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Emmanuel Adebayor - Officially gone \o/

Re: Adebayor

The initial point Mumorn makes is correct IMO. Soldado will score twenty this year im sure but did nowt on Sunday- not his fault cos his game is reliant on service but had Ade been playing he would have gone roaming out of the area looking to link up; then he would have been moaned at for not being in the box. Soldado sat in the box all afternoon and barely touched the ball.

Darren Bent all over again?
Re: Adebayor

Ade was basically a brick wall last season, the ball would bounce off him.

The guy is the definition of unrealiable.

He's had one season in his entire career which you could describe as "great" and that was for scum many years ago.

He has the only striker in the league who rivals Defoe for offsides in a season. The amount of times he just stands there and doesn't even look along the line, it's as bad as mistiming your run.

I don't think anyone doubts that he's a better overall player than Defoe when on form, but that's the problem, how often is he on form? He scored for fun whenever he played against us, then he joins Spurs and he needs 5 chances before he puts one in. Defoe will always fight for his place in the side, do we honestly think Ade will show that same motivation? The only way it will happen is we sell him then bring him in on loan again.
Re: Adebayor

You never miss your water til the well runs dry. Normally 2 goals a game when he plays on his own up front.


I fancy Ade and Soldado for home games.

Where on earth do you get that stat from? From your link, I make it that over his career, he has scored less than one goal every three games. For a 25m striker playing for successful teams at the top of the league, that is a pathetic return.

AVB clearly doesn't want him and could hardly get a single decent performance out of him last term, what do you think will be so different now?
Re: Adebayor

Agreed! We're not playing to his strengths, but that doesn't mean he isn't embarassingly defficient in certain parts of his game. Of course, this is exactly how he was billed, so no one was under any illusions.

This "movement" thing is a myth - certainly when applied to the Arsenal game. I was watching him closely and he doesn't, or didn't, move any better than any other reasonable striker. The "he comes alive" thing is just a cliche applied to this sort of striker and a case of people wanting him to succeed and seeing what they want to see. Mind you, we should be used to these cliches applied to our strikers. How many times has Defoe been described as a "natural goalscorer", despite his underwhelming goal record? The boy "loves to score goals", right?

I don't agree with this tbh.

The one thing I do agree on is that there is a bit of bias going on here with Soldado and the other signings. I've had a conversation with Spurs fans who think we've signed 7 world class (or at the very least some world class and some unbelievable) players, when in reality, none of them are currently world class and, with the percentages that run through all clubs, at least one of them is likely to flop. The same with Soldado. He's done some good things so far but the main thing he's shown me so far is the team's main weakness, involving the striker and being creative.

Still, I find it very difficult to say his movement isn't better than the average striker's, or at least better than Defoe and Adebayor. For one thing, I'd forgotten what it looked like when strikers followed up other players taking long shots, with Ade and Defoe often standing as statues. Or the lack of constant and silly offsides (come to think of it, you're right, those 2 things are things I'd expect in every top 6 striker). But he does them at least.

Soldado has had a better than 1 in 2 record every season he's been at Valencia. I don't think that comes from having movement which is no better than any reasonable striker (especially as his movement and finishing are meant to be his main assets, rather than holding up the ball for example).
Re: Adebayor

I don't agree with this tbh.

The one thing I do agree on is that there is a bit of bias going on here with Soldado and the other signings. I've had a conversation with Spurs fans who think we've signed 7 world class (or at the very least some world class and some unbelievable) players, when in reality, none of them are currently world class and, with the percentages that run through all clubs, at least one of them is likely to flop. The same with Soldado. He's done some good things so far but the main thing he's shown me so far is the team's main weakness, involving the striker and being creative.

Still, I find it very difficult to say his movement isn't better than the average striker's, or at least better than Defoe and Adebayor. For one thing, I'd forgotten what it looked like when strikers followed up other players taking long shots, with Ade and Defoe often standing as statues. Or the lack of constant and silly offsides (come to think of it, you're right, those 2 things are things I'd expect in every top 6 striker). But he does them at least.

Soldado has had a better than 1 in 2 record every season he's been at Valencia. I don't think that comes from having movement which is no better than any reasonable striker (especially as his movement and finishing are meant to be his main assets, rather than holding up the ball for example).

I agree with you.

The shot he had blocked in the box after Walker's ball in against Arsenal also partly came as a result of excellent movement from Soldado. I feel very confident that we'll have more examples as the season progresses.
Re: Adebayor

I don't agree with this tbh.

The one thing I do agree on is that there is a bit of bias going on here with Soldado and the other signings. I've had a conversation with Spurs fans who think we've signed 7 world class (or at the very least some world class and some unbelievable) players, when in reality, none of them are currently world class and, with the percentages that run through all clubs, at least one of them is likely to flop. The same with Soldado. He's done some good things so far but the main thing he's shown me so far is the team's main weakness, involving the striker and being creative.

Still, I find it very difficult to say his movement isn't better than the average striker's, or at least better than Defoe and Adebayor. For one thing, I'd forgotten what it looked like when strikers followed up other players taking long shots, with Ade and Defoe often standing as statues. Or the lack of constant and silly offsides (come to think of it, you're right, those 2 things are things I'd expect in every top 6 striker). But he does them at least.

