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googbye top 4

I see the Arse Vs Wigan game has been moved to 3 days AFTER the Cup Final..........thanks, Premier league. :rolleyes:

Marginally in our favour I think. If we are still competing with them for a position by that stage (and why not?) then they won't have the psychological advantage of points in the bag. Makes the last week harder for them. And Wigan probably will still be in a relegation scrap around then too. Suppose they could have gone for a date around April 30th, but who knows? Arsenal are on fire at the moment so the less winnable games they play the better. Hopefully they will lose to Man U the sunday before and that will knock their momentum a bit.

Chelsea midweek before the end of the season has shades of 2010 written all over it ;)
I've avoided posting in this thread until now because I just can't bring myself to say googbye to the top 4. I just can't say googbye yet.

1. goog
Noun: an ecstasy pill, or Verb: to goog; to be under the influence of ecstasy
See also googing, googer
Hey man you're eyes are huge, you googing hard yeah? OR: I got 10 googs in the pocket, this is going to be one silly night!
Mind you, BMJ has a vital role in our season...........Arse and Chelsea in consecutive home games

Right you are...and Wigan might still need the points to stay up. For me, our fight is with Chelski.
Always was.
And the way in which everyone is writing us off suits me fine.
Let them.
The season ends in mid-May mate...
...I'll choose to believe until proven otherwise.
Btw if Chelsea don't win either of their next two games, at Fulham and Liverpool, they will be put in a very tough position. If they win both, that would be very bad for us.
Were still massively in the hunt for 3rd and 4th, negativity gets you nowhere in life...

Next two games for our main rivals will shape the end of season. We need Everton to get something at le Arse, and then they have Man yoo. Im hoping for them to only get 1 point from those two games. Chelski have Fulham and Liverpool Away. Thats a local derby and Liverpool always play up to chelski. So im hoping a maximum of three points for them. We just have to beat City.
Marginally in our favour I think. If we are still competing with them for a position by that stage (and why not?) then they won't have the psychological advantage of points in the bag. Makes the last week harder for them. And Wigan probably will still be in a relegation scrap around then too. Suppose they could have gone for a date around April 30th, but who knows? Arsenal are on fire at the moment so the less winnable games they play the better. Hopefully they will lose to Man U the sunday before and that will knock their momentum a bit.

Chelsea midweek before the end of the season has shades of 2010 written all over it ;)

I agree, I felt if had been played on the 7th or 8th, WIgan may well have had their minds on the Cup final (not that I am expecting any favours), but it would have meant Arsenal would have had a full 10 days break before a tricky trip to Saudi Sportswashing Machine, now they only get 4 instead
Next two games for our main rivals will shape the end of season. We need Everton to get something at le Arse, and then they have Man yoo. Im hoping for them to only get 1 point from those two games. Chelski have Fulham and Liverpool Away. Thats a local derby and Liverpool always play up to chelski. So im hoping a maximum of three points for them. We just have to beat City.

It hasnt been a must-win for me so far, just thought anything gained would be a bonus. The problem would be if Arsenal win tonight, then I feel it becomes a must-win, either that or the Cheslea away game becomes the must-win, which thinking about it, is probably the more logical scenario
It hasnt been a must-win for me so far, just thought anything gained would be a bonus. The problem would be if Arsenal win tonight, then I feel it becomes a must-win, either that or the Cheslea away game becomes the must-win, which thinking about it, is probably the mpre likely solutuion

Agree that its not a must-win however I think it might be becoming slightly more than a game where anything is a bonus. It you take the view that something like 70 points is needed then we need 12 more (particularly given our inferior GD), so either 4 wins + 2 draws or 3 wins and 3 draws.

If we think we're a top 4 team then we have to be confident about the Wigan/Stoke/Sunderland/Southampton games, however its obviously quite likely that we'd fail to win to one of them...therefore we either needs draws v Chelsea and v Man C or win one of them

Everton and Fulham getting something tonight and therefore potentially reducing the 70 pts required would be very helpful....
We have in our favour that were playing teams with something to play for and need wins. If hate to be playing sides who wanna shut up shop like we have done in the past

Chelsea need to break their duck on away results. IIRC there away from currently ins awful and they play some hard away games.
I really prefer an Everton win. Much rather they help for the Goon wheels to come off. Of course Everton could finish above us but I'd rather that than the scum.
I really prefer an Everton win. Much rather they help for the Goon wheels to come off. Of course Everton could finish above us but I'd rather that than the scum.

Yep. An Everton win would be worth it as I think someone needs to dent Arsenal's confidence now before it is too late. A few injuries would be nice too. And some red cards. Please.