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Emmanuel Adebayor - Officially gone \o/

Not to be dissing Ade, but Dempsey potted an absolutely gorgeous goal today for the Americans in Honduras. We have options. We also have two weeks off of league play after the Saudi Sportswashing Machine game.

At this point, I don't care anymore about Lyon games or the Europa league. Luxury item. Must get top four and to do that, have to give our front line strikers time to recoup.
It was a nice volley by Dempsey but I'm not sure he's the answer to our centre forward problems tbh. His goal against Honduras came from a well timed run from deep which seems to be his forte rather than being the front man, although perhaps he just needs time to get used to playing that role with his new team mates.

Hopefully Ade will perform to his best when he comes back as he has all the physical attributes to be a beast of a centre forward but lacks the temperament which made his mate Drogba such an immense player in his prime.
Random I know but I stumbled upon Midos twitter and saw this a few days ago:

Mido ‏@midoahm
I bet AVB wants Togo to lose hoping Adebayour will get back to london tomorrow#COYS
Knowing about his contributions to charity, his close connection to his team-mates and the fact they all have been having issues with the Togo FA i see this as a far more plausible series of events.

Nelspruit to Johannesburg is around 340km or a 45 min flight - hardly the transatlantic long-haul ;)
Tweet from AVB press conference this morning

#thfc Adebayor not back yet. AVB says "we're trying to establish the best flight connections for him". Expected in training today / tomorrow
Im just wondering - how difficult is it to get flights back to London? Were Togo not knocked out on Monday? I mean blimey, there are players back sooner from further away - Dempsey no doubt will be back before Ade.

Now that Defoe is out for three weeks - sky banner
Utter bollox - there are many direct overnight flights to London (BA, SAA, etc.) and even more so via minor connections (Frankfurt, Paris, etc.)

fudging joker - completely and utterly unprofessional
Utter bollox - there are many direct overnight flights to London (BA, SAA, etc.) and even more so via minor connections (Frankfurt, Paris, etc.)

fudging joker - completely and utterly unprofessional

Thats the only thing - 'sorting out a few things' seems a bit vague, laughable and a bit like - we dont know what the fudge is going on.

Like you say smacks as unprofessional.
Dealt with appropriately?

Some of you make me laugh.

Pretty much every online paper i can get my hands on states that he was expected back in training on friday.

Is it friday yet? No.

People just can't wait to jump on a player who isn't playing well and will see fault where there is none yet to be found.

Edit: Even the article Denmark Spur posted up the page mentions it.
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I hope he's dealt with appropriately

I just want him back and motivated. If that means brushing stuff under the carpet then so be it. Last thing we want is Ade sulking. If we dont think he's behaved correctly, then sell him in the summer but the next 13 games are too important to us not to have him giving his all

If we have an on-form Ade for the last 13 games we will definitely get top 4 and possibly 3rd. He can be awesome in terms of allround CF play and link up play when on top form and we have the right sort of other players to benefit from that
Dealt with appropriately?

Some of you make me laugh.

Pretty much every online paper i can get my hands on states that he was expected back in training on friday.

Is it friday yet? No.

People just can't wait to jump on a player who isn't playing well and will see fault where there is none yet to be found.

Edit: Even the article Denmark Spur posted up the page mentions it.

Spamalot you turn everything into an argument dude.

We are saying it in jest - well I am anyways. CHILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

ps - he should be flogged - will beat the half time 'entertainment' we have. :) - need to start bringing in the Crystal Palace lot.

pps - Friday is fine as no one will be at training until then cos of international break but it does beg the question - how come he isnt in the UK yet and whether he is fit for purpose.

ppps - I thought we didnt believe the media? What happened? are we just selectively believing things?
Dealt with appropriately?

Some of you make me laugh.

Pretty much every online paper i can get my hands on states that he was expected back in training on friday.

Is it friday yet? No.

People just can't wait to jump on a player who isn't playing well and will see fault where there is none yet to be found.

Edit: Even the article Denmark Spur posted up the page mentions it.

AVB said in his press conference this morning that Ade will be back training "today or tomorrow".
He was ridiculously vague about. People are right to ask questions.
Spamalot you turn everything into an argument dude.

We are saying it in jest - well I am anyways. CHILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

ps - he should be flogged - will beat the half time 'entertainment' we have. :) - need to start bringing in the Crystal Palace lot.

pps - Friday is fine as no one will be at training until then cos of international break but it does beg the question - how come he isnt in the UK yet and whether he is fit for purpose.

ppps - I thought we didnt believe the media? What happened? are we just selectively believing things?

You might be, but others aren't.

re-pps: Do we care? When you don't have to work, your work won't care where you are? Until you are supposed to be in work.

re-ppps: selectively believing things, you mean like everyone does all the time? You selectively believe what is most logical given the things you know to begin with.

ps: 'spamsalot'? :p says the guy with more posts?
Adebayor had just finished playing 4 games in 2 weeks - how do you know AVB had told him he can have extra rest?

How do you know he hadn't?

If this was any other player rather then Adebayor then people would be willing to wait and hear what might actually have happened.
Not true - every player is equal - THFC employee

If he was given permission for extra rest the club and / or AVB would have made a statement by now (as has been the case in the past) not come out with vague comments.

There is no excuse for his actions and it's completely unprofessional towards his club and team-mates - especially since Defoe is injured
i'm not sure its because its Ade, but maybe its because its a player who went to the ACN, we used to have the same threads on here about Mido and Kanoute
How do you know he hadn't?

If this was any other player rather then Adebayor then people would be willing to wait and hear what might actually have happened.

Because if he had give him a few days off he'd have set him a day to come back on. Not he might be training "today or tomorrow". It sounds like AVB doesnt have a clue when he's back, so much so he's concocted some flimflam story that "we're trying to establish the best flight connections for him".