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Stop exaggerating. Germany’s or Netherlands health systems are not on the verge of collapse. Their case rates will peak and come down it’s the one sure thing we know about this disease. The death numbers in Germany are nearly 50 % less than ours.

No one was smug just concerned at the number of cases and deaths. They were right to be.

Germanyhad over twice the number of deaths as the uk yesterday 351 compared to 149 uk https://www.euronews.com/2021/11/25...across-europe-as-vaccination-remains-stagnant
Their case numbers have more than trebled since the beginning of the month to 75k yesterday. So you can expect the number of daily deaths to increase, it's baked in.
Saxony hospitals got full, so the transported to surrounding regions. Theyare now full. Germany has started airlifting patients to italy.

Germanyhad over twice the number of deaths as the uk yesterday 351 compared to 149 uk https://www.euronews.com/2021/11/25...across-europe-as-vaccination-remains-stagnant
Their case numbers have more than trebled since the beginning of the month to 75k yesterday. So you can expect the number of daily deaths to increase, it's baked in.
Saxony hospitals got full, so the transported to surrounding regions. Theyare now full. Germany has started airlifting patients to italy.


Depends wher you source your info from doesn’t it. David Narbaro from WHO has said that case numbers are going up but hospitalisations and deaths are not because of the high rates of vaccination. That is not the same in some parts of Eastern Europe which has lower vax rates and situation is graver. This makes sense given that the Europeans were vaxxed later, generally have high vax rates and immunity has not waned as it has in the Uk due to the higher numbers of Pfizer and Moderna doses administered. Saxony has an issue with anti vaxxers but is not representative of all Germany. As I say exaggeration has become fashionable during covid. Incidentally the London Borough Richmond’s case rates last week were approaching 550 per 100000 population.
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Depends wher you source your info from doesn’t it. David Narbaro from WHO has said that case numbers are going up but hospitalisations and deaths are not because of the high rates of vaccination. That is not the same in Eastern Europe which has lower vax rates. This makes sense given that the Europeans were vaxxed later, generally have high vax rates and immunity has not waned as it has in the Uk due to the higher numbers of Pfizer and Moderna doses administered. Saxony has an issue with anti vaxxers but is not representative of all Germany. As I say exaggeration has become fashionable during covid.

Then why did merkle want to lockdown before leaving office?
I am not trying to score silly points here because no one has won from the pandemic. But I think 50% less deaths is a more compassionate way to go.

Now you're using a strawman. I've not said anything about the rest of the pandemic. I've said the should have opened up fully in the summer so they wouldn't be in this position now. That they fudged up.

I don't know where you are getting 50% less deaths figure from either. In fact if they don't lock down soon, their total deaths will be similar to ours come march.
Of which the german speaking nations are included. It's why austria has announced vaccine mandates and germany is discussing it.
Austria seems to have an issue with anti vax too. But several countries in Europe employ a covid passport scheme. I am not sure whether you are trying to argue that Europe have got it all wrong while the UK’s strategy has been correct? You do seem anti European though. I am interested in the infection immunity vs vaccine immunity research because the data seems to keep changing. Maybe it was useful to let the virus infect the population. I wasn’t arguing for further lockdowns here but just simple mitigation methods employed to keep the numbers of infections and deaths down. I think we have paid too high a price in this country.
Austria seems to have an issue with anti vax too. But several countries in Europe employ a covid passport scheme. I am not sure whether you are trying to argue that Europe have got it all wrong while the UK’s strategy has been correct? You do seem anti European though. I am interested in the infection immunity vs vaccine immunity research because the data seems to keep changing. I wasn’t arguing for further lockdowns here but just simple mitigation methods employed to keep the numbers of infections and deaths down.

Where did i say europe got the whole pandemic wrong and the uk got it right? I said they should have opened up in summer.

I seem anti european? Lol i've got an eu passport.

As for vaccination passports. Good luck with that. You realise that workers don't need one to work? So all the customers in a restaurant may be vaxxed, but the staff might not be.
80 cases? A few scattered around.

If it starts going to 2% of cases then to 5% i'll start worrying. Otherwise it's just media nonsense.

Ok genomic sequencing in sa isn't good. So i agree on stopping arrivals as a contingency.

You’d imagine there must be something to it if this government is acting as quickly as they have.

I hope you’re right, obviously.