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Ha, ha, ha. Yep this man is so central, so important to the running of the nation that... he had no support at all in looking after his kids. Gee any one would think he was a single mother working in a dispatch centre on a zero hours contract, called in at the last minute for a two hour shift at three in the morning. Kind of undermines this argument in all sorts of ways doesn't it? A bit of irony in there as well.

Indeed. A point I also made. Given the recklessness of Bozo, he'd have been smart to have made a contingency plan.
Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has criticised the prime minister for stopping his experts answering questions about his chief aide.

Sir Keir said "of course" he would have let the experts answer, saying: "We want transparency.

"Nobody should be stopped from answering questions from journalists… but it’s the PM here that’s the issue. He’s been too weak throughout.”

He added the Cummings issue had been a "needless distraction... when we should have been focusing on easing of restrictions and doing that safely".

"Instead it’s been wasted because the PM has been frankly too weak to draw a line under this and take the necessary action.”

Starmer could've earned my respect here, if only his substance had mirrored his words.

If he really feels this way, shut down the Cummings questioning and actually talk about the "easing of restrictions and doing that safely", if that really is what we should be "focussing on".

But of course, in spite of his suggestion to the contrary, he prefers to try to keep the Cummings story alive...so much for avoiding political point scoring.
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So if some disagree with Cummings’s actions they are just ‘political point scoring‘?

Boris is real worry as a PM. He is frightening.

I would say from Labour there is a clear level of that (maybe a silly statement) but for me if Kier is going to stand there going full throttle at the Conservatives for Cummings then he has to hold a full review of his party and the 3/4 that breached the rules otherwise it is just clear obstruction of us moving forward and point scoring, Labour still has a responsibility to set the standards they expect people to live by and thats heightened in my opinion if you are going to war about the issues. And TBH you could argue the inability of us moving on quicker lays at the doors of the point scoring by the media and others.

In other news is there really a need still for daily briefings?
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So if some disagree with Cummings’s actions they are just ‘political point scoring‘?

Boris is real worry as a PM. He is frightening.

It is frightening how dependent on Dom he is. The thought of continuing alone without Dom by his side fills him with dread. That is not normal. Various reports have outlined that there really are only a few people governing currently. The cabinet does not have much talent. It's more or less the Dom and Boris show with side acts, Handkock (sic), and Sunac. I think they have given up on the rest of the talentless bunch.

That is unprecedented. A huge amount of pressure on very few at a crucial time. Dom and Boris chose a team of brexit supporting MPs for government. People without experience or a great deal of competence. It made Boris even more dependent on Dom.

I don't think people realise how rudderless the UK could become without Domenic Cummings complimenting Boris, and sharing the weight of power.
The rage for Cummings is incredible, having caught up on this thread I believe there's almost as many pages talking about him as there was Poch being sacked.

Based on what I've read driving there is technically within the guidelines although it's I guess what one would say isn't in the spirit of them and probably bends them slightly but it does seem to give a slight unclarified get out for childcare. I'm fairly sure in a court of law based on how it's worded he'd be found not guilty. The other drive to check his eyesight is more dodgy and I'd say against the rules but is no different to what a lot of people have been doing in popping out for a drive and walk somewhere quiet.

I would say the issue is how it's been communicated, Johnson could have apologised and said some people might not agree with his actions and he's made a mistake etc etc but on the balance I believe he acted in good faith bla bla and things could move on. Problem Johnson has is he isn't really an emphathetic leader.

I think as a parent myself and faced with a similar situation I can't say I wouldn't do a drive like that myself so it's hard to be too critical on it, a lot of it is because people hate him anyway and had already lined up to hang him regardless of reasons - we see this time and time again.

Good post and i agree with it the bolded bit is the clincher though. For all the moral nashing of teeth from some on here about the situation i would hazard a guess that if they had the same worries about their child they would not come across so righteous. For others is just political ranting.
Good post and i agree with it the bolded bit is the clincher though. For all the moral nashing of teeth from some on here about the situation i would hazard a guess that if they had the same worries about their child they would not come across so righteous. For others is just political ranting.

The hate for Cummings has given me an insight into how Trump got voted in.

People with certain political views go to such extreme moaning about the "devil" that i think a ot of the public just switch off to the moaning.

I hate Trump as said in the Trump thread but you can see how the Democrats make out every Republican president is the devil that when one truly poor one came along no one listens.

You see it with the demonising of Farage, a man who has stood for parliament 3 times but not got close to winning, yet on his crusade against the EU 52% of the country agreed with him on.

All the people going against Cummings will just end up making him a martyr. I learned in my own life with my brother no matter what soneone has done if you continually criticise them, others feel sorry for them.
Starmer could've earned my respect here, if only his substance had mirrored his words.

