Terry Dyson
If you play long term, you will definitely lose. It's a computer, set to favour the supplier (obviously, they pay for all the equipment, premises, rates, staff etc).
Surely any sane person knows this, and the rest are just waiting for Lord Darwin to smite them, with all due respect dza.
You're assuming knowledge is enough to change behaviour. It's been a while since we moved past the assumption that human beings are always rational operators.
One can argue that gambling addictions are different, but many other addicts also know that their actions are harmful to themselves and others. Ask a heroin addicts, alcoholic or nicotine addict if they don't know... Even extreme risk takers more typically referred to as adrenaline junkies can be described as addicts, and they know the risks as well as anyone. But that knowledge isn't always enough to change behaviour. If it was we would be very different animals...