraordinarily good football. He has done a lot for Tottenham Hotspur. But Tottenham Hotspur has also done a lot for him. Despite a potentially damaging court case hanging over him, in 2008 Daniel Levy gave him the manager’s job and the budget and support to succeed. It was this support that put Harry in the frame to be England manager. As much as Spurs owe a debt of gratitude to Harry, so he owes something to Spurs.

I hope that Spurs qualify for the Champions League. I hope that Harry Redknapp has the skill and experience to pick the right team for the remaining games, and the passion and craft to motivate and inspire the players to victory. I really do. And if he fails, I don’t want to hear his excuses
The collapse started in april ? Holy cow. Again, I must be watching completely different games of football.

Our decline in performances were clearly visible as early as january. The performances were increasingly incoherent, the players increasingly re-active and the managment completely and utterly passive when it came to countering opposition tinkering and changing-round.
We're not exactly Wigan or West Brom are we? 11th Richest club in the world, 5th Richest in UK by revenue.

Either way it doesnt matter, he just needs to get on with his job, his current job for the next 5 matches for which he has a contract for ?ú3m pa. That's what I'd like to say to him; shut up with your excuses and put downs, shut up about England, and get on with your bloody job.

11th richest club...

and that"s with achieving............. sod all!