Jimmy Cantrell
Based on what? You have to have some evidence behind this claim. Even if their peak comes later the likelihood is they will be behind us while it is equally likely we have a second peak.
It is an opinion on a football forum so now but the reason I believe what I believe is following.
If you have locked down efficiently like Germany and fair play to them on that then the only way I see to protect that good work is to remain in a state of full or controlled lockdown which they may do, however as many mention on here that would come at a cost to economy which is driven by exchange aka people coming into your country, which will be a risk to all the work done, so what do you do? It’s almost a catch 22. And I know there is more to it than that but this Virus doesn’t care that Germany locked down well and therefore will leave them alone.
The peak everyone experiences seems to be that of old and vulnerable (people with underlining conditions) yes there are exceptions to that rule but give or take that’s where the majority of death lies. I am not saying that it’s a good thing but it seems to be fact. That peak that’s hit us, Italy and Spain due to various reasons and Sweden through choice follow a same pattern and I believe that pattern is likely unavoidable due to human nature, you can’t police the human race.
I would like to be proven wrong, the idea I don’t is ridiculous, I just believe it as it’s my train of thought.
If you believe this last 2 months is enough and the end of this I think your entitled to your view but you are wrong, this will bite again and come the end when the numbers are tallied up they will all follow the same pattern, in my opinion