Glenda's Legs
Cecil Poynton
Yeah - as someone else here pointed out, they came here and went full Comical Ali insisting Bale wouldn't be sold one week before he was.
@BrainOfLevy made an excellent point re: the lying Del Boy we have in charge having Donna Cullen as his right-hand woman - PR person employed to manage the club's PR over a football person speaks volumes.
And she hasn't even succeeded at that, since the club's stumbled through one PR disaster after another. That lying c*nt Levy tried to furlough ordinary working people - public outrage forced him to climb down on that. That c*nt joined the ESL - public outrage again forced him into a humiliating climbdown. The Villa roosterup where fans were charged 60 pounds and then left high and dry after a humiliating defeat and the post-match walkabout being nearly abandoned and then hurriedly brought back because people finally started shouting at Levy.
Today, Paratici and Conte's mouthpiece, Romeo Agresti, reported that Levy's proposed transfer budget was tiny and, worse, that he refused to commit to spending some of the Kane money on a good replacement.
The club has lost control of the narrative, and the media and the fans are starting to see through Levy's lies. Thank GHod for that - the sooner this deceptive, mediocre deadweight of a useless c*nt is gone (and his vampire tax exile owner with him), the better.
Seriously mate. You are clearly spending too much time on TFC. I’m not a prude by any stretch and can and do eff and blind as much as anyone, and more than many, but you don’t have to litter every posting about Levy with the c word and other non-swearing insults. We know you don’t like Levy. We know you want him gone. But it actually detracts from the points you are making and just comes across as rude and aggressive. I don’t agree with much of what you say but you are a fan and as entitled to your opinion as anyone. I just don’t think there is any need for personal insults on repeat.
*Steps down from soapbox*