If he really feels this way, shut down the Cummings questioning and actually talk about the "easing of restrictions and doing that safely", if that really is what we should be "focussing on".

But of course, in spite of his suggestion to the contrary, he prefers to try to keep the Cummings story alive...so much for avoiding political point scoring.

He started off quite well when he came into power, but the more he says now the more he starts to look just a chancer with as you say point scoring as his agenda.
The hate for Cummings has given me an insight into how Trump got voted in.

People with certain political views go to such extreme moaning about the "devil" that i think a ot of the public just switch off to the moaning.

Its a proven fact. There are two key moments in Brexit and the Trump presidential win that turned the tide and that was the belief from the left that they could steer off the political path and label voters as.......Basket of deplorable's and the like.

What also happens is the loony left side shout and ball and abuse so much that it mobilises casual voters, people that would not usually vote but are put off by the media frenzy surrounding many issues that are made more visible by "outrage" then get out to the polling station.

People say about the return of the right but I don't see it that simple, there are alot of content people who get tinkled off being preached to and from what I can see and understand that comes as a result of a return of the extreme left from Labour and Corbyn in this country. Those that just pottered on with their life were fed up being like I said talked at by a bunch of freedom fighters screaming in their faces about a whole host of topics, metaphorically.

Then comes the entitled left like Bryan Ferrys son and Bono who tell people how to live and its the nail in the coffin for any chance you have of Labour or a more liberal politics.

If you are more expansive with your thought process you could argue that the Labour party are complicit in the UK disaster, they have been so poorly lead in the last GHod knows how many years that the Conservatives were able to:

- Set a referendum they thought they would win ........ and lose
- See the leader quit on the same day
- See another leader take the party to the brink of Brexit
- See her leave and Bojo win a leadership race
- See Bojo call and election


So the mess we are left with is as much to do with Labour, my Labour party not being able to get its brick together enough to see off a party that had 3 leaders in such as short time and get demolished in an election.

Thats why I can't really sit here and throw much at Boris Johnson, the reason he is there is the inability of Labour voters to be able to vote for their own party than anything.

Till that changes, thats what we have, its a bigger problem that the simple way its presented by many
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It's a scary and dangerous time, the truth no longer matters, morality isn't even an afterthought, the aim is now to divide rather than unite.

I can't see a way back.
I do. It is not that he drove all that way. Or went out to the castle on his wife's birthday. They are forgivable under the circumstances with his 4 year old. It is that he barefaced maintains he did no wrong. That is what upsets people. It says 1. you were all mugs for observing lockdown 2. I don't really respect the rules I help create 3. I am a bit crap at PR and don't really recognise that people have made some massive sacrifices and 4. I am unable to admit I am wrong 4. I am unable to put the nation's health (setting a precedent) above my own reputation...and so on.

Massive own goal.
For me, the Cummings situation sums up the whole handling of the pandemic by the government. Failing to put adequate measures early at the ports, thereby allowing the epidemic to seed, abandoning test, track and trace in March, failing to protect the care homes despite the warnings from Sage early in the year.
The top team all going down with Covid 19 at the same time, the of lack of PPE,. and the highest number of deaths in Europe. Then followed with Boris's triumphalism about the NHS. If this pandemic had been handled well people would care less about the Cummings situation because it would be an outlier.

What Cummings did, during a pandemic, was inexcusable. He took an infected person and moved them from one end of the country to another. We believe that the outcome was that he didn't spread the virus, but who knows for sure.

But to those on here who bleat on about political points scoring, how many of you are frontline workers? My aunt died because she took on an extra shift in her nursing home as there were not enough staff to cover. She was vulnerable and she knew it but cared for some of those people for 20 years and couldn't bear to let them down. She had no PPE, and no testing available. She was sitting duck.

Now my father, a 74 year old still registered nurse gets pestered to come back to his work because they are short staffed and because of Boris's speech thinks it is safe.

I work for the local authority every day I send my staff out with very little PPE available relying on just distancing to enforce the law that aims to suppress the virus in the community. 2 of my staff have contracted COVID through work, thankfully both recovered. But they are going into people's homes, shops, illegal shisha bars construction sites. The other week officers actually had to borrow masks from the police to raid an illegal shisha bar. My ex colleagues in the Police themselves have PPE that's not really fit for purpose.

So I challenge those complaining that I am political point scoring to come and stand with me and my team. Stand with us when people are threatening to spit at us and we have no PPE to protect ourselves, stand with us when we walk into smoke filled shisha bars with nothing more a silly paper face covering. Stand with my wife a special needs teachers going back to work where she cannot wear PPE or social distance because the government say it is safe.. We are trying to suppress this virus to protect the public and get you back to work, play whatever you did before lockdown and the government are not helping.
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