Dean Richards
Just remember everybody, "we're all in this together!"
Nope, updated policy, at least in Bridport

Just remember everybody, "we're all in this together!"
I’d never be that rude about anyone, I promiseEverything with government agencies is very slow for a start. There is no incentive to make quick easy changes to save cash. The main aim is to keep your head down as a civil servant. Not go out on a limb or take even the slightest risk. That culture pervades. Even smart able civil servants tend to succumb, and faced with criticism they retreat and take even fewer risks. Since Brexit things got worse still. Many departments just went into a comatose state. Few proactive projects were being undertaken as there was uncertainty, and two lots of purdah, then plenty of changes to departmental bosses - Ministers.
I think new labour were trying to attract more private enterprise-like people into the service. Increasing pay and bonuses. Trying to shift the culture. But from what I've seen a lot of that has been lost and there has been malaise for a decade. There are a lot of departments though, each has a different setup, so I am sure there is plenty of good practice too. We worked with the Department for Business Innovation and Skill. It was such a joke May got rid of the whole department! Closed it down. Also work with the Department for Education. A huge department that all schools answer to directly now. They also oversee Universities, colleges etc.
Generally, the Minister in charge has a pet project. Something they care about, and this gets pushed through with some urgency. The rest languishes.
Edit: now I understand your last line, I thought you were asking what I didYes winning as a civil servant is too often keeping your head down and doing as little as possible. Not true for all of course.
Nope, updated policy, at least in Bridport
Indeed.Cummings is both key architect of Brexit (and Boris being PM). If he is not at the helm, do you think Boris, Patel, Hackc0ck could deliver? (Not that Brexit can really deliver anything, it is an oxymoron imo but that's another discussion). But that is what makes this more interesting, more pointed, and many many people have agendas beyond covid. For example:
- If Brexit could not be 'delivered' without Cummings would you let him stay on? He effectively has a massive mandate from the last election, albeit by proxy of Boris.
- Is it okay that an unelected official has so much power, uses No 10 for his conferences (that is not normal), and can essentially decide his own future without there seemingly being anyone above him to discipline misbehavious?
Still bloody fast!!!
Anyone who can achieve that in this country is doing well
You seen the roads he was driving...Normally yes. But when the roads are empty because everyone else is staying at home.....
He broke less rules then i did in lockdown. I isolated after being released from hospital but after that i left home more then once a day to exercise, on occasions i would go to the supermarket but also go back out in the evening to pick up fish and chips.
He drove his family to be closer to his parents should both he and his wife be ill. He got food delivered and socially distanced when out. Sounds like he took it pretty seriously.
I get you hate him and want him gone wish is fine. I hate the whole Bliar/Cameron type politicians but he aint the devil. As for my morale compass i did not risk infecting people either.
Still bloody fast!!!
Anyone who can achieve that in this country is doing well
What’s that big sign with a number on it!!!Easy, when you can’t see anything else on the road, or the road itself.
You stated Brexit is more important than him breaking the rules. "To be fair i am only looking the other way because their pro brexit."
The rules are in place to stop the virus spreading; to stop people dying.
Your morale compass has decided Brexit is more important than people. That is abhorrent.
Alastair Campbell: even a broken clock tells the correct time twice a day.
Can’t say I particularly like him, but it’s hard to argue with what he says about the Government’s handling of this crisis. I look at the number of deaths and I despair, I know my aunt is one of those, a 69 year old nurse who died before her time trying to ensure the residents of the nursing home she worked at were looked after. The delays in implementing the track and trace system will no doubt cost more lives as the lockdown is lifted.Well that's it then, Alastair Campbell the bastion of Truth and Honesty. ( best laugh i have had for ages)
Can’t say I particularly like him, but it’s hard to argue with what he says about the Government’s handling of this crisis. I look at the number of deaths and I despair, I know my aunt is one of those, a 69 year old nurse who died before her time trying to ensure the residents of the nursing home she worked at were looked after. The delays in implementing the track and trace system will no doubt cost more lives as the lockdown is lifted.
Football is following the government guidance isn't it? If the government tell them it's not happening, it won't. Football coming back is no different to schools going back etc, IMO.Would you see Football above the rules bearing in mind there is going to be 20 teams of 11 potentially spreading the virus regardless of the measures taken? They believe their measures omit the chance of spread so did Cummings by driving straight point to point. I see more likelihood of spread based on 220 men in a close contact sport regardless of the perceived of explained measures than one man and his family. But he is being hounded and Footballs being applauded (or it was reported as good news on tele) so are we putting Football above health and safety?
I certainly don't see the same level of horror at the idea of the virus being spread
You stated Brexit is more important than him breaking the rules. "To be fair i am only looking the other way because their pro brexit."
The rules are in place to stop the virus spreading; to stop people dying.
Your morale compass has decided Brexit is more important than people. That is abhorrent.
Alastair Campbell: even a broken clock tells the correct time twice a day.
Football is following the government guidance isn't it? If the government tell them it's not happening, it won't. Football coming back is no different to schools going back etc, IMO.
That's not to say I agree with it, I think we're rushing it for financial reasons. Plus I was all for season cancelled, Liverpool crying.
If it goes tits up they can always point to the kids in the youth teams and claim exceptional circumstances.
He is just sexing it up.