Soldado has had a better than 1 in 2 record every season he's been at Valencia. I don't think that comes from having movement which is no better than any reasonable striker (especially as his movement and finishing are meant to be his main assets, rather than holding up the ball for example).

I agree, and would add that in the few games i have seen him he just looks like 'he knows what he's doing' (same as paulinho), i know that is in some ways a bit vague but they look like they know the basics and are students of the game.

In Soldado's case i would suggest that he is not quick, not that strong, and not that tall. An average set of characteristics for a striker. And for someone like that to be top class and rack up good figures for Valencia for 3 seasons in a tough league would suggest working very hard at the other (more technical) aspects of a forwards play.
I would add though, that due to being that kind of striker he is rarely going too create something for himself, so by default very much relies on others. What i very much hope though (being a forward for many years myself) is that creativity comes soon, as early enthusiasm/drive can wane quickly if you start wondering 'what the f*cking point, i'm flogging myself for nothing'.
Re: Adebayor

When it comes to motivation, it is my view that there are two kinds of people: those that get it from within themselves and those that derive it from their environment. I'd suggest Adebayor is firmly in the latter category. When the fans love him, when the manager inspires and favours him, when the goals flow, he is in his element. He will never miss a training session and he will never give less than 100 percent in games. See 2011-2012 for an example of everything clicking for him at the right time.

When things go against him, when the fans moan about him, and when the manager chooses to adopt a more restrained, equitable team policy, Ade will struggle. This has been borne out by his late travails at Arsenal and last season for us. I do not doubt he gave as much as he could for us, but subconsciously he was never fully motivated and thus never felt that he could give more than he was giving, even if previously he easily surpassed the level he was currently playing at.

Look, I believe him when he says he was delayed by the president. And the whole AfCon affair I try to forget about, because he was shot at the last time he'd gone to that tournament and trauma like that does strange things to people when they return to the environment where said trauma took place. Sure, he might be more difficult to deal with than most players, but looking back, I'm not fully willing to call him disrespectful or lazy based on what he did last season. He has talent, and this year more than ever he'll be looking to focus on his football given the tragic death of his brother. And I'd like us to give him one more chance before throwing him aside and jeering at him as he walks away. And if AVB can't handle a player with confidence and motivation issues different to those that affect the rest of his squad, maybe he's less of a brilliant manager than most of us make him out to be, even if his tactics and training remain impeccable.

Unfortunately there is a third type......someone that gets it from themselves AND their enviroment, the problem with Ade is it will always be on his terms, self-interest to the maximum.
Re: Adebayor

This guy's instagram is interesting...

Looking at his comments, not exactly professional. Got an attitude of this is me, you don't like it, then f*** off. I do wonder what his situation is. Has he been included in our PL and Europa league squads?

This was 2 days ago.

Re: Adebayor

Movement is not simply 'good' or 'bad'... that is a very simplistic perception of the game. I would say Adebayor's movement was good in some ways - he created space well and when we had the right player to take advantage of that space (Bale), it worked. But it was also bad in some ways - he very rarely made dangerous runs to get himself into goalscoring positions.

With Soldado it isn't the quality of his movement that stands out, more the breadth/variation. He can drop deep and pull wide as Adebayor did, but he also knows how to be in the right place at the right time to score goals. On top of that he is also a quality finisher when he does get into the right position and receive the ball, something that cannot be said of Adebayor and Defoe.

So no, Soldado's movement may not be outstanding in any area, but he is generally an intelligent player who keeps on the move and looks for space/ to bring others into space - he is more complete than any striker we have had at the club in recent times. Maybe even moreso than Berbatov, although the two are very different players (both cool as a cucumber from the spot though, another trait we've been missing).
Re: Adebayor

And lol speaking of Berbs, he was a serious smoker, a bit of shisha pales in comparison. It didn't stop him from being top scorer, Ade is a flawed character with plenty to criticise, but that pic really means **** all. (Btw my computer doesn't want to let me view the video).
Re: Adebayor

I'm assuming the interview was done in French or a local language thus the translation.

Seems determined to succeed to me.

He's mentioned his personal tragedy - you can translate that how you want but I'd prefer to take his view on it rather than see it as an excuse.

Hopefully we win him back. Actually not having Bale may improve his confidence (seeing as he may be more integral in our goals).
Re: Adebayor

Great news. He sounds ok. I was worried about him mentally, but lets hope he rediscovers his form. On his day, he'll offer far more than the other two. Although he seems to think Lamela plays up top too!
Re: Adebayor

He somehow seems to think he has a future at Spurs. He doesn't. I doubt very much after last years shenanigans and dismal performances, AVB will ever select him again.

Please note, he only says he will remain at Spurs until the end of this season albeit that he has a contract for another two years after that. Doesn't seem to me like someone who is all that committed to Spurs - rather, I will take the big bucks sitting on my butt this year and will agitate for a transfer fee again at the end of the season