Jimmy Cantrell
People are getting theit knickers in a twist over this and if they were being honest there going after him for more then just this issue. Which is why i will defend him.
Linking todays football story for a reason and the knickers in a twist is a great reason.
I watched the BBC early who promoted this idea that Cummings should be sacked and the tone was doom and gloom and then "on a positive note" football is coming back, thats a change in tone I don't understand personally and it kind of demonstrates a lack of people to remain consistent with their views.
The idea that a man who drove his family without stopping to Durham and back (except for a wee) and he went off piste again with the same people so not spreading the virus for a trip is somehow worse than 220 men playing a contact sport and potentially spreading the virus in a far greater way is laughable even with the "technicalities" people don't trust politicians its been proven with many footballers including our own that you can't trust them to stick to the rules.
I think it proves that rage is selective