Steffen Freund
Completely agree.The relaxing of the rules are going to come with more strict guidelines though which include social distancing where possible, now football can’t do therefore you can argue it should get through a loophole but surely it’s a risk not worth taking especially when every level down has decided sensibly to end? You could argue like has been levelled this week, because of the nature of contact and virus bringing back a contact sport misses the current mood and tone.
For me it’s a high profile flirtation of what we know spreads a virus regardless of “rules”
I guess (I do really want to see their decision making published) the angle is that everyone will be socially distanced off the pitch.
However, the contract tracing is going to include anyone you come into contact with at less than a metre - so that is everyone involved in a corner. One person gets CVD 19 and suddenly both teams have to quarantine for 14 days.
I really don't see how it's feasible without creating exceptional rules - which is not acceptable for me.
And in line with my views re; Cummings and anyone breaking the rules except under serious health endangering circumstances, it will be the end of football for me. It will clearly put £ before people - that's not acceptable.
Maybe I'm missing something here? I hope I am, because I quite like